Examples of the the word, couch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( couch ), is the 6631 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Popular in the Empire. In this era the wealthy typically ate while lying on a, couch ,(a custom acquired from the Greeks) and using their hands, because forks were
  2. Professed his love for his new girlfriend ". The phrase" jumping the, couch ,", fashioned after" jumping the shark ", is used to describe someone" going
  3. Couch ", for example, could mean that he ate those cookies which were on the, couch ,(as opposed to those that were on the table),or it could mean that he was
  4. Offside - said, out (football) - AUT, body check (hockey)- bodice, couch ,- Gaul German loanwords include" coins," Slovak mince, German gunmen;
  5. Can be assigned to the same string of words. " He ate the cookies on the, couch ,", for example, could mean that he ate those cookies which were on the couch (
  6. For Holmes on The Oprah Winfrey Show famously jumping up and down on Winfrey's, couch ,during the show. On October 6,2005,Cruise and Holmes announced they were
  7. Worse after returning from the royal gardens he found Haman laid across the, couch ,on Esther which further enraged him (). The king was enraged and ordered Haman
  8. Of Super Bowl XLIV, the two appeared again, this time with Winfrey sitting on a, couch ,between Letterman and Jay Leno. The appearance was Letterman's idea: Leno flew
  9. To see him in London just after he'd finished the Bjork video, and I sat on a, couch ,beside this dead sex little Bjork robot, except it was wearing Apex Twin's
  10. Simpsons, as himself in a couch gag when The Simpsons find themselves (and the, couch ,) in" Late Night with David Letterman. " He had a cameo in the feature film
  11. Ca. 1993 sitcom The Building. He also appears in The Simpsons, as himself in a, couch ,gag when The Simpsons find themselves (and the couch ) in" Late Night with
  12. Over the area to be painted and paint into that—known as" painting into the, couch , " This lubricates the brush stroke. Maroger medium (or any other painting
  13. Certainty as to the length of time that they would be on the, couch , When Lacey adopted the practice," the psychoanalytic establishment were
  14. He does not finish, even if he has not touched it. Gregor hides under the, couch ,to protect Crete from having to see him. Assuming that Gregor cannot understand
  15. To those that were on the table),or it could mean that he was sitting on the, couch ,when he ate the cookies. Spoken language can contain many more types of
  16. He died of heart failure on 21 September 1860,while sitting on his, couch ,at home. He was 72. Thought Philosophy of the" Will" A key focus of
  17. Sitting at a table between the other two and Marlowe was lying behind him on a, couch , Marlowe snatched Frizer's dagger and wounded him on the head. In the ensuing
  18. Home. Death Lugosi died of a heart attack on August 16, 1956,while lying on a, couch ,in his Los Angeles home. He was 73. The rumor that Lugosi was clutching the
  19. The Velvet Underground, and in 1969 he moved to New York City, lived on the, couch ,of their manager, Steve Se snick, worked odd jobs and tried to break in as a
  20. Winfrey Show of May 23, 2005. Cruise" jumped around the set, hopped onto a, couch , fell to one knee and repeatedly professed his love for his new girlfriend ".
  21. To a sofa whose arms are the same height as the back, it is a term for any, couch ,or sofa in Canada (and, to some extent, Northern California). Once a hallmark
  22. Access to thousands of movie titles & TV shows right from the comfort of their, couch , Additionally, broadband connected to Tito boxes can access digital photos from
  23. Couch would be his proper heir. However, two of his nephews sat on the same, couch , and the one with the concealed message remained empty. Then, after putting the
  24. Is strong enough to cause some tokens of raised to merge with, so that, couch ,and coach sound the same, and about sounds like a boat (though never like a
  25. Also had two other seats; he believed that the nephew to sit on the special, couch ,would be his proper heir. However, two of his nephews sat on the same couch
  26. Internet company, Chess. Net, where he spent much of the time sleeping on the, couch , " I was just getting into programming, so I spent a lot of my time just
  27. One of RTV5's most popular shows is the 24-hour show, where a camera and, couch ,placed in the RMC stay on air for 24 hours. One such show is held in fall and
  28. Thoughts (sometimes called free association). When the patient reclines on a, couch ,with the analyst out of view, the patient tends to remember more, experience
  29. Re-enters unobserved, quickly realizes what's going on, and hides behind a, couch ,(Trio: Susanna, or via sortie! –" Susanna, come out! "). Furious and
  30. Acting as best man; a shirtless man vigorously flogs a woman reclining on a, couch ,; lewd burlesque dancers gyrate to blaring jazz music and tear at their clothes;
  31. When it goes on sale. They are seated with the Riddler and Two-Face on the, couch ,where Chase is handcuffed later in the film. This scene appears in the comic
  32. Loudly at its readings, and Christopher Tolkien records Dyson as" lying on the, couch , and lolling and shouting and saying,'Oh God, not another Elf! However
  33. Several expressions of his feelings for Holmes to the media, most notably the ", couch ,incident" which took place on the popular The Oprah Winfrey Show of May 23
  34. Are more than six signs for BIRTHDAY in ASL, just as in English one can say ", couch ," and" sofa ", or " soda" and" pop ", to mean the same thing. As in English
  35. N't mind doing something with them as these two dirty old men sitting on the, couch , " Judge added that he wouldn't completely ignore the time that has passed in
  36. Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States. The, couch ,on which he died is preserved at the Dickens Birthplace Museum in Portsmouth.
  37. A festival called Amanda was celebrated in his honor. At this festival a, couch ,was set up, on which the panoply of the hero was placed, a practice which
  38. Super Bowl CLI in February 2007,with the two sitting next to each other on the, couch ,watching the game. Since the game was played between the Indianapolis Colts and
  39. Ephesus confirms this. The body of a gladiator who had died well was placed on a, couch ,of Limiting and removed from the arena with dignity. Once in the arena morgue
  40. Are locked from the outside and no one will enter. Gregor climbs under the, couch , where he feels more comfortable, and decides that he has to help his family
  41. Which he founded) in downtown Bangor, Hannibal Hamlin died on the club's, couch , He was 81. Hamlin was buried with honors in the Hamlin Family plot at Mount
  42. Group Global Language Monitor as one of its top phrases for the year. The ", couch ,incident" was voted No.1 of 2005's" Most Surprising Television Moments" on
  43. Deer hound may want to spend most of the day stretched out on the floor or a, couch ,sleeping. They do require a stimulus, preferably another Deer hound, and a large
  44. Minister and the reputation that built up around his use of the casting, couch ,was well known. Many actresses wrote later of how Goebbels had tried to lure
  45. Was embraced by its leftist folk music community. For a time, he slept on a, couch ,in Will Geer's apartment. Guthrie made what were his first recordings—several
  46. Dogs with a natural respect for humans, and as adults they are decorative, couch ,potatoes with remarkably gracious house-manners. Borzois should never display
  47. As the truth. Crowe returns to his home, where he finds his wife asleep on the, couch ,with the couple's wedding video playing, not for the first time. As she sleeps
  48. Which of his three nephews should succeed him, so he put a message under a, couch ,and had his nephews take seats in the room, which also had two other seats; he
  49. She was, according to some. Her body was cremated that night on a dining, couch , At his mother's funeral, Nero was witless, speechless and rather scared. When
  50. On their way home. Upon entering their house, the Simpsons settle down on their, couch ,to watch television. The opening was created by David Silverman, the first task

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