Examples of the the word, cards , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cards ), is the 6639 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Henry Babbage in 1888," ... and there is no reason why (twenty thousand), cards , should not be used if necessary, in an Analytical Engine for the purposes of
  2. 1971) indicate that the Jacquard loom (1801),precursor to Hollerith, cards ,(punch cards ,1887),and" telephone switching technologies" were the roots
  3. Boards, hard disks, and networking components. There were plug-in expansion, cards ,– such as the Z80-card included the Apple soft BASIC programming language in ROM
  4. The most popular upgrades were memory, SCSI controllers and CPU accelerator, cards , These were sometimes combined into the one device. Early CPU accelerator cards
  5. The input (programs and data) was to be provided to the machine via punched, cards , a method being used at the time to direct mechanical looms such as the
  6. Technique makes the sequence funnier—images of bureaucrats are stacked like, cards , each more punctilious than the last. ” Image-sound counterpoint Kurosawa by
  7. Unit or back. There were three separate readers for the three types of, cards , In 1842,the Italian mathematician Luigi Mens rea, whom Babbage had met while
  8. Century the ticker tape (ca 1870s) was in use, as was the use of Hollerith, cards ,in the 1890 U. S. census. Then came the teleprinter (ca. 1910) with its
  9. Of Amiga hardware unavailable on PC platforms for years. Third-party sound, cards ,exist that provide DSP functions, multi-track direct-to-disk recording
  10. Busboards for the A1200 and A4000,allowing standard Amiga computers to use PCI, cards ,such as Voodoo graphic cards , Sound Blaster sound cards ,10/100 Ethernet cards
  11. Curve plotter and a bell. The machine would also be able to punch numbers onto, cards ,to be read in later. It employed ordinary base-10 fixed-point arithmetic. There
  12. CPU boards, and graphics boards. Other upgrades include gen locks, Ethernet, cards , modems, sound cards and samplers, video digitizers, extra serial ports, and
  13. Cards (including the popular CompactFlash format),as well as for Bluetooth, cards , Newton can also dial a phone number through the built-in speaker of the Newton
  14. 68060. Both CPUs feature integrated Opus and Imus. Many CPU accelerator, cards ,also had integrated SCSI controllers. Phase5 designed the Power UP boards (
  15. Resolutions. A retargetable sound API called AHI was developed allowing these, cards ,to be used transparently by the OS and software. Kick start firmware Kick start
  16. Level, although it requires peripherals such as parallel adapters, PCMCIA, cards , or serial modems, the most notable of which is the lightweight Newton Fax
  17. Cards. These were sometimes combined into the one device. Early CPU accelerator, cards ,feature full 32-bit CPUs of the 68000 family such as the Motorola 68020 and
  18. Computers to use PCI cards such as Voodoo graphic cards , Sound Blaster sound, cards , 10/100 Ethernet cards , and TV tuner cards . Other manufacturers produced hybrid
  19. Allowing standard Amiga computers to use PCI cards such as Voodoo graphic, cards , Sound Blaster sound cards ,10/100 Ethernet cards , and TV tuner cards . Other
  20. Then securely along with the owner's credit cards ,driver's license, business, cards , and cash. Most also protected the LCD screen. Market reception The original
  21. When the Power UP boards first appeared. 24-bit graphics cards and video, cards ,were also available. Graphics cards are designed primarily for 2D artwork
  22. Task, such as calculating employees' paychecks or printing students' report, cards , Thus, an algorithm can be considered to be any sequence of operations that can
  23. Ceremony took place in late January 2011. After the issuance of computerized ID, cards ,for the first time, which is a $101 million project that the Afghan government
  24. Long before Alan Turing's concept. Three different types of punch, cards ,were used: one for arithmetical operations, one for numerical constants, and
  25. Purposes took the place of slot 3,the most commonly used slot for 80-column, cards , in the II Plus. The auxiliary slot could accept a 1 KB memory card to enable
  26. Cards such as Voodoo graphic cards , Sound Blaster sound cards ,10/100 Ethernet, cards , and TV tuner cards . Other manufacturers produced hybrid boards which contained
  27. Place standing and the top two remaining non-division-champion teams (" wild, cards ,") by record). The last two teams remaining play in the AFC Championship game
  28. Appeared. 24-bit graphics cards and video cards were also available. Graphics, cards ,are designed primarily for 2D artwork production, workstation use, and later
  29. GmbH was not available when the Power UP boards first appeared. 24-bit graphics, cards ,and video cards were also available. Graphics cards are designed primarily for
  30. Be rationally expected of any logical machine ". Jacquard loom, Hollerith punch, cards , telegraphy and telephony—the electromechanical relay: Bell and Newell (1971)
  31. Work. Primary user input was decimal, via standard IBM 80 column punched, cards ,and output was decimal, via a front panel display. Comparison with other early
  32. Heard in the UK. Season's Greetings is a common phrase printed in greetings, cards ,in both America and Britain. Idiosyncratic differences Figures of speech Both
  33. Written drivers for 802.11b wireless networking cards and ATA-type flash memory, cards ,(including the popular CompactFlash format),as well as for Bluetooth cards .
  34. To do with those numbers could still be impressive. " It is only a question of, cards ,and time," wrote Henry Babbage in 1888," ... and there is no reason why (
  35. Special disc formats on standard x86 PCs. * NE2000 compatible PCMCIA Ethernet, cards ,for Amiga 600 and Amiga 1200 Networking Amiga had three networking interfaces
  36. Graphic cards , Sound Blaster sound cards ,10/100 Ethernet cards , and TV tuner, cards , Other manufacturers produced hybrid boards which contained an Intel x86 series
  37. Newton users have also written drivers for 802.11b wireless networking, cards ,and ATA-type flash memory cards (including the popular CompactFlash format)
  38. Indicate that the Jacquard loom (1801),precursor to Hollerith cards (punch, cards , 1887),and" telephone switching technologies" were the roots of a tree
  39. Quickly came to market, most of which were designed as standard Amiga bus, cards , Various manufacturers started producing PCI bus boards for the A1200 and A4000
  40. And IDE controllers. Additions after the demise of Commodore company are USB, cards , The most popular upgrades were memory, SCSI controllers and CPU accelerator
  41. Permitted a wide variety of third-party devices, including Apple II peripheral, cards ,such as Serial controllers, display controllers, memory boards, hard disks, and
  42. Newton devices, which would hold them securely along with the owner's credit, cards , driver's license, business cards , and cash. Most also protected the LCD
  43. With Wide SCSI controllers, PCI bus boards with Ethernet, sound and 3D graphics, cards , and tower cases allowed the A1200 and A4000 to survive well into the late
  44. Primarily for 2D artwork production, workstation use, and later, gaming. Video, cards ,are designed for inputting and outputting video signals, and processing and
  45. Unpredictability into character creation without the need to resort to dice, cards , or other randomizing devices. A player may intend, for example, to create a
  46. Into the Apple Die, remaining fairly compatible with the older Videx-style, cards , even though the low-level details were very different. An" extended 80-column
  47. Later a cube. Draco expanded upon and combined a number of earlier expansion, cards ,developed for Amiga (Claymation, Toccata,Argentine, RetinaIII) into a true
  48. Anna's popularity has extended into Texas Hold 'em lingo, where the hole, cards ,Ace–King (unsuited) are sometimes referred to as an" Anna Kournikova ", a
  49. Graphics boards. Other upgrades include gen locks, Ethernet cards , modems,sound, cards ,and samplers, video digitizers, extra serial ports, and IDE controllers.
  50. Or 68060. There is also a version of Linux for Amiga with PowerPC accelerator, cards , Debian and Yellow Dog Linux can run on the AmigaOne. There is an official

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