Examples of the the word, enlist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enlist ), is the 6640 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The gentlemen who I might have expected better treatment from" and decided to, enlist ,the aid of King George III. He obtained an audience by the King, who was
  2. Dismissed it as meaningless. Some other stars, for various reasons, did not, enlist , but Wayne, by virtue of becoming a celluloid war hero in several patriotic wars
  3. In illustration. Disturbed by the rise of the Third Reich, Rogers attempts to, enlist , only to be rejected due to being in poor shape. U. S. Army General Chester
  4. High school to their farm was five miles (8 km) away and even if he did, enlist ,in it, his bad hearing was likely to contribute to his learning problems. He
  5. More pages of the Necronomicon in tow, only to find the destroyed bridge. They, enlist ,the help of Jake and Bobby Joe to guide them along an alternate trail to the
  6. Or subtract pounds in his studio gymnasium. Stewart subsequently attempted to, enlist ,in the Army Air Corps, but still came in under the weight requirement, although
  7. Organization for the Communist International (Comintern),which sought to, enlist ,support for the Soviet Union and its foreign policies. The courts eventually
  8. That he might not be able to afford to go to a university, Wilson attempted to, enlist ,in the United States Army. His plan was to earn U. S. government financial
  9. The official establishment of Presbyterianism. In return, he was able to, enlist ,considerable anti-parliamentary support. However, following the attempted coup
  10. World War I broke out in August 1914,and Moseley turned down this job offer to, enlist ,in the Royal Engineers of the British Army instead. Moseley served as a
  11. Into their armies; and in yet other cases nomadic empires proved eager to, enlist ,Chinese infantry and engineering, as in the case of the Mongol Empire and its
  12. S 1831 writings in The Liberator, in which he stated that he was trying to, enlist ,his readers in" the great cause of human rights ". In the 19th century, human
  13. Philosophical adversary Jakob Friedrich Fries ahead of him. Hegel attempted to, enlist ,the help of the poet and translator Johann Heinrich Vow to obtain a post at the
  14. Seeing that Monroe's foreign policy had been rejected by Jefferson, tried to, enlist ,Monroe in their cause. The plan was to run Monroe for president in the 1808
  15. Fled from London as they learned of the plot's discovery, trying to, enlist ,support along the way. Several made a stand against the pursuing Sheriff of
  16. Not rule out joining the British army and the Jewish Brigade. Irgun's members did, enlist ,in various British units. Irgun's members also assisted British forces with
  17. Talent. " Longshoreman Offer was in San Francisco by 1941. He attempted to, enlist ,in the Armed forces there in 1942 but was rejected because of a. It was there
  18. The arrest of Howard and Roundel, and Oxford met secretly with Roundel to, enlist ,his support for Oxford's allegations against Howard and South well. Howard and
  19. And attended from 1848 to 1850. During the summer of 1848,Stuart attempted to, enlist ,in the U. S. Army, but was rejected as underage. He obtained an appointment in
  20. Prohibited from joining the service. Legionnaires were, in the past, forced to, enlist ,under a pseudonym (" declared identity" ). This disposition exists in order
  21. Not only of ministerial incompetence but of physical cowardice (for failing to, enlist ,during World War I). His party soon rebelled, though,and Page was deposed as
  22. Members of the pro-independence faction began their own clandestine campaign to, enlist ,support for their cause, and in February 1526 gained the support of bishop
  23. And Germany in 1941,Shostakovich initially remained in Leningrad. He tried to, enlist ,for the military but was turned away because he had bad eyesight. To compensate
  24. Many women to volunteer to serve in the WAVES. She had to get an exemption to, enlist ,; she was below the Navy minimum weight of. She reported in December and trained
  25. And taunted by Mittelstädt, one of the students he had earlier persuaded to, enlist , Peter Leer is a soldier in Bäumer's company, and one of his classmates.
  26. His son John Laurens persuaded the Continental Congress to allow slaves to, enlist ,in exchange for freedom and was authorized to recruit a regiment (3000 men).
  27. The royal city and weakened the Spanish hold in the Sacred Valley. Hoping to, enlist ,the help of the Inca, Almagro offered Marco Inca a pardon on behalf of the
  28. To meet with some leading Corsican's to outline the shape of the future and, enlist ,their assistance. Charles was among a delegation from Ajaccio in 1769,offered
  29. First production in the UK of stainless steel by Harry Rarely. *1918 – Women, enlist ,in the United States Marine Corps for the first time. Off Mae Johnson is the
  30. Exists in order to allow people who want to start their lives over to, enlist , French citizens can enlist under a declared, fictitious,foreign citizenship (
  31. Dug themselves into a powerful hill fort. Crass us laid siege to fort, but had to, enlist ,the assistance of Roles, the GEPAN petty king who ruled on the opposite bank
  32. Republics to abrogate their alliance with Geneva, and to that end managed to, enlist ,the support of Francis I of France and of Emperor Charles V. The Emperor
  33. To remain neutral. Hundreds of thousands of young men across the land rushed to, enlist , Secession begins Secession of South Carolina South
  34. States Marine Corps for the first time. Off Mae Johnson is the first woman to, enlist , * 1918 – Bayerische Motored Were AG (BMW) established as a public company
  35. His contemporary Giuseppe Piano. The mathematical community as a whole could, enlist ,in problems, which he had identified as crucial aspects of the areas of
  36. Stated: Chicago and the Civil War D. L. Moody" could not conscientiously, enlist ," in the Union army during the Civil War—later describing himself as" a Quaker
  37. With France to establish a colony in Tunis (present-day Tunisia). To, enlist ,diplomatic support, Italy joined Germany and Austria-Hungary to form the Triple
  38. Wounded. Concern for their families' standard of living made men hesitate to, enlist ,; voluntary enlist ment rates went up after the government guaranteed a weekly
  39. Appealed to the Pope to excommunicate Charles III. The deputies' attempt to, enlist ,the support of the bishop Pierre de la Baumé for their cause failed, and the
  40. He was drunk for the majority of the term. Dahmer's father then forced him to, enlist ,in the Army. Danger did well at first, but he was discharged after two years
  41. Original letters had been changed with interpolations, created to posthumously, enlist ,Ignatius as an unwitting witness in theological disputes of that age, while the
  42. Pious thought in Eastern Europe met with little success, they sought to, enlist ,non-Jewish governmental decrees in their educational aims. To the intensely
  43. To prevent any future attacks which may be in the current planning stages. To, enlist ,the public's help in this effort, the FBI sought a way to deliver the early
  44. Allow people who want to start their lives over to enlist . French citizens can, enlist ,under a declared, fictitious,foreign citizenship (generally, a francophone
  45. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) after finding that she was too tall to, enlist ,in the Women's Army Corps (WAC's) or in the U. S. Navy's WAVES. She began
  46. A policy of no longer allowing its prominent and promising scientists to, enlist ,for combat duty in the armed forces of the Crown. Isaac Asimov has also
  47. Serious illness led to a spiritual crisis. In 1205,Francis left for Paglia to, enlist ,in the army of the Count of Bienne. A strange vision made him return to Assisi
  48. The wealth of the Polish kingdom. Concession to the nobility In order to, enlist ,the support of the nobility, especially the military help of opposite suspense
  49. A rallying call that was commonly used to encourage young American men to, enlist ,in the military in the late 19th and early 20th century. That phrase was
  50. Particularly heated, England declares war on Germany. George decides to, enlist , Book III George trains for the army and is sent to France. (No particular

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