Examples of the the word, antenna , in a Sentence Context

The word ( antenna ), is the 6633 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The missile detects the reflected signal from the target with a high gain, antenna ,similarly and steers the entire missile toward closure with the
  2. SEP) experiment. The experiment included two major components: a transmitting, antenna ,deployed near the Lunar Module and a receiving antenna located on the Lunar
  3. The range of detectors that have been used to identify ammonia. Single, antenna ,detections Radio observations of NH3 from the Teufelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope
  4. Stainless steel design, which acts as the phone's antenna . Because of this, antenna ,implementation, some iPhone 4 users reported a reduction in signal strength
  5. These were single target tracking devices using a mutating horn as part of its, antenna , This caused the beam to be swept in a small cone. Signal processing would be
  6. Wireless communications ** Dirty paper coding for cooperative multiple, antenna ,or user preceding ** Downloadable algorithm: e.g., downloadable codebook for
  7. Lost for 1.8 seconds, until the system automatically corrected by switching the, antenna ,from narrowband to wideband mode. Mechanical shock forced the oxygen valves
  8. Widely recognized radar system of the war era. This system included a parabolic, antenna ,six feet in diameter that was mechanically aimed in a helical pattern (round
  9. A good chunk of the usable spectrum. A variety of government owned and operated, antenna ,systems are employed on the island to take advantage of this. Transport
  10. From its predecessor in that it eliminated the flat silver back, and large, antenna ,square for a curved glossy black or white back. Following complaints from many
  11. In traditional broadcast television (via radio waves) in which a television, antenna ,is required. FM radio programming, high-speed Internet, telephony,and similar
  12. And a new uninsulated stainless steel design, which acts as the phone's, antenna , Because of this antenna implementation, some iPhone 4 users reported a
  13. Scanned array radar set with electronic beam steering (and a fixed, antenna ,pointed downward for reduced radar observability),synthetic aperture radar
  14. Edge of the device, which also serves as the phones cellular signal and Wi-Fi, antenna , The current fix for this issue was a" Bumper Case" for the phone distributed
  15. Higher Sky Pod (formerly known as" Space Deck" ) at, just below the metal, antenna , The hexagonal shape can be seen between the two areas; however, below the main
  16. As it blew off probably caused minor damage to the nearby high-gain S-band, antenna ,used for translunar communications. Communications and telemetry to Earth were
  17. Radios owned in the country. Transmission is primary by terrestrial broadcast, antenna , Analogue transmissions are provided by Working Belgium, Broadcast Partners
  18. Advertisements are broadcast as radio waves to the air from a transmitter to an, antenna ,and a thus to a receiving device. Airtime is purchased from a station or
  19. Had been blown off. According to the analysts, these pictures also showed the, antenna ,damage and possibly an upward tilt to the fuel cell shelf above the oxygen tank
  20. And then reinforced with a large steel compression band around the outside. The, antenna ,was originally to be raised by crane as well, but during construction the
  21. The craneand then flew the antenna up in 36 sections. The flights of the, antenna ,pieces were a minor tourist attraction of their own, and the schedule was
  22. Program modules and memory expansions, among others) **Integrated RF modulator, antenna ,output via an RCA connector. The used channel could be adjusted from number 36
  23. The fuel cell power system, four maneuvering thruster quads, a high-gain S-band, antenna ,for communications between the Moon and Earth, and storage tanks for water and
  24. Made certain changes to their own phone, such as replacing the battery and/or, antenna , The OK 900 was the ultimate tool of cell phone hackers because it could
  25. Electromagnetic radiation were demonstrated by Austin and others. This type of, antenna ,now becomes an important component in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. In
  26. Have analog tuner (television) receiving capability and must use a television, antenna , Receiving signals The television system for each country will specify a number
  27. Named" Olga ", was first used to remove the crane, and then flew the, antenna ,up in 36 sections. The flights of the antenna pieces were a minor tourist
  28. A meeting between the Princeton and Crawford Hill groups determined that the, antenna ,temperature was indeed due to the microwave background. Pencils and Wilson
  29. And power and plumbing connections. On top of this is a tall metal broadcast, antenna , carrying TV and radio signals. There are two visitor areas: the main deck
  30. Intensity) is small. Thus, the remaining chlorophyll in the photosystem and, antenna ,pigment protein complexes associated with the photosystem all cooperatively
  31. Science *Antenna blind cone, the volume of space that cannot be scanned by an, antenna ,*Cone algorithm identifies surface particles quickly and accurately for
  32. Between two parts of the rendezvous radar system could cause the stationary, antenna ,to appear to the computer as dithering back and forth between two positions
  33. BASE numbers (BASE #1 and #2,respectively),having already jumped from an, antenna , spans, and earthen objects. Jean and Carl Cornish qualified for BASE numbers 3
  34. Black Crow (AN/ASD-5),a highly sensitive passive device with a phased-array, antenna ,located in the left-front nose radome that could pick up localized deviations
  35. Edwin Armstrong. The station went operational on July 18, 1939,from a 400-foot, antenna , tower in Alpine, New Jersey, broadcasting the very first FM transmission in the
  36. Advertisements are broadcast as radio waves to the air from a transmitter to an, antenna ,and a thus to a receiving device. Airtime is purchased from a station or
  37. In Montreal Quebec. Cable television in Canada began in 1952 with community, antenna ,connections in Vancouver and London, Ontario; which city is first is not clear.
  38. Upper part of the transparent nose. On the PBJ-1H and J, the APS-3 search radar, antenna ,was usually housed inside a ventral or wingtip radome. Some PBJ-1Js had their
  39. And round as well as up and down). For the final production design of this, antenna ,and its highly complex drive mechanism, the Army’s Signal Corps Laboratories
  40. A transmitting antenna deployed near the Lunar Module and a receiving, antenna ,located on the Lunar Roving Vehicle. At different stops during the mission's
  41. The direction of maximum illumination and so develop a signal to steer the, antenna ,toward the target. The missile detects the reflected signal from the target
  42. It has been built, this design would have been considerably shorter, with the metal, antenna ,located roughly where the concrete section between the main level and the Sky
  43. Racks. Many of the PBJ-1C and D versions carried a rather ugly, bulbous, antenna , for an APS-3 search radar sticking out of the upper part of the transparent
  44. Area, are the remains of several buildings and heavy equipment. Five wooden, antenna ,poles about in height remain standing in the camp. Several crashed airplanes
  45. And satellite communication experiments. Their instrument had an excess 3.5 K, antenna ,temperature which they could not account for. After receiving a telephone call
  46. For landing. Surreptitious BASE jumps are often made from tall buildings and, antenna ,towers. The general reluctance of the owners of these objects to allow their
  47. Other pigments, called accessory pigments, which occur in these pigment–protein, antenna ,complexes. A green sea slug, Elysia chlorotic, has been found to use the
  48. Proportional guidance system that homes in on enemy radar emissions has a fixed, antenna ,and seeker head in the missile's nose. A smokeless, solid-propellant
  49. From Fordham University's Rose Hill campus in the Bronx. The radio station's, antenna ,is atop an apartment building owned by Montessori Medical Center. The City of
  50. Texas Instruments. Operation The AGM-88 can detect, attack and destroy a radar, antenna ,or transmitter with minimal aircrew input. The proportional guidance system

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