Examples of the the word, authorized , in a Sentence Context
The word ( authorized ), is the 7295 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Expiration date. #The (officially An Act Respecting Alien Enemies; ch. 66,), authorized ,the president to apprehend and deport resident aliens if their home countries
- And on the orders of then French Minister of Justice François Mitterrand (who, authorized ,any means" to eliminate the insurrectionists" ), led attacks against the
- After his election he signed the Indian Removal Act into law in 1830. The Act, authorized ,the President to negotiate treaties to buy tribal lands in the east in exchange
- On June 10, 1999. The resolution placed Kosovo under UN administration and, authorized ,a peacekeeping force. NATO announced that its forces had suffered zero combat
- Years to fourteen years. #The (officially An Act Concerning Aliens; ch. 58,), authorized ,the president to deport any resident alien considered" dangerous to the peace
- Of the essential national economic role of a healthy aviation system, Congress, authorized , partial compensation of up to $5 billion in cash subject to review by the
- 1,700 ships, and they captured 2,283 enemy ships. The Continental Congress, authorized ,the creation of a small Continental Navy in October 1775,which was primarily
- Amen. Church of England In the Church of England there are currently two, authorized ,forms of the creed: that of the Book of Common Prayer (1662) and that of
- To the complex issue of fan fiction? If the media agency responsible for the, authorized ,production allows material from fans, what is the limit before legal
- Abolishing slavery. On August 6,1861,Lincoln signed the Confiscation Act that, authorized ,judiciary proceedings to confiscate and free slaves who were used to support
- The case was to be heard by the U. S. Supreme Court, President Ronald Reagan, authorized ,his Treasury and Justice Departments to ask that the BYU case be dropped and
- The market. *Exchange-traded fund arbitrage – Exchange Traded Funds allow, authorized ,participants to exchange back and forth between shares in underlying securities
- Support for the draft throughout the North, and replaced his losses. Lincoln, authorized ,Grant to target the Confederate infrastructure—such as plantations, railroads
- Giveaway of nearly three million copies of the Good Vibrations CD was, authorized ,by Love and The Beach Boys. This free CD, Love alleged, includes five of Love
- Opposition to the National Bank The Second Bank of the United States was, authorized ,for a twenty-year period during James Madison's tenure in 1816. As President
- Near the perimeter and radio for the Lincoln County Sheriff. Deadly force is, authorized ,if violators who attempt to breach the secured area fail to heed warnings to
- From. President Bush exclaimed to then CIA director George Tenet“ who, authorized ,putting him on pain medication? ” Many of the interrogation techniques used
- Over the missile's usefulness and necessity. In June 1959,the Air Force, authorized ,16 Board sites with 56 missiles each; the initial five would get the IM-99A
- Has stated that: Likewise, what I have learned is that as the administration, authorized ,harsh interrogation in April and May of 2002--well before the Justice
- Hoover (and against Al Smith) during the 1928 presidential election. Even the, authorized ,history of BYU notes that both Bob Jones, Sr. and Bob Jones, Jr.“ played
- Are met, violation of some rules regarding baptism, such as varying the, authorized ,rite for the ceremony, renders the baptism illicit (contrary to the Church's
- Sahaba (companions) were still alive. Prior to his death, Abu Bakr gave this, authorized ,copy of the Qur'an to Umar - his successor. It remained with him throughout his
- Of the film survived, however and the film has become well known. The first, authorized ,film version of Dracula did not come about until almost a decade later when
- Who is elected for a 5-year term by direct elections. The president is, authorized ,to form the Cabinet, an inferior executive body, subordinated to him. The
- Alaska Rail network is not connected to Outside. In 2000,the U. S. Congress, authorized ,$6 million to study the feasibility of a rail link between Alaska, Canada,and
- During the 7th and 8th centuries attracted criticism that it had" no, authorized ,records of its direct transmission from the founder of Buddhism" and that Chan
- Though originally committed to ending production of the bombers at 20 aircraft, authorized ,the conversion of a 21st bomber, a prototype test model, to Block 30 fully
- In response, Austria-Hungary recalled its ambassador. Austria-Hungary, authorized ,the mobilization and the declaration of war against Serbia on July 29, 1914.
- Act, a U. S. law that prohibits the federal government from incurring debts not, authorized ,by Congress * Anti-Dumping Agreement, a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- And the 2001-present war. In December 2001,the United Nations Security Council, authorized ,the creation of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to help
- In the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's province of Kosovo, Clinton, authorized , the use of American troops in a NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in
- Significant ... Because Beastie Boys' use of the sound recording was, authorized , the sole basis of Newton's infringement action is his remaining copyright
- Mitigated the persecution policy of his father Eric toward the Catholics and, authorized ,them to hold in 506 the council of Age. He was on uneasy terms with the
- Sales are prohibited on Sundays. Horse racing is prohibited on Sundays unless, authorized ,by the local municipality. Indiana Off-premises alcohol sales are completely
- Of blessing, as he feels inspired. Melchizedek priesthood holders are also, authorized ,to consecrate any pure olive oil and often carry a personal supply in case they
- Representatives to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia were only, authorized ,to amend the Articles, the representatives held secret, closed-door sessions
- Convened on 30th October 1413. During the third session, rival Pope Gregory XII, authorized ,the council as well. The council resolved that all three popes should abdicate
- Special category of products, which differ from the above in that they are not, authorized ,medicinal products. Dietary supplements are regulated under the Food Act and
- Other sources) has widely supplanted the 1959 book, though the latter remains, authorized , As in other places, there has been a reaction and the Canadian version of the
- Oil production. Permanent Fund The Alaska Permanent Fund is a constitutionally, authorized ,appropriation of oil revenues, established by voters in 1976 to manage a
- On his rental agreement form for that house, Omari gave two license-plates, authorized ,to park in his space, one of which was registered to Alta. Omar occasionally
- Native American ancestry enrolled in a federally recognized tribe are legally, authorized ,to obtain Bald or Golden Eagle feathers for religious or spiritual use. The
- Estate now holds the original film elements to the public domain episodes, authorized ,MPI Home Video to officially release the best of the first two seasons on DVD
- Taxes. Four months later, on May 29, 1975,the University Board of Trustees, authorized ,a change in policy to admit" students of any race," a move that occurred
- Were also considered full members of the Waffen-SS. Such personnel were further, authorized ,to display the Death's Head Collar Patch, indicating full membership in both
- Which was known by a few other names before 1861 when the college was fully, authorized ,to confer four-year degrees on both men and women. The first classes were held
- Of literature and art, and it was in his time that the first printing press, authorized ,to use the Arabic or Turkish languages was set up in Constantinople, operated
- Booth formulated a plan (very similar to one of Thomas N. Conrad previously, authorized ,by the Confederacy) to kidnap Lincoln in exchange for the release of
- Zerstörter State (Working group on Reconstruction of destroyed cities), authorized , by Speer in 1943 to rebuild bombed German cities to make them more livable in
- Provides civil and criminal penalties for the following activities, unless, authorized , by regulation or statute: *the introduction into Antarctica of non-indigenous
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