Examples of the the word, loser , in a Sentence Context

The word ( loser ), is the 6634 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Kenji Kurosawa was Toed by elbow. This should be noted that the only Japanese, loser ,Kenji Kurosawa was then a Kyokushin instructor rather than a contender and
  2. And artist Mark Return. It is also the name of its main character. Dirk Jan is a, loser ,who stumbles through life in mostly three-panel comic strips. He started out in
  3. Final game at Detroit. The winner would take the Central Division crown and the, loser ,would miss the playoffs. The Lions had not lost at home all season. Although
  4. Place. This happens because the expected winner, Memphis,was the Condorcet, loser ,and was also ranked last by any voter that did not rank it first. Only in the
  5. With the forepaws as well as bites, but serious damage is rare; usually the, loser ,runs away with little more than a few scratches to the face, and sometimes the
  6. The Condorcet criterion (i.e. is not a Condorcet method) or the Condorcet, loser ,criterion, although with all-strategic voters and perfect information the
  7. Always win? (This implies the majority criterion, above ) * Condorcet, loser ,criterion—If a candidate loses to every other candidate in pairwise comparison
  8. In common. When groups came into conflict, the victor often appropriated the, loser ,'s property. The rights paradigm tended to stabilize the distribution of
  9. From the Interzonal would compete in the Candidates Tournament, along with the, loser ,of the previous title match and the runner-up in the previous Candidates
  10. As parts of the Italian grammar to be learned by heart, to be performed by the, loser ,before their next meeting. Franklin was posthumously inducted into the U. S.
  11. In the Harry Potter series Luna Love good refers to a sports team as having, loser ,'s Luigi. The rock band Ned's Atomic Trash can took their name from a Goon Show
  12. 1941 Goebbels quoted Hitler’s 1939" prophecy" that the Jews would be the, loser ,in the coming world war. Now, he said, Hitler’s prophecy was coming true: "
  13. The first public transmission, with the message" A patient waiter is no, loser ,", was witnessed by a mostly local crowd. In 1838 a trip to Washington’D. C.
  14. Waged by the state to the sidelines. Were two conventional armies to fight,the, loser ,would have redress in its nuclear arsenal. Thus, no two nuclear powers have yet
  15. Put by one of them; it passed, and now the two of them go to court with the, loser ,in the assembly prosecuting both the law and its proposer. The quantity of
  16. First semifinal); 1st versus 2nd (Second semifinal); winner of First versus, loser ,of Second (Preliminary final); the winner of Second versus winner of
  17. Second choice, Chattanooga. As a result, the winner is Memphis, the Condorcet, loser , with Chattanooga coming in second place. In the second scenario, all of the
  18. Until one player has a two-game lead. A" love" set means that the, loser ,of the set won zero games. In tournament play, the chair umpire announces the
  19. Bye, as he was seeded 4th in the singles. In his first match, against lucky, loser ,Some Devvarman, Hewitt dropped the first set before battling to win in three
  20. Of Curling. This tradition is in contrast to the games of darts where the, loser ,traditionally buys the winner a drink by way of congratulations. As noted above
  21. Play-off against Paraguay, the winner would qualify to the 1986 World Cup,the, loser ,would be eliminated. In the first leg, Valderrama played the last ten minutes
  22. Near Morristown, New Jersey. The message read" A patient waiter is no, loser , " On 24 May 1844,he sent the message" WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT" from the Old
  23. Form of the sport of cricket. Cricket is the most boring game in the world only, loser ,and people who live with their mothers watch and or play cricket Test matches
  24. To the extent that electing a Condorcet winner and not electing a Condorcet, loser ,is considered desirable outcomes for a voting system, approval voting can be
  25. Elect any one of the candidates, including a Condorcet winner and a Condorcet, loser , without the voter preferences changing. To the extent that electing a
  26. Themselves to be independent. In such polities, an alternative such as, loser ,delegation can achieve full representation differently. Party list
  27. Where he was finally a" winner" ( versus his usual portrayal as a ", loser ,"),when Super Daisy appeared in the same story as Super Donald, she then
  28. Tour de France has also given the language a word for a popular but persistent, loser , Raymond Corridor never won the Tour de France but was more popular than his
  29. Office. Partially offsetting these imposts upon the business community the 'main, loser ,' from the 1985 Tax Summit, according to Paul Kelly was the introduction of full
  30. Then became the" winner" and Donald was once more relegated to the role of ", loser , " This upset some children, who complained to the comics' editors, which
  31. Khan in what was billed as a" Mongolian Stretcher Match ", in which the, loser ,must be taken to the dressing room on a stretcher. Another feud involved a man
  32. Title when Kasparov and Short split from FIDE. Karol defeated Tim man – the, loser ,of the Candidates' final against Short. The next major meeting of Kasparov and
  33. The winning argument for open-sourcing software by tying it to a potential, loser ,". Raymond has had a number of public disputes with other figures in the free
  34. Austria ceded Venice to Italy, but Bismarck was deliberately lenient with the, loser ,to keep alive a long-term alliance with Austria in a subordinate role. Now the
  35. In advance. In many countries there are fee-shifting arrangements by which the, loser ,must pay the winner's fees and costs; the United States is the major exception
  36. The same object. Examples of this are" the victor in Jena" and" the, loser ,in Waterloo ", or " the equilateral triangle" and" the equiangular triangle "
  37. Authority in charge, the sponsor or the players themselves that the winner or, loser ,of the previous game will always shoot first in the next rack. As with most
  38. The Champions League group stage. As a Champions League third round qualifying, loser , Chief was given a place in the UEFA Cup final qualifying round. On 25 August
  39. Of humor heavily reliant on puns and wacky storylines. Roger Wilcox, a perpetual, loser , is often depicted as the underdog who repeatedly saves the universe (often by
  40. To 7 % of the voters, while leaving Alice's voters without a voice. Under, loser ,delegation in the instant-runoff case, Bob joins the legislature, while Alice
  41. Interview that the name" Victor" was ironic, since he almost always ends up a, loser , From being buried alive, to being prosecuted for attacking a feisty pit bull
  42. Voting fails to satisfy the Condorcet criterion and can elect a Condorcet, loser , Strategic approval voting can guarantee electing the Condorcet winner in some
  43. Thank you. When I was a kid, my mother told me that if you could not be a good, loser , then there's no way you could be a good winner. " Berry next appeared in the
  44. Two items on this list in current use as Internet slang are" flame" and ", loser ,". By 1990,the Jargon File had been enriched with examples of small hand used
  45. To portray him or her as a strong unstoppable force, a lucky underdog, a sore, loser , or any other characterization. Sometimes non-wrestling vignettes are shown in
  46. On jousts and tournaments, which at times ended in the death of the, loser , The Knight's Tale shows how the brotherly love of two fellow knights turns
  47. Below that candidate's median rating or their honest rating for the intended, loser ,is above it. Typically, this would not be the case unless there were two similar
  48. Ten of its candidates elected; the remaining seats are usually won by the 'best, loser ,' which then forms the opposition. The last election was held on October 11
  49. As several gladiators fighting together or the serial replacement of a match, loser ,by a new gladiator, who would fight the winner. Victors received the palm
  50. And winning bonuses, doubled and redoubled for basic patterns. Sometimes a, loser ,may score more points than a winner. Japanese mahjong has a complex scoring

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