Examples of the the word, competitiveness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( competitiveness ), is the 7296 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cooperation – Textile Clothing Footwear (SPARTA–TCF) scheme, to improve the, competitiveness ,of Fijian exports, the Fiji Live news service reported. The Fiji Times reported
  2. To be overcome, such as the lagging corruption in the public sector and lack of, competitiveness , Iran ranks 69th out of 139 in Global Competitiveness Report. Iran has leading
  3. Budget of €141.5 billion, the largest single expenditure item is" cohesion &, competitiveness ," with around 45 % of the total budget. Next comes" agriculture" with
  4. Suffers from high levels of political and economic corruption and low global, competitiveness ,compared to its EU partners. After 15 consecutive years of economic growth
  5. Government of Botswana is currently considering additional policies to enhance, competitiveness , including a new Foreign Direct Investment Strategy, Competition Policy
  6. Gross Domestic Product. Global competitiveness The Armenian economy's, competitiveness ,is low and stagnating according to the Global Competitiveness Index, in which
  7. A road to serfdom but rather to fairness, economic equality and international, competitiveness , " Austrian school economist Sudra Henry countered by claiming that countries
  8. States supports the Fernández administration's efforts to improve Dominican, competitiveness , to attract foreign private investment, to fight corruption, and to modernize
  9. Union relations The structure of Belarus trade reflects the low, competitiveness ,and output decline of manufacturing industry in the country over the past
  10. Demand has led to a strong recovery, as cost decreases strengthened the, competitiveness ,of Hong Kong exports and a long deflationary period ended. Government
  11. Is the fastest-growing version of the game, owing largely to its simplicity and, competitiveness , Egyptian players dominate the game. Golf croquet is easier to learn and play
  12. Re–engineering business processes to fit the ERP system may damage, competitiveness ,and/or divert focus from other critical activities * ERP can cost more than
  13. Remains a huge gulf between actual and potential Gross Domestic Product. Global, competitiveness ,The Armenian economy's competitiveness is low and stagnating according to the
  14. Agreement in 2005. In anticipation of the declines in the apparel sector's, competitiveness , the previous administration sought to diversify the economy by promoting the
  15. As the main source of foreign investment in China. The manufacturing, competitiveness ,gradually declined in Hong Kong due to the development of the manufacturing
  16. 2007 EU countries discussed cutting €548m ($755m,£370m) from the union's, competitiveness ,budget for the following year and shifting some of that cash to other parts of
  17. To the World Economic Forum, Brazil was the top country in upward evolution of, competitiveness ,in 2009,gaining eight positions among other countries, overcoming Russia for
  18. Europe, and the Middle East) and the need to diversify the economy. Declining, competitiveness ,in tourism and especially in manufacturing are expected to act as a drag on
  19. Along with his estrangement from McCartney, Lennon always felt a musical, competitiveness ,with him and kept an ear on his music. During his five-year career break he was
  20. In the manufacturing sector has been assumed to be caused by a decline in the, competitiveness ,of the sector. The truth however is that it has been caused by the introduction
  21. Into the Eastern Caribbean regional economy will help enhance Grenada’s, competitiveness ,and increase its scale of economy in production, marketing and distribution.
  22. And made a recommendation that the procedures be reviewed to ensure genuine, competitiveness ,of Congressional election contests. Voting Rights Act of 1965 After
  23. And prosperous nations, leading Latin American nations in human development, competitiveness , income per capita, globalization,economic freedom, and low perception of
  24. The 43rd freest in the 2011 Index of Economic Freedom. Israel's economic, competitiveness ,is helped by strong protection of property rights, relatively low corruption
  25. On the Baltimore roster. Though the deal did little to improve the short-term, competitiveness ,of the club, it helped establish a fresh identity for the Orioles franchise. To
  26. Income tax rates while maintaining overall tax revenues; boosted industrial, competitiveness ,through labor market and tax reforms, increased research and development funds.
  27. For limited college slots had the effect in New York City of increasing the, competitiveness ,of the city's system of higher education. By the end of the 1960s,admission
  28. The fashion industry to better protect small and medium businesses and promote, competitiveness ,within the textile and clothing industries. In mathematics, Fourier analysis is
  29. To liberalize and open the economy, have significantly boosted the country’s, competitiveness ,fundamentals, providing a better environment for private-sector development.
  30. Projected to number around 580 million by 2030. Though ranking 51st in global, competitiveness , India ranks 17th in financial market sophistication,24th in the banking
  31. Suffers from high levels of political and economic corruption and low global, competitiveness ,relative to its EU partners. The Greek economy faces significant problems
  32. And communication to create more efficient agglomerations in terms of, competitiveness , innovation, environment,energy, utilities,governance, and delivery of
  33. Does not exceed 0.18 % of GDP, which marks the lowest level in Europe. Economic, competitiveness ,and exports are low, with the economy still heavily skewed towards low
  34. Duties on certain goods) are hurting productivity and in turn the country's, competitiveness , Public sector reform To gain synergies through economies of scale (critical
  35. These“ little guys” have been the lifeblood of American progress and, competitiveness ,for more than 200 years. Our system was designed to protect individual rights
  36. Record growth on most macroeconomic metrics, Armenia is" low and lagging" in, competitiveness , According to the National Statistical Service, the booming construction and
  37. People dead or missing. It leads Latin American nations in human development, competitiveness , income per capita, globalization,economic freedom, low perception of
  38. A spiral of decline. Gary's decline was brought on by the growing overseas, competitiveness ,in the steel industry, which had caused U. S. Steel to lay off many workers
  39. Of the United States. It is also gaining momentum in Japan. Because of its, competitiveness , skill and the fact that it is a non-contact sport, the game suits people from
  40. The late 1980s including a managed devaluation of the rupiah to improve export, competitiveness , and deregulation of the financial sector, Foreign investment flowed into
  41. In several ways. First, it increases production costs and, therefore,reduces, competitiveness , particularly in the mining and forestry sectors. Second, it inhibits the
  42. To join McLaren. Rep co produced a more powerful version of their V8 to maintain, competitiveness ,against Ford's new Cosworth DFV, but it proved very unreliable. Slow
  43. It also perpetuates poverty and affects national economies through losses in, competitiveness , productivity and potential income. Withdrawing children from child labor
  44. Called" epigenetics" ). This will be predominantly motivated by individual, competitiveness ,and the desire to create the best opportunities for children, rather than an
  45. Countries, overcoming Russia for the first time, and partially closing the, competitiveness ,gap with India and China among the BRIC economies. Important steps taken since
  46. Bank devalued the Pull by 7.5 % in February 2004 in a bid to maintain export, competitiveness ,against the real appreciation of the Pull. There was a further 12 % devaluation
  47. On maintaining the country's fiscal health and improving international, competitiveness , In October 1998,Hurricane Mitch devastated Honduras, leaving more than 5,000
  48. Being 1NT and 7NT. This premium for contracting to take more tricks ensures, competitiveness ,in the auction: even if a partnership holds most of the high cards and their
  49. Germany, and significantly higher than most European countries. In the Business, competitiveness ,index 2007–08 Finland ranked third in the world. Economists attribute much
  50. Of mass production, with a mind towards preserving Germany's economic, competitiveness ,with England. In its first seven years, the Weekend came to be regarded as the

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