Examples of the the word, invoke , in a Sentence Context

The word ( invoke ), is the 5332 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of metabolic systems in humans and other animals, they almost uniformly, invoke ,a bitter taste. The boundary between alkaloids and other nitrogen-containing
  2. In any way on the clients. An interface places no requirements for clients to, invoke ,the operations of one interface in any particular order. This approach has the
  3. From Carter's, as discussed in the next section. Carter was not the first to, invoke ,some form of the anthropic principle. In fact, the evolutionary biologist
  4. e.g. a person could not use the name" SCORE" because the" OR" would, invoke ,a disjunction operator, and " BACKGROUND" could similarly not be used because
  5. To the device. Once the device sends data back to the driver, the driver may, invoke ,routines in the original calling program. Drivers are hardware-dependent and
  6. Can lead to an invocation of the 'palpable error' rule, which most bookmakers, invoke ,when they have made a mistake by offering or posting incorrect odds. As
  7. Stay As with other forms of bankruptcy, petitions filed under Chapter 11, invoke , the automatic stay of
  8. Often using the GZIP or bzip2 programs. Modern tar programs can automatically, invoke ,a (DE)compression program, giving the appearance that tar itself handles
  9. The same program, though Smitty invoke s the text-based version, while Smith will, invoke ,an X Window System based interface if possible; however, if Smith determines
  10. In including all the information that the user seeks *“ obvious to, invoke ,“ — the user must have no trouble in locating the help menu or how to gain
  11. Roughly since the late 1990s),users most commonly employ the second button to, invoke ,a contextual menu in the computer's software user interface, which contains
  12. Even though supply still slightly exceeds demand, there is little will to, invoke ,the Federal Marketing Order out of the realization that any pullback in supply
  13. Referred to as FP (from" floating point" ) because of the command used to, invoke ,it instead of INT for Integer BASIC. Apple soft BASIC was supplied by Microsoft
  14. At 16 points) should the luck of the dice change. Some players may opt to, invoke ,The Murphy rule or the" automatic double rule. " If both opponents roll the
  15. In which a likable but amoral, devious and oversexed politician (meant to, invoke ,Bill Clinton) is controlled by a female eastern-bloc subversive. Non-Fiction
  16. Beings. An adequate explanation of why some contingent beings exist would, invoke ,a different sort of being, a necessary being that is not contingent. A response
  17. That Christians accept a methodological naturalism, meaning that one cannot, invoke ,God to explain natural phenomena, while recognizing that such acceptance does
  18. No hope of predicting fundamental parameters, and now some who advocate it, invoke ,the anthropic principle as well (see below). The modern form of a design
  19. May be accused of infringing on patents that the established competitors never, invoke ,against each other. Distribution networks will refuse to aid the entrant. That
  20. Below. Category theory There are several results in category theory which, invoke ,the axiom of choice for their proof. These results might be weaker than
  21. Redford). The Salary piece is used as the warden's theme music, seemingly to, invoke ,the image of jealousy of the inferior for his superior. In 2006,the movie
  22. And Phi col headed back to Philistine, Abraham planted a tamarisk tree to, invoke ,God’s name. () Abraham and Ishmael Abraham was fond of his son Ishmael who had
  23. To Marxist ideology has appeared to wane, the party has begun to increasingly, invoke ,Chinese nationalism as a legitimizing principle as opposed to the socialist
  24. Number of planets in it allows for a higher bound, so that there is no need to, invoke ,intelligent design to explain evolution. Observational evidence No possible
  25. Are defined" Informal usage in proofs in computability theory often, invoke ,the Church–Turing thesis in an informal way to establish the computability of
  26. In and pre-orienting them by using bipolar electric fields. Other models, invoke ,a quantum-mechanical tunneling explanation, whereby a proton or an electron can
  27. For distributed processes: % Create a process and, invoke ,the function web: start_server (Port, MaxConnections) ServerProcess = spawn (
  28. Answer your questions today. However, I must heed the advice of my counsel and, invoke ,my fifth amendment rights under the Constitution and refuse to answer the
  29. Systems written for 32-bit CPUs such as Linux and Microsoft Windows to, invoke ,the BIOS directly. Larger, more powerful, servers and workstations using
  30. Children, for scenes of lust and rapine, and of arson and murder, which would, invoke ,the interference of civilized Europe. " The Copperheads also saw the
  31. Would be that all viewers would be sternly reminded of the papal capacity to, invoke ,divine retribution against enemies. Asgard died in Rome within a year of
  32. Those related to the accelerating expansion of the universe, and therefore, invoke ,a, yet unexplored form of energy called dark energy to account for certain
  33. Something he had been ignoring, and together they performed a ritual to, invoke ,Always once more. The ritual proved successful, and Always provided Crowley
  34. Restarts can also be presented to the user, so that the user can select and, invoke ,one of the available restarts. Since the condition handler is called in the
  35. Make use of the F6 function key which generates the command line that SMITH will, invoke ,to complete the proposed task. SMITH also generates a log of commands that are
  36. Previously observed squares. " It may be that some of these change necessarily, invoke ,a change of state of mind. The most general single operation must therefore be
  37. Model requires that, to explain structure in the universe, it is necessary to, invoke ,cold dark matter. What this cold dark matter can be is completely flexible.
  38. Or function, or carefully invoke recursion axioms, or at best, cleverly, invoke , various theorems of computability theory. But because the computability
  39. Operator, and " BACKGROUND" could similarly not be used because" GR" would, invoke ,the low-resolution graphics system; both would create syntax errors). *
  40. The Christian foundation on which the modern antisemitic edifice rests and, invoke ,political antisemitism, cultural antisemitism, racism or racial antisemitism
  41. By physicist Alan Skoal attempting to show that American humanities professors, invoke ,complicated, pseudoscientific jargon to support their political positions. )
  42. Must be present to cause this curvature, so the rotating observer is forced to, invoke ,a combination of centrifugal and Coriolis forces to provide the net force
  43. Would have to carefully construct a Turing Machine, or function, or carefully, invoke ,recursion axioms, or at best, cleverly invoke various theorems of computability
  44. The coyote is a popular figure in folklore and popular culture. References may, invoke ,either the animal or the mythological figure. Traits commonly described in pop
  45. Web, start_server, Port,Connections),% Create a remote process and, invoke ,the function % web: start_server (Port, MaxConnections) on machine Remoteness
  46. As a generator of specific results, based on the instructions that were used to, invoke ,those responses. These instructions are apparent in the design of the
  47. But easily translated by the computer. The purpose of programming is to, invoke ,the desired behavior (customization) from the machine. The process of
  48. Can be dereferenced to access data stored at the address pointed to, or to, invoke ,a pointed-to function. Pointers can be manipulated using assignment or pointer
  49. Occasionally opposing teams will wear their white jerseys at home to try to, invoke ,the curse, as when the Philadelphia Eagles hosted the Cowboys in the 1980 NFC
  50. In order to create a contrasting effect. The lyrical themes of death metal may, invoke ,slasher film-stylized violence, but may also extend to topics like Satanism

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