Examples of the the word, arguably , in a Sentence Context

The word ( arguably ), is the 7292 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Passing in 1965. His single string and" chord melody" technique and ability, arguably ,set the" high mark" that many subsequent tenor players endeavor to attain.
  2. And one at the summer solstice, which has a double sunset. Horizon astronomy is, arguably ,inaccurate, due to variations in refraction. To test this idea he surveyed
  3. True or when someone wins a lottery. The choice of Atari as a brand name was, arguably ,better than Sydney for most markets in terms of spelling, pronunciation and
  4. In the travelogues of The Fall of America. " Howl" and" Kaddish ", arguably ,his two most important poems, are both organized as an inverted pyramid, with
  5. The Sicilian Defense' ( the name of an aggressive opening move in chess), arguably , to get out of their recording contract. Arista's refusal to release the album
  6. Most Turkic and Mongolic as well as some Tunguska languages have it, Korean is, arguably ,in the process of losing its traces, and it is (controversially) hypothesized
  7. Convincing derivations from Basque. The lack of initial in Gascony could, arguably ,be due to a Basque influence, but this issue is under-researched. And the
  8. Forms, of which the -m and -r endings are characteristic. These words can, arguably ,be classified in the oblique case instead. Most modern English grammarians feel
  9. This product is a continuation of APL2 offered for IBM mainframes. IBM APL2 was, arguably ,the most influential APL system, which provided a solid implementation standard
  10. To alchemical hermeticism. The most influential author in this regard was, arguably ,Jair. Jabir's ultimate goal was Taken, the artificial creation of life in
  11. Jobs Jakob Berzelius identified boron as an element in 1824. Pure boron was, arguably ,first produced by the American chemist Ezekiel Mantra in 1909.
  12. Research and associated chain reaction research. The letter is believed to be ", arguably ,the key stimulus for the U. S. adoption of serious investigations into nuclear
  13. Scholar Janice Stockist. Vivaldi scholar Michael Talbot called RV 807 ", arguably ,the best nonoperatic work from Vivaldi's pen to come to light since ... the
  14. Working professionally. Harry Refer, who also played plectrum banjo, was, arguably , the best tenor banjoist of the same era and wrote many works for
  15. Be inconceivable in the risk-averse world of today ... The Apollo program is, arguably ,the greatest technical achievement of mankind to date ... nothing since Apollo
  16. Factory worker Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman cosmonaut, as well as, arguably ,the first civilian cosmonaut (see below for a further discussion of civilians
  17. Model, enjoying particular success in Europe. Although popular with hobbyists, arguably ,its most widespread use was as a gaming machine, where its advanced graphics
  18. Of both the Sac Prairie Saga and the Wisconsin Saga. He also wrote history;, arguably ,most notable among these was The Wisconsin: River of a Thousand Isles
  19. Achieved a public profile that is still unparalleled in his profession, and, arguably , exceeded the fame of his strip. " Camp was the best known, most influential and
  20. The successful passage of Michigan's medical marijuana law, the event had, arguably ,strayed from its initial intent, although for years, a number of attendees have
  21. Juggles says that Heinrich Nissan, working in the mid-nineteenth century was, arguably ,the first archaeoastronomy. Rolf Sinclair says that Norman Locker, working in
  22. This is with the collusion of the detective involved. Five Little Pigs, and, arguably , Ordeal by Innocence, end with whether formal justice will be
  23. Are well-known examples of the Grand Auditorium style. * A" Dreadnought ", arguably ,the most common body style, incorporates a deeper sound box, but a smaller and
  24. South, and Greece to the south-west. The oldest processed gold in the world, arguably ,left by Old Europeans, was found in Verna, and the Black Sea was supposedly
  25. David Van Dries sen—voiced by Mike Judge. A teacher at Highland High School and, arguably ,the only person who cares about Basis and Butt-head. Van Dries sen is a devoted
  26. Altissima (Tree of Heaven) – northern and central mainland China, Taiwan, arguably , the best known species. Acanthus vilmoriniana is a synonym of Acanthus
  27. Demand" in early 1990 and Rude boy of Urban Dance Squad who, at the time, were, arguably , more widely known in New York City than the Netherlands. DJ and Producer All
  28. In and rising from the water with the burial and resurrection of Jesus, arguably ,goes back to Saint Paul, and the linking of the triple immersion with the three
  29. 2–1. A fourth match was played, against a" United Australian XI ", which was, arguably ,stronger than the Australian sides that had competed in the previous three
  30. Is the fourth” Another example of alternate history from this period (and, arguably ,the first to explicitly posit cross-time travel from one universe to another as
  31. Dominance of the Twice, which was a comparatively small kingdom. Mercia was, arguably ,the most powerful Anglo-Saxon kingdom for much of the late 7th and 8th
  32. In the public market. Private to public equities' arbitrage is a term which can, arguably ,be applied to investment banking in general. Private markets to public markets
  33. Has also been marked by the team's intense rivalry with the New York Yankees, arguably ,the fiercest and most historic in North American professional sports. Since
  34. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-Year_Plans_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China, arguably ,the most impressive program to tackle these objectives. The plan gives
  35. Psychological analogy' of the Trinity, is also among his masterpieces, and, arguably , one of the greatest theological works of all time. He also wrote On Free Choice
  36. Is home to many significant art museums. The renowned High Museum of Art is, arguably ,the South's leading art museum and among the most-visited art museums in the
  37. With his own idea of what Apple should be, some of its original character has, arguably ,been lost, but Apple still has a reputation for fostering individuality and
  38. User support and the use of course-specific applications at Acadia that, arguably ,revolutionized learning at the Colville, N. S. campus and beyond. Because of
  39. Prussia (and also the Hohenzollern dynasty),which would eventually become, arguably ,the most powerful German state and instrumental in uniting the whole of Germany
  40. 5–3,many pundits cried foul. At the time of the scandal, the White Sox were, arguably ,the most successful franchise in baseball, with excellent gate receipts and
  41. A preference for Marcus Agrippa, who was Augustus' second in charge and, arguably ,the only one of his associates who could have controlled the legions and held
  42. Scoring System, which introduces scoring objectivity, improves safety, and, arguably , makes the sport more interesting to spectators. Professional boxing remains by
  43. There are no downward infinite membership chains. The axiom of regularity is, arguably ,the least useful ingredient of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, since virtually all
  44. Be known collectively as the Anglo-Saxons. Of the kingdoms they created, Kent, arguably , had the closest links with European politics, trade and culture, because it was
  45. Fastest racquet sport might also be based on reaction time requirements, but, arguably , table tennis requires even faster reaction times. While fans of badminton and
  46. Slugging 64 in hitter-friendly Baker Bowl. In 1921,Ruth improved to, arguably ,the best year of his career, hitting 59 home runs, batting .378 and slugging
  47. Last Supper cycle, his last and possibly his largest series, seen by some as ", arguably ,his greatest," but by others as“ wishy-washy, religiose” and“ spiritless. "
  48. Became the first American to ride to space on board a Russian launch vehicle, arguably ,becoming the first" American cosmonaut ". Chinese Official English-language
  49. The simple expedient of wealth. Contemporary opponents of majoritarianism (, arguably ,the principle behind Athenian democracy) call it an illiberal regime (in
  50. And became the second master of that school where he counted Ximenes and, arguably , Pythagoras amongst his pupils. Little of his life and work is known today.

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