Examples of the the word, ironically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ironically ), is the 6630 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Supposed" to appear in the fourth season premiere of Celebrity Deathwatch (, ironically ,titled" Where is Bob Costs? ") as a guest-commentator, but about halfway
  2. Charles I, when the island's government fell under the control of Royalists (, ironically ,the Governor, Philip Bell, remained loyal to Parliament while the Barbadian
  3. Cross-cultural psychiatrist Arthur Klansman contends that the Western bias is, ironically ,illustrated in the introduction of cultural factors to the DSM-IV: the fact
  4. It culminated in comedian Norman Long's release of a comic song in 1933, ironically , titled " On the Day That Chelsea Went and Won the Cup ", the lyrics of which
  5. Arsenal ", which used to be a common taunt from opposition fans but is now sung, ironically ,by Arsenal supporters when the team is playing well. There have always been
  6. Deposed by Laborious in late 560 BC. Laborious, was certainly not a Chaldean, ironically ,he was an Assyrian from Harlan. Laborious proved to be the last king of Babylon
  7. Fawcett capitulated in 1955 and ceased comics publication. Years later, Fawcett, ironically , sold the rights to Captain Marvel to DC — which in 1973 revived Captain Marvel
  8. Relative leniency. Some cases were resolved in financial compensation paid, ironically , to the patron chieftain of the Jew who was murdered (and not to the family of
  9. Believed would be essential in the confusion of a real war situation, but had, ironically ,been killed in an accident caused by captains rigorously obeying incorrect but
  10. 1944's Phantom Lady (a top-of-the-line B and Wool rich adaptation),the, ironically ,titled Christmas Holiday (1944),and Cry of the City (1948). Cross Cross (
  11. Mother, but Desiree continually puts off going to see her, preferring,somewhat, ironically ," The Glamorous Life ". She is performing near Fredrik's home, and he brings
  12. Low. The Flåklypa-mountain is a stylized version of a real mountain, where, ironically , enough,the valley underneath it is named Flatly. It is also widely believed
  13. Euphonium players are most likely to find a position in a brass band, but, ironically , even though they often play at world-class levels, the members of the top
  14. Aachen as well as to the other spas; the main indication for visiting patients, ironically , was syphilis; only by the end of the 19th century had rheum become the most
  15. Both Antony and Octavian were vying for an alliance with Compass, who was, ironically ,a member of the Republican Party, not the Caesarion faction. Aware of his
  16. The bat.::: Gardner asserts that" lulu" ( as in" humdinger" ) is being used, ironically ,in this case. The original version of the poem used" lulu" and" cake" to
  17. Failed. Alexander was carried by sleigh to the Winter Palace to his study where, ironically , twenty years before almost to the day, he had signed the Emancipation Edict
  18. Movie production, October Sky, the early rockets he and his friends built were, ironically ,named" Auk ". *A cigarette company, the British Great Auk Cigarettes, was
  19. Was the premiere attraction at the newly constructed 1,800-seat theater, which, ironically , was itself razed thirty years later (in 2002,in order to build a new office
  20. Are still used in various parts of the Hispanophone world, although Canada, ironically ,has the least underworld connotation, and is often used to describe industrial
  21. Baroque art was created during—and often for—the Counter-Reformation and so, ironically , BYU has been criticized by some other fundamentalists for promoting“ false
  22. Peacefully on their own. However, in the final scene,Robin's wishes are, ironically ,fulfilled when the Security Council is improperly re-hydrated. All of the
  23. Of the pilgrimage to Canterbury is religious (although the prologue comments, ironically ,on its merely seasonal attractions),making religion a significant theme of
  24. Of the character" Hal Rap," a foul-tempered, ill-mannered,and (, ironically ,) inebriated cartoonist, ( Camp was a teetotaler). Later, it was revealed to
  25. Videos for country singer Dwight Oakum:" Ain't That Lonely Yet" ( which, ironically , was filmed in Los Angeles, California the day of the 1993 World Trade Center
  26. Great offense due to the association with Nazism, but this label is also used, ironically ,and/or occasionally proudly self-applied. Examples of flaming Any subject of a
  27. Staple of the comic afterwards. The only hint at the true creation of the game, ironically ,comes from the last Calvin ball strip, in which a game of football quickly
  28. Carriers, although Argentina would make little use of its sole carrier, ironically ,supplied originally by Britain. Lebanon The United States Sixth Fleet assembled
  29. American beadwork is a quintessentially Native American art form, but, ironically , uses beads imported from Europe and Asia. Glass beads have been in use for
  30. A person with artistic pretensions. In French: an artist. Can be used, ironically ,for a person demonstrating little professional skills or passion.; arrest à on
  31. The Jacobite claimant to the British throne. It is sometimes claimed that, ironically , the song was originally sung in support of the Jacobite cause: the word" send
  32. While William Make peace Thackeray's novel Pendents (1850) uses the phrase, ironically , implying it was already established. The Oxford English Dictionary refers to "
  33. Religious affiliation, compared with the national average of 18.7 %, although, ironically , the large number of churches in Adelaide has led people to believe this is the
  34. Half-brothers were imprisoned on their arrival in the capital for the purpose, ironically , of electing a new shah. The quarrels among Timur's descendants that threw
  35. Jinnah's plan to divide India, which in turn eased Mountbatten's task. This, ironically ,resulted in a position which was essentially a bargaining tool for Jinnah to
  36. Who also starred in the movie as a singer of the fictional band. Even more, ironically ,most of the bands who actually did appear as themselves in the movie, such as
  37. Of abbés so formed—abbés de court hey were sometimes called, and sometimes (, ironically ,) abbés de saint temperance, ( abbés of holy hope; or the pun, of St.
  38. Attack was a total failure, infecting not a single person. The reason for this, ironically , is that the group used the vaccine strain of the bacterium. The spores
  39. By scholars such as Jonathan Fen by and Reyna Matter. Matter has observed that, ironically , today's China is closer to Chiang's vision than to Mao Zedong's. He argues
  40. Creatures who reproduced at amazing speed and brought so many benefits that, ironically , the world economy was endangered. The much-copied storyline was a parable that
  41. Habits and aspirations of rural middle-class life. Sometimes it is used, ironically , Revolution Several of Blake's poems and paintings express a notion of
  42. Way. They now needed a winning team. The team's fortunes started to turn in, ironically ,with a very unpopular trade. The team sent power-hitting outfielder Joe Carter
  43. Tended to how the intimate and petty passions of the rich and powerful are, ironically ,responsible for huge historical events in the public realm. The fourth key
  44. Year and won glowing reviews. However, his triumph was somewhat tarnished when, ironically , the film was blamed for a wave of kidnappings which occurred in Japan about
  45. Was initially made from lead already used as ammunition for the slings, and, ironically , begun with ballistic shape of a modern bullet, but was rapidly replaced by the
  46. Made a stand against set theory. While Brouwer preferred constructive proofs, ironically , the original proofs of his great topological theorems were not constructive
  47. Bowie, whose lyrics did not please the involved agents. )" My Way" would, ironically , become more closely identified with him than any other song over his seven
  48. Conversely, the vowel marks of the Virginia abused and the Amharic abused (, ironically , the original source of the term" abused" ) have been so completely
  49. Of France are known as Bonapartists. Current head Jean-Christophe Napoleon is, ironically ,from a Bourbon mother. Bonaparte's family The Bonaparte family were from minor
  50. Animated film Heavy Metal, but only" Veteran of the Psychic Wars" ( which, ironically , was not written for Heavy Metal) was actually used in the movie. After this

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