Examples of the the word, lump , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lump ), is the 6636 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A contingency fee (usually in cases involving personal injury),or a, lump ,sum payment if the matter is straightforward. Normally, most lawyers negotiate
  2. Aspect was fearful, and they had, if I may call it so, a sort of shapeless, lump , not a head, with pin-holes rather than eyes. Their hardihood is evident in
  3. Typically based on a percentage of construction value, hourly rates or a fixed, lump ,sum fee. Combinations of these structures are also common. Fixed fees are
  4. Rectal area, and then develops into an abscess. This often presents itself as a, lump ,of tissue near the anus which grows larger and more painful with time. Like
  5. Is impeached by the Louisiana House of Representatives. *1930 – Gandhi raises a, lump ,of mud and salt and declares," With this, I am shaking the foundations of the
  6. Livres per annum in 1695,and then obtained permanent exemption in 1709 with a, lump ,sum payment of 24 million lives. The Pays d'eats (Brittany, Burgundy,etc.)
  7. Part of the environment. Our prokaryotic forebears evolved on a planet-sized, lump ,of fallout from a star-sized nuclear explosion, a supernova that synthesized
  8. Are found in Austria, Brazil,Canada, China,Germany and Madagascar. Vein or, lump ,graphite is the rarest, most valuable, and highest quality type of natural
  9. The state. According to Rothbard," what Marx and later writers have done is to, lump ,together two extremely different and even contradictory concepts and actions
  10. Within reduction, in Stone Age tool making, to detach within flakes from a, lump ,of tool stone * Reduction (Sweden),return to the Crown of fiefs that had
  11. To hospitalize someone for a condition that could be cured by a sugar, lump , It is doubtful that a jury would have accepted a defense of automatism, but
  12. But largely unspecified, due to Cosmos' and other chroniclers' tendency to, lump ,all these tribes under the general term" Scythians" - meaning all the
  13. Developed a version during World War II that used a tube of nitric acid and a, lump ,of metallic sodium to ignite a mixture of petrol and diesel fuel. Modern use
  14. Months it turns reddish brown, and after a year the cheese turns to a blackish, lump , which is desirable to some aficionados. The flavor is characterized as being
  15. Style),Eastern Europe and East Anglia, particularly Norfolk, known as 'clay, lump , Adobe had been in use by indigenous peoples of the Americas in the
  16. Pd) lattice. They are effectively solidified as an ultrahigh density deuterium, lump ,(Pycnodeuterium) inside each octahedral space within the unit cell of the
  17. Or out of court, the most common way the compensation payment is made is by a, lump ,sum award in full and final settlement of the claim. Once accepted there can be
  18. Developed throat cancer, which was discovered in the summer of 1997 after a, lump ,on his neck was analyzed. He attributed it to smoking heavily from the 1960s
  19. Favour of the 131I one hour after the fission event. If, on the other hand,a, lump ,of fuel in a power reactor undergoes 1012 missions, which will generate a given
  20. Attempts of their supporters to vindicate them. It was long popular to simply, lump ,all Anabaptists as Monasteries and radicals associated with the Zwickau
  21. Flake graphite and amorphous graphite are both mined open pit and underground, lump ,(vein) graphite is only mined underground in Sri Lanka. The open pit mines
  22. From this confusion. " He claims that the term" operates as a catch-all to, lump ,together disparate laws which originated separately, evolved differently, cover
  23. except having an enlarged thyroid gland appearing as a, lump ,on the neck. In computer science, transclusion is the inclusion of a document
  24. Where (1+ i rel to pay) = (( 1+nominal))/ (( 1+pay) ) (Ret-02) Size of, lump ,sum required To pay for your pension, assumed for simplicity to be received at
  25. Earliest recipes, written in 1895,specifies the following:" Dissolve a small, lump ,of sugar with a little water in a whiskey-glass; add two dashes Angostura
  26. Distressing period ended when finally consulting a physician and, finding the, lump ,was benign, she fully recovered. After her autobiography was published, Day
  27. Day upon an empty stomach, * A mixture of garlic, mustard,and horseradish in a, lump ,the size of a nutmeg The men who had been given citrus fruits recovered
  28. 44th parallel, to the United States. In return, the United States was to make a, lump ,sum payment of $35,000,and annual payments totaling $80,000 over 15 years, as
  29. Added to increase the orange flavor Use old-fashioned cocktail glass. Sugar,1, lump , Seltzer,1 dash, and crush sugar with muddled. Ice, one square piece. Orange
  30. He reacted anhydrous aluminum chloride with potassium amalgam and yielded a, lump ,of metal looking similar to tin. Friedrich Wöhler was aware of these
  31. Provision for payment in the form of an advance and royalties. An advance is a, lump ,sum paid in advance of publication. An advance must be earned out before
  32. Types of natural graphite—amorphous, flake or crystalline flake, and vein or, lump , Amorphous graphite is the lowest quality and most abundant. Contrary to
  33. From Brouwer's observation of a cup of coffee. If one stirs to dissolve a, lump ,of sugar, it appears there is always a point without motion. He drew the
  34. Mining. Some cultures uphold that children who misbehave will receive only a, lump ,of coal from Santa Claus for Christmas in their stockings instead of presents.
  35. Like this? ” 21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same, lump ,one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? 22 What if God
  36. It was Sunday seven days a week, clover was in season all the year round, and, lump , sugar and linseed cake grew on the hedges ". Fantasy author Phillip Pullman
  37. Allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the beneficiary either in a, lump ,sum cash payment or an annuity. Annuities provide a stream of payments and are
  38. The only one of the four to have its seal surviving, which remains however as a, lump ,of shapeless wax. It is currently held by the British Library (Cotton Charter
  39. As mere genealogy should be terminologically distinguished as cladistics. To, lump ,the two concepts together terminologically could not help but produce harmful
  40. Stated that it was wrong to" desecrate the main memorial to Wallace with a, lump ,of crap. " In 1998 the face on the statue was vandalized by someone wielding a
  41. Must be earned out before royalties are payable. And advance may be paid in two, lump ,sums: the first payment on contract signing, and the second on delivery of the
  42. While 麵 (man) means noodle. The hand-making process involves taking a, lump ,of dough and repeatedly stretching it to produce a single very long noodle.
  43. Does not have absolute power. For example, though someone might control a, lump ,of jelly-pudding almost completely, the inability of that pudding to stage any
  44. Ganglion cells. A less common usage of ganglion is ganglion cyst, a small, lump ,most commonly on the hand or foot, not believed to be of nerve cells. Neurology
  45. Beds. Later, to feed the hungry men, Kat brings bread, a bag of horse meat,a, lump ,of fat, a pinch of salt and a pan in which to cook the food. Kat is hit by
  46. Einstein equations. Since the equations of general relativity are non-linear,a, lump ,of energy made out of pure gravitational fields, like a black hole, would move
  47. Often occurs in their habitat aids in making them appear as a nondescript dark, lump , When threatened, Ostriches run away, but they can cause serious injury and
  48. A share of revenue from each game's advertising sales, rather than the usual, lump ,sum paid up front for game rights. The NHL is estimated to earn annual revenue
  49. Which had no way of designating the days of the winter months other than to, lump ,them together as" winter ", is an example of an incomplete calendar, while the
  50. Of what he was doing with it. On one occasion, van Vogt saw Hubbard taking a, lump ,sum of $56,000 (equivalent to $0.5 million at 2010 prices) out of the Los

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