Examples of the the word, tenth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tenth ), is the 7293 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pompeian cavalry. Caesar himself commanded the cavalry, he posted the notorious, tenth ,legion on his right under Sulla, with the undermanned eighth and possibly the
  2. Secondary prevention trials, aspirin reduced the overall mortality by about a, tenth , On the other hand, Antithrombotic Realists’ Collaboration argued such
  3. Names, one of them being Via Hercules, Hercules route returning from his, tenth ,labor. The present coat of arms of Andalusia shows Hercules between two lions
  4. The jaw? " The film grossed $119.5 million in the box office becoming only the, tenth ,film in history up to that point to pass the $100 million mark. On Rotten
  5. Order. With their official numbers, currently (since 1983) they are: the, tenth ,largest in the world. Average annual non-hydrocarbon GDP growth averaged 6
  6. And South Slavs. Therefore, Lansing said, autonomy for the nationalities – the, tenth ,of the Fourteen Points – was no longer enough and Washington could not deal on
  7. To Europe and his brother Bertrand gave him the county of Rogue. In his, tenth ,year, upon Bertrand's death (1112),he succeeded to the county of Toulouse
  8. Willard. Benjamin, their eighth child, was Josiah Franklin's 15th child and, tenth ,and last son. Ben Franklin's mother, Abiah Folder, was born into a Puritan
  9. Of his Twelve labors; the region was the traditional site of the, tenth ,labor, obtaining the cattle of the monster Ger yon. Traditionally, the Pillars
  10. How the universe and God was created. Pasadena Suit (Creation Hymn) in the, tenth ,chapter of the Rig Veda says: Throughout the history of Hinduism there has
  11. For signal strength and sound pressure level measurements, while a unit for one, tenth ,of a byte,i.e. the decimate, is never used. The unit symbol KB is commonly
  12. Of the next progression. The lyrics generally end on the last beat of the, tenth ,bar or the first beat of the 11th bar, and the final two bars are given to the
  13. The government and the Parliament of Botswana. The most recent election, its, tenth , was held on 16 October 2009. Since independence was declared, the party system
  14. As good as the top teams in the National Football League. " The AFL added its, tenth ,and final team on May 24, 1967,when it awarded the league's second expansion
  15. For a time t as Q = It. History The ampere was originally defined as one, tenth ,of the CGS system electromagnetic unit of current (now known as the abampere)
  16. 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall indicated, however,that only about a, tenth ,of the population was still unhappy with the unification (8 percent in the
  17. Abbey at Le Mans. It was subsequently endowed by William de Braose, with a, tenth ,or" tithe" of the profits of the castle and town. The church contains some
  18. Accounted for 30.8 % of the gross domestic product. Brazil is the world's, tenth ,the largest energy consumer with much of its energy coming from renewable sources
  19. They were condemned and executed one by one until before the trial of the, tenth ,and last an error of accounting was discovered, allowing him to go free. (
  20. In a" golden age," neither too young nor too old. If the universe were one, tenth ,as old as its present age, there would not have been sufficient time to build
  21. Princess of R&B" and" Queen of Urban Pop ". She is listed by Billboard as the, tenth ,most successful female R&B artist of the past 25 years, and 27th most
  22. Ritual. Upon returning to London in the autumn of 1913,Crowley published the, tenth ,and final number of volume one of The Equinox. In December 1913 in Paris
  23. Is the Telugu people, who are primarily Dravidians. Andhra Pradesh ranks, tenth ,compared to all Indian States in the Human Development Index scores with a
  24. Justinian I. His works survive only in fragments preserved in Photos and the, tenth ,century lexicographer Sundas. The tale is also related by Stephan us of
  25. Over Paganism. In the Norse settlements of northern England during the, tenth ,century a type of" hogback" grave cover of a long narrow block of stone with
  26. Bogdan, Russian physician and philosopher (b. 1873) *1939 – Joseph Lyons, tenth ,Prime Minister of Australia (b. 1879) * 1943 – Alexandre Miller and, President
  27. Were exported from Levant (a region centered on Lebanon and Israel) from the, tenth ,to nineteenth century. Claudius Alliance comically described beavers chewing
  28. To the Sikh religion. In the late 17th century, Guru Go bind Singh Hi (the, tenth ,guru in Sikhism),was in war with the Mogul rulers to protect the people of
  29. The main reasons for the uprising were the imposition of new taxes,the, tenth ,penny, and the religious persecution of Protestants by the Spanish Inquisition.
  30. To avenge Rome's defeat at Carriage in 53 BC. However, Octavian sent only a, tenth ,the number of those promised, which was viewed by Antony as an intentional
  31. Rules. If the designated hitter (DH) rule is in effect, each team has a, tenth ,player whose sole responsibility is to bat (and run). The DH takes the place
  32. The Bahamas. Manufacturing and agriculture together contribute approximately a, tenth ,of GDP and show little growth, despite government incentives aimed at those
  33. The Earth to the Moon episode entitled" Galileo was Right ". Apollo 16,the, tenth ,manned mission in American Apollo space program, was the fifth mission to land
  34. Then West Mercia, located in the Western Midlands of England. However, the late, tenth ,century manuscript" which alone preserves the poem" originated in the kingdom
  35. Although known as" The Cotton State ", Alabama ranks between eighth and, tenth ,in national cotton production, according to various reports, with Texas
  36. S Book Council of Australia Picture Book of the Year Awards. In 1996,a, tenth ,anniversary edition was released. Base also published a coloring book version
  37. That Paul taught in the lecture-room of Tyrannous" from the fifth to the, tenth ,hour" ( added to Acts 19:9). In his later work, St Paul the Traveler and the
  38. Late Roman Empire and in medieval Europe, and persisted in limited use into the, tenth ,century. Due to Pope Sylvester II's reintroduction of the abacus with very
  39. The Great Irish Famine, the population of Ireland has fallen to less than one, tenth ,of the population of the British Isles. The famine, which caused a century-long
  40. Lk and LM in the dictionary and ch is between cg and CI, and in 2010 the, tenth ,congress of the Association of Spanish Language Academies changed it so they
  41. Globe and from that calculated the fuel needed for the flight. The total was a, tenth ,of the amount that the Saturn V would burn every second. The next day, the
  42. And Kelli. Approximately nine tenth s of the city is south of the AAR, and one, tenth ,is to the north. It has an area, of. Of this area,6.3 % is used for
  43. Under Bryan I, at the expense of some tough conditions; the Avers demanded a, tenth ,of the Lombards' cattle, half of the war booty, and on the war's conclusion
  44. Finds itself in the top 5 most expensive shopping streets in Europe, and the, tenth ,most expensive retail street in the world. Nearby, the renovated Army Fund
  45. As a whole. The" X" denotes the Roman numeral" ten ", as this was the, tenth ,such station to be opened by the Secret Intelligence Service. Due to the long
  46. Being a student in that school who was educated by the Martyrs of the Great (, tenth ,) and last persecution of Christianity at the hands of pagan Rome. This
  47. Stags, made from dough, honey and sesame-seeds. *Day 6 of 16 of Munition (, tenth ,month) a celebration of her as the goddess of nature and animal. A goat was
  48. Traditional rules. In the American, Pacific,and both Cuban leagues, there is a, tenth ,player, a designated hitter, who bats for the pitcher. Each top-level team has
  49. Rome's first millennium, together with Audi speculates for Rome's alleged, tenth ,secular. Coins from his reign commemorate the celebrations. A coin by a
  50. A year or two. This incarnation of the journal ceased publication after its, tenth ,year, in 1883,giving as an explanation Hendricks' declining health, but

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