Examples of the the word, descriptive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( descriptive ), is the 6684 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Such as the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and Webster's Third are, descriptive , and attempt to describe the actual use of words. While descriptivists argue
  2. So he was cautious that the titles given to his work were not overly, descriptive ,or evocative. It is likely that some of today's more literal titles, such as "
  3. And historical linguistics; the putative original PIE word for bear is itself, descriptive , because a cognate word in Sanskrit is Kansas, meaning " harm, injury ".
  4. Corruption into kitsch. The present day concept of an 'artist' Artist is a, descriptive ,term applied to a person who engages in an activity deemed to be an art. An
  5. Apply two basic philosophies to the defining of words: prescriptive or, descriptive , Noah Webster, intent on forging a distinct identity for the American language
  6. Shell but with a number of extensions. The name itself is an acronym, a pun and, descriptive , As an acronym, it stands for Bourne-again shell, referring to its objective as
  7. Heaven. Islam The Islamic belief in the afterlife as stated in the Qur'an is, descriptive , The Islamic word for Paradise is Janna and Hell is Johanna. Janna and
  8. Almost to despair over this problem. " Martin Heidegger refers to Augustine's, descriptive ,philosophy at several junctures in his influential work, Being and Time. Hannah
  9. Is always tonal, it rarely uses the chords or scales of tonality, and so the, descriptive ,resources of tonal theory are of limited use. George Perl and Elliott
  10. Equations),Orator (mechanism theory),OSI Some (mechanics) and Budget (, descriptive ,and higher geometry). In 1877, he was awarded the gold medal for his
  11. Upon the back of a photograph of himself:" Pelosi is magnificent with his, descriptive ,lyrics and picture of nature, but you are better still. I worked on him a good
  12. Balloons, emblematic of the comic book art form) as well as including brief, descriptive ,prose. The first comic book appeared in the United States in 1933,reprinting
  13. Course is intended for business majors, and covers statistical study, descriptive ,statistics (collection, description,analysis, and summary of data)
  14. Villagers) and Hadar (townspeople),though these are often little more than, descriptive , Tribal loyalties are regarded as more important in Arabian society. Yemen In
  15. Background: multi-word identifiers Computer programmers often need to write, descriptive ,(hence multi-word) identifiers, like " end of file" or" char table ", in
  16. Normative. Academics attempting to understand business behavior employ, descriptive ,methods. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the
  17. By showing a logical contradiction. A précising definition extends the, descriptive ,dictionary definition (lexical definition) of a term for a specific purpose
  18. Has subtly different meanings in different contexts. A definition may be, descriptive ,of the general use meaning, or stimulative of the speaker's immediate
  19. That does not use water. In some, such evidence may be archaeological and, descriptive ,in nature, rather than a modern practice. Mystery religion initiation rites
  20. Continuing influence on Continental philosophy throughout the 20th century. His, descriptive ,approach to intentionality, memory,and language as these phenomena are
  21. In the other. For instance, many Common Lisp programmers like to use, descriptive ,variable names such as list or string which could cause problems in Scheme, as
  22. Were beginning to be formed, notation had been made more specific, more, descriptive , and schematics for works had been simplified (yet became more varied in their
  23. Much consideration in modern times. Most dictionaries of English now apply the, descriptive ,method to a word's definition, and then,outside the definition itself, add
  24. Sounds the same as born again, a term for spiritual rebirth. The name is also, descriptive ,of what it did, bashing together the features of sh, csh and ash. History Brian
  25. Narrative analysis. Linguistic anthropology is divided into its own subfields:, descriptive ,linguistics the construction of grammars and lexicons for unstudied languages;
  26. Present in many modern dictionaries is considered less than objectively, descriptive ,as well. Although the first recorded dictionaries date back to Sumerian times (
  27. Poet Zhukov sky appreciated Friedrich's psychological themes, Dahl praised the, descriptive ,quality of Friedrich's landscapes, commenting that" artists and connoisseurs
  28. To the botanic garden of Leiden, and by the publication of numerous works, descriptive ,of new species of plants. In 1714,when he was appointed rector of the
  29. The word cell comes from the Latin cellular, meaning " a small room ". The, descriptive ,term for the smallest living biological structure was coined by Robert Hooke in
  30. And document layout and formatting. The original ASCII standard used only short, descriptive ,phrases for each control character. The ambiguity this caused was sometimes
  31. How much the function is discontinuous at a point. This definition is useful in, descriptive ,set theory to study the set of discontinuities and continuous points – the
  32. Their treatment of the language does affect usage to some degree, even the most, descriptive ,dictionaries providing conservative continuity. In the long run, however,the
  33. Had many theological and musical conversations, exploring his view of Bach's, descriptive ,music, and playing the major Chorale Preludes for her at the Temple Nerf.
  34. UNIDO de América (United States of America). Such usage is slightly more, descriptive ,than" American ", but also not sufficiently specific to the United States of
  35. In its alphabetic function today. It literally means" double gamma" and is, descriptive ,of the original letter's shape. Emission The name emission was used for the
  36. Valencian and Balearic Catalan: mole, instead of motile). Grammar The first, descriptive ,and normative grammar book of modern Catalan was written by Pompey Sabra in
  37. Like mathematics, a 'stimulative' definition guides a specific discussion. A, descriptive ,definition can be shown to be" right" or" wrong" by comparison to general
  38. Secret of a civilization ". It may be viewed as didactic, mocking,or merely, descriptive ,; in any event it preserves the attitudes and practices that were the foundation
  39. Specialist craftsmen from outside the kin-group. This categorization is, descriptive , and it is used as a general touchstone when considering ancient cities
  40. For single-entry bookkeeping Double-entry system Daybooks A daybook is a, descriptive ,and chronological (diary-like) record of day-to-day financial transactions
  41. Often shun the numerical system, preferring to rate specimens on a purely, descriptive , or adjectival, scale. Nevertheless, most grading systems use similar
  42. In algorithmic information theory, the Kolmogorov complexity (also called, descriptive ,complexity, algorithmic complexity or algorithmic entropy) of a string is the
  43. System by which Russians over the ages named their sight hounds was a series of, descriptive ,terms, not actual names. " Borzoi" is the masculine singular form of an
  44. Husserl writes:" The analysis of time-consciousness is an age-old crux of, descriptive ,psychology and theory of knowledge. The first thinker to be deeply sensitive to
  45. Of expressible certain classes of logical statements, as a result of work in, descriptive ,complexity. All languages (of finite structures with a fixed signature
  46. It is more stable than the other allotropes. Properties Several kinds of, descriptive ,categorizations can be applied broadly to the elements, including consideration
  47. Russian mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov. Kolmogorov complexity is also known as, descriptive ,complexity, Kolmogorov–Chaitin complexity, algorithmic entropy, or program-size
  48. Ones) are sometimes distinguished is whether they are prescriptive or, descriptive , the latter being in theory largely based on linguistic corpus studies—this is
  49. Based on cladistic reasoning are said to emphasize ancestry at the expense of, descriptive ,characteristics, and thus ignore biologically sensible, clearly defined groups
  50. Of individuals and entire organizations. Business ethics has both normative and, descriptive ,dimensions. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is

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