Examples of the the word, fr , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fr ), is the 6682 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Ommelanden Image: Gelre-4 Weyden. SVG|VII. Duchy of Guilders Image: Blazon, fr , Hainaut ancient. SVG|VIII. County of Hainaut Image: Counts of Holland Arms.
  2. Son of Cyrus and a daughter of Aries named Nineties (Herod. 3.2,Dion, fr , II, Polyaen. viii. 29),whose death he avenges on the successor of the
  3. Within the Amazon. Com organization. Amazon. Ca, Amazon. De, Amazon., fr , Amazon. It, Amazon. Co. JP, and Amazon. Cn also use ASINs. ASINs are unique
  4. Of Troy unfavorably with Thesis, the mother of Achilles. A drinking poem (, fr , 346) The following verses demonstrate some key characteristics of the Altaic
  5. Novel),2002,by http://www.victorteboul.com/Article.aspx? ID 7&L,for, Victor Seoul. **Alexandria: A History and a Guide (1922; numerous reprints)
  6. Blazon Villa for Avanne-Aveney (Doubt). SVG|before 1236 Images: Blazon Comte, fr , Gueldre. SVG| fr om 1236 Images: Armories Guilder. SVG| fr om 1276 Images:
  7. WK 229 Selected works by opus number (adapted fr om the listing in the at, fr , Wikipedia. Org) *Op. 2: 6 Sonatas for Keyboard and Violin and Cello (ad
  8. On the last syllable. For example, nivå (for. Nivea," level" ), fåtölj (, fr , Fauteuil," armchair" ) and affair (" shop; affair" ), etc. Cross-borrowing
  9. for Du prat. SVG|Or a fess sable between three trefoils vert Image: Blazon Villa, fr , Boissy-sans-Avoir (Felines). SVG|Rules a cross Flory argent between four
  10. In Petronius's Satyr icon. The extant work also includes fr agments of erodes (, fr , 115-118) but the authorship is disputed by many modern scholars, who
  11. The surviving fr agments of Euripides' play Phaethon in a speech near the end (, fr ,781 N²),Klymenê,Phaethon's mother, laments that Helios has destroyed her
  12. Money '; abundant > 'abundance '. * The evolution of pl-, fl,cl- into pr-, fr , CR- as in Portuguese and Galician; for example: plate > plaza 'plaza' (
  13. A boundary point of S. Notations used for boundary of a set S include BD (S),for, ( S),and IS. Some authors (for example Willard, in General Topology) use
  14. In terms more typical of a divinity, as holy/pure, honey-smiling Sappho (, fr , 384),may owe its inspiration to her performances at the festival. The
  15. During his interview with Penelope upon his return to Ithaca. According to, fr , 43a.5 of Hesiod's Catalog of Women, Erysichthon was also known as Action
  16. F. (1923) Die Fragments her griechischen Histories I (Berlin),IIA,490,for, 37) # It represents a form of placer mining practiced in Georgia, for example
  17. Most recent addition to the corpus is a virtually-complete poem on old age (, fr , 58). The line-ends were first published in 1922 fr om an Oxyrhynchus papyrus
  18. Into the convent, Fauchelevent was able to bring in his" brother" Ultimate (, fr , Ultimo) Fauchelevent (the real name of Fauchelevent's deceased brother).
  19. S federation under Mylène, held at the 'Lesson' ( referred to as teens in, fr , S 129 and 130),where Sappho performed publicly with female choirs. Antaeus '
  20. Image switched to color; the presenter then declared" Et voice la cooler! " (, fr , : And here is color!) The first color television sets cost 5000 Francs. Color
  21. Org de. Wikipedia. Org, for, Wikipedia. Org pl. Wikipedia. Org
  22. Antaeus described her thus:" Violet-haired, pure,honey-smiling Sappho" (, fr , 384). The third-century philosopher Maximus of Tyre wrote that Sappho was "
  23. Instruments. The word is of French origin and is related to the root touche (, fr , ),'mouth '. The proper embouchure allows the instrumentalist to play the
  24. En. Wiktionary. Org, for, Wiktionary. Org vi. Wiktionary. Org
  25. Heraldic double treble 1. SVG|Trefoil in heraldry Image: Blazon Camille, fr , Duprat. SVG|Or a fess sable between three trefoils vert Image: Blazon Villa for
  26. Later 14th century. In 1382,rebellious citizens of Paris seized 3,000 mauls (, fr , Maillet) fr om the city armory, leading to the rebels being dubbed
  27. Despite Egyptian protests. The 1952 publication of Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 2256,for, 3 confirmed a long-assumed (because of The Suppliants' cliffhanger ending)
  28. Often accompanies a bourrèe, a fish soup, or is served with potatoes and cod (, fr , More). There are as many recipes as there are families in Provence. *
  29. And raised Glycerin to the throne. (Marius of Agencies; John of Antioch, fr , 209) In 474,Burgundian influence over the empire seems to have ended.
  30. Repeaters) (1995) Televisions: 34.8 million (1997) Internet country code:., fr , Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 62 (2000) Internet hosts: 15,182,001;
  31. In fact, eight important fr agments have now been compiled fr om papyri -, fr , S 9,38A,42,45,34 (a),129,130 and most recently S262. These fr agments
  32. The coat of arms of the region evolved during the ages. Image: Blazon Villa, fr , Avanne-Aveney (Doubt). SVG|before 1236 Images: Blazon Comte for Guilder.
  33. Of MUD icons, menus and gadgets at http://www.aps. fr /article/ambient.html apps., fr , and images of June stay at main
  34. The emperor (apparently personally). (Chronic Gallic 511; John of Antioch, fr , 209; Jordanes, Getica,239) Richer then appointed Polybius; both died
  35. Sappho's poetry. For example, modern scholars have noted the echoes of Sappho, fr , 2 in his poem On Human Nature, which copies fr om Sappho the quasi-sacred grove
  36. Also been described" as clear, melodious and spare as a line of Sappho" )::, fr , 119: If only I might have a maiden who is both beautiful and tender.
  37. Obs. Univ-lyon1., fr , Demonstration touch ant LE movement de la Lumiere (The 1676 paper on the
  38. Of poetic ornament, such as simile or metaphor. Like many of his poems (e.g., fr , S 38,326,338,347,350),it begins with a verb (in this case" Let's
  39. Mistaken for a unicorn's horn. However, it gave its name to the local beer (, fr , : Bière de la Licorice) and to the Carlsbad brewery (f: Brasserie la Licorice)
  40. S person (Aristotle ATH. Pol. 6),returning exiled Athenian slaves (Solon, fr , 4 in ATH. Pol. 12),changing the value of weights and measures to the
  41. Level Internet domain) is. WF. Currently, this is suspended in favor of the., fr , and. Nc (Novella Caledonia) data code. This article is about the demographic
  42. Anything as thoughtful or sympathetic as the following poem of Simonizes (, fr , 542),quoted in Plato's dialogue, the Protagoras, and reconstructed here
  43. Among these were the low taxes (the national budget being fixed at 2,735,for, Throughout its history),the absence of import tariffs fr om both neighboring
  44. 2008),ISBN: 978-2-9531917-0-7,Editions de la Merci, editions@orange., fr , * Vademecum, quo Montes Alchemical Art (cited by Arthur Dee in his Fascicles
  45. Google. Com # sky rock. Com # MSN. Com # yahoo. Com # net log. Com # google., fr , # eBay. Be # Wikipedia. Org # Dailymotion. Com # blogger. Com # party poker. Com
  46. For a song to be sung at a symposium for the young prince, Alexander I (, fr , 20B). Soon he was competing with Pindar for commissions fr om the leading
  47. Of daylight left" ) though it is possible that he coined it himself. A hymn (, fr , 34) Antaeus rarely used metaphor or simile, and yet he had a fondness for the
  48. The measured values are proportional to light intensity),we have:: CR = α, fr , + (1 − α) BR: cg = α FG + (1 − α) BG: CB = α FB + (1 − α) BB Note that if
  49. As a former President and is listed in the presidents' gallery on Élysée., fr , ( the President's official site). This is in contrast to acting presidents
  50. Accent ", characterized by emphasis on the last syllable. For example, nivå (, fr , Niveau," level" ), fåtölj (for. factual," armchair" ) and affair (" shop

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