Examples of the the word, descent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( descent ), is the 6681 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sunday, July 20),1969,Armstrong opened the hatch, and at 02:51 UTC began his, descent ,to the lunar surface. The Remote Control Unit controls on his chest kept him
  2. Genealogy to the Book of Generations, a document originating from a similar, descent ,from Levites in order to magnify the religious credentials of Moses. The Exodus
  3. To Alexander. As a member of the Area dynasty, Alexander claimed patrilineal, descent ,from Heracles through Car anus of Macedon. From his mother's side and the
  4. Long ": they would land miles west of their target point. Five minutes into the, descent ,burn, and above the surface of the Moon, the LM navigation and guidance
  5. In which the ascent engine is fired simultaneously with the jettison of the, descent ,stage. This capability was made available, only to be used in the event of a
  6. Agnaldo Ta mayo Méndez became the first person of Hispanic and black African, descent ,to fly in space, Guion Bluford became the first African American to fly into
  7. Look at the pressure reading of the supercritical helium (She) tank in the LM, descent ,stage, which had been suspect since before launch. After the abort decision
  8. S atmosphere. It consisted of two stages, a descent and an ascent stage. The, descent ,stage contained compartments which carried cargo such as the Apollo Lunar
  9. In Springfield usually hired domestic servants of Irish and African American, descent , The Lincolns never owned slaves. Robert Todd Lincoln was born in 1843 and
  10. Are reported, allegedly connected with Islamic youth, mostly boys of Moroccan, descent , According to the Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, a
  11. Other (primarily East Indian and Asian). Most Whites are of Irish or British, descent , Christian Byzantine Arabs, and a few Asians and Sephardi Jews
  12. Jack German told guidance officer Steve Bales it was safe to continue the, descent ,and this was relayed to the crew. The program alarms indicated" executive
  13. Return trajectory with a small burn of the LM descent propulsion system. The, descent ,engine was used again for the PC+2 burn. One more decent engine burn was later
  14. Held an important position at court and was connected by remote illegitimate, descent ,with the Portuguese monarchy. He was educated in mathematics and Latin at the
  15. Of 'Buddhist kingship ', the king sought to legitimize his rule not through, descent ,from a divine source, but by supporting and earning the approval of the
  16. Called accordion was first patented in 1829 by Cyril Damian, of Armenian, descent , in Vienna Demian's instrument bore little resemblance to modern instruments.
  17. States. About three-fifths of the land area is a gentle plain with a general, descent ,towards the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. The North Alabama region
  18. The current prime minister of the island nation, Mike Man, is of Jewish, descent , Average daily consumption in is about 37,000 metric tons. Places of interest
  19. In Earth orbit. They flew the LM up to from Gumdrop, using the engine on the, descent ,stage to propel them originally, before jettisoning it and using the ascent
  20. Luna 15 — an unmanned Soviet spacecraft in lunar orbit, began its own, descent ,to the lunar surface. Launched only three days before the Apollo 11 mission
  21. System. The descent engine was used again for the PC+2 burn. One more, descent ,engine burn was later required for a minor course correction. Considerable
  22. In the event of a critical problem on the Moon landing, such as running out of, descent ,fuel, but was never needed. Apollo 6 was the last unmanned Saturn V flight
  23. To present major landing or extra-vehicular activity (EVA) challenges. Lunar, descent ,On July 20, 1969 the lunar module (LM) Eagle separated from the command
  24. English band Iron Maiden * Adrian Stoop, English rugby union player of Dutch, descent ,* Adrian Types, Fictional character in Konami's Castlemaine series of video
  25. To support the crew until return, and the remainder was stored in the, descent ,stage, out of reach. The CM had an adequate supply of canisters, but these were
  26. Had a man's preoccupations ". Throughout her life, Agrippina always prized her, descent ,from Augustus, upbraiding Tiberius for persecuting the blood of his predecessor
  27. Consider him as evolution's the most ancient proponent. The theory of an aquatic, descent ,of man was re-conceived centuries later as the aquatic ape hypothesis. These
  28. Caused by air friction. After re-entry, it deployed parachutes that slowed its, descent , allowing a smooth splashdown in the ocean. Under the leadership of Harrison
  29. Was to re-establish the free return trajectory with a small burn of the LM, descent ,propulsion system. The descent engine was used again for the PC+2 burn. One
  30. The population. Starting from the end of the 19th century, people of European, descent ,in Algeria (or natives like Spanish people in Oran),as well as the native
  31. Eagle as it pirouetted before him to ensure the craft was not damaged. As the, descent ,began, Armstrong and Aldrin found that they were passing landmarks on the
  32. The invading Saxons from Britain. Cedric, who is of both Germanic and British, descent ,and raised as a Roman citizen, served in his army as a young man. In the novel
  33. Even larger, separate propulsion module would have been required for the lunar, descent , ) The final choice of lunar orbit rendezvous changed the CSM's role to a
  34. Arabic themed Bazaar West, a market with shopkeepers predominantly of foreign, descent , The city has an active and visible gay and lesbian community which the city
  35. Upon liftoff from the Moon reveals the American flag, planted some from the, descent ,stage, whipping violently in the exhaust of the ascent stage engine. Buzz
  36. 1816 – June 28, 1876) was an Austrian composer and music historian of Czech, descent , Life He was born at Myth, Rokycany District, Bohemia. (1773–1850),the
  37. Called the" Activists ", views these similarities as arising from common, descent ,from a photovoltaic language spoken several thousand years ago. The other camp
  38. Of 85,632,mostly made up of people of West African, British,and Portuguese, descent , The ethnic distribution consists of 91 % Black or Mulatto,4.4 % mixed race
  39. French Algeria until Algerian independence in 1962. His mother was of Spanish, descent ,and was half-deaf. His father Lucien, a poor agricultural worker, died in the
  40. Emperor who reigned after Alexios I Comments was related to him by either, descent ,or marriage. Family By his marriage with Irene Domain, Alexios I had the
  41. Simon, Miltiades,Alcibiades and the historian Thucydides, traced their, descent ,from Ajax. The Italian scholar Margin recently showed that on an Etruscan
  42. Through Car anus of Macedon. From his mother's side and the Acids, he claimed, descent ,from Neoptolemus, son of Achilles; Alexander was a second cousin of the
  43. Landing sites on the surface of the Moon with sufficient resolution to see the, descent ,stages of the lunar modules, scientific instruments, and foot trails made by
  44. Flight go back many centuries, however the first manned ascent - and safe, descent ,- in modern times took place by hot-air balloon in the 18th century. Each of
  45. Not allow them into their ranks. Amongst Antiguans and Barbuda of Portuguese, descent , status differences were based on the varying degrees of assimilation into the
  46. Married a former governor of Syria, Lucius Marcus Philip pus. Philip pus claimed, descent ,from Alexander the Great, and was elected consul in 56 BC. Philip pus never had
  47. And the revered reformer of the Kaaba in Mecca. And has claimed a lineage of, descent ,from Abraham through Return and Sarah. Additionally, Baha'u'Allah actually did
  48. Great, son of the Epidote princess Olympias, could therefore also claim this, descent , and in many ways strove to be like his great ancestor. He is said to have
  49. Not stopped many genealogists from attempting to reconstruct a valid line of, descent ,for various medieval rulers. One of the most credible claims has been that of
  50. Been able to fly through the Earth's atmosphere. It consisted of two stages,a, descent ,and an ascent stage. The descent stage contained compartments which carried

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