Examples of the the word, finished , in a Sentence Context

The word ( finished ), is the 6686 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1971 to 2660 in 1973,when he shared second in the USSR Chess Championship, and, finished , equal first with Viktor Kirchner in the Leningrad Interzonal Tournament, with
  2. El Jedi (built in 1660,at the time of Turkish regency) with its large, finished ,ovoid cupola points some and its four completes, mosque El Kefir (oldest of
  3. Chief and some of his most precious spoils were interred. When the work was, finished , the river was turned back into its usual channel and the captives by whose
  4. The Biblical creation story (verses 1-10) from the Book of Genesis. Borman, finished ,the broadcast by wishing a Merry Christmas to everyone on Earth. His message
  5. Led by John Gustafson from Ames Laboratory (located on the Iowa State campus), finished , building a working replica of the Standoff–Berry Computer at a cost of
  6. Mixed grains. She started sorting the grains into organized piles and, when she, finished , Demeter spoke to her, telling her that the best way to find Eros was to find
  7. With no breaks of serve during the 48-game match. Despite the setback, Agassi, finished ,2001 ranked World No. 3,becoming the only male tennis player to finish a year
  8. Week was spent in hurried post-production, hampered by a studio fire, and the, finished ,film premiered at Tokyo's Imperial Theatre on August 25,expanding nationwide
  9. A product sequentially using optimally planned logistics to create a, finished ,product much faster than with handcrafting-type methods. The division of labor
  10. Was obliged to follow nature most closely. His terracotta models, some of them, finished ,works of art, were prized by collectors. Sources * *
  11. Established by Boris Spas sky in 1952. International career 1967–69 Karol, finished ,first in his first international tournament in Tried several months later
  12. Into the lake from the ARPA River. Engineers estimated that once the project is, finished , the tunnel will allow 500 million cubic meters of water to be drawn from the
  13. Passed away (of tuberculosis) at the age of only 41. The film's score was, finished ,by Hayasaka's student, Masaru NATO, who would go on to score all of Kurosawa
  14. The exceptional Montreal" Tournament of Stars" tournament in 1979,where he, finished ,joint first (+7 −1 =10) with Mikhail Tail, ahead of a field of strong
  15. About free speech and personal responsibility, but even Kurosawa regarded the, finished ,product as dramatically unfocused and unsatisfactory, and almost all critics
  16. In 1985,after another season mired in mediocre finishes, Walter Royal, finished ,the season in his Sport Quarto S1,and helped place Audi second in the
  17. At the year-ending Tennis Masters Cup, Agassi lost in the final to Federer and, finished ,the year ranked World No. 4. At age 33,he was the oldest player to rank in the
  18. Loaned to the fellow Volkswagen Group company, competed in the GTP class, and, finished , the race in the top two positions, while the Champion Racing R8 finished third
  19. He does for others. He states on page 433 Bathing in Cold Water Once you have, finished ,exercising; it is often that the person will feel tired and fatigued; to combat
  20. Proved a major problem, and the English version of the screenplay was not even, finished ,by the time filming was to begin in autumn 1966. The shoot, which required snow
  21. Race, with the top three finishers all driving R8s: Audi Sport Japan Team Go, finished ,first, Audi Sport UK Velour second, and Champion Racing third. At the 2005 24
  22. Time and the right place to a moving final assembly line from which came a, finished ,product. Regardless of earlier uses of some of these principles, the direct
  23. 1965–1967 the preparatory drafts of The Gulag Archipelago were turned into, finished ,typescript in hiding at his friends' homes in Estonia. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  24. Tour of the spacecraft, showing how an astronaut lived in space. When they had, finished ,broadcasting they found a small present from Duke Slayton in the food
  25. On how salient features of the form contribute to the overall meaning of the, finished ,artwork. But in the end the meaning of most artworks ... is not exhausted by a
  26. Oldest player (age 31) to finish in the top three since 32-year-old Connors, finished ,at World No. 2 in 1984. Agassi's ranking slipped when injuries forced him to
  27. Assailant by his" neck and the seat of his trousers" and threw him. Lincoln, finished ,eighth out of thirteen candidates (the top four were elected),though he
  28. And claimed that he had not read the original version until he had virtually, finished ,the screenplay, and that he had never given serious consideration to using it.
  29. Resembled Aphrodite at all. At the very moment Pygmalion stepped away from the, finished ,sculpture Aphrodite appeared and told him to choose his bride. Pygmalion chose
  30. Their own raw glass or merely imported pre-made ingots, which they melted and, finished , However, they did have technical expertise in making objects, as well as
  31. Wanted to finish, even though he knew he would have to marry someone when he, finished , The reason he wanted to finish it was that he had fallen in love with the
  32. Was stopped, and the highway was never built, with only the metro being, finished , Only a few streets remained widened. The new city hall was built on the almost
  33. Privately and heard his fate over the radio. 1972 to 1987 The 1972 series, finished ,2–2,with England under Chillingworth retaining the Ashes. In the 1974–75 series
  34. Egypt mainly exported grain, gold,linen, and papyrus, in addition to other, finished ,goods including glass and stone objects. Language Historical development The
  35. The IBM 7090 computer running under the BOYS operating system. This work was, finished ,in late 1965 and later known as ISIS (Iverson System). The basis of this
  36. So-called Working Saturdays, where Korkin's students regularly met. In 1874, he, finished ,the school and began his studies at the physico-mathematical faculty of St
  37. In making objects, as well as adding trace elements to control the color of the, finished ,glass. A range of colors could be produced, including yellow, red,green, blue
  38. Monist school which began in Miles with Thales followed by Anaximander and, finished ,with Ximenes. 3rd century Roman rhetorician Abelian depicts him as leader of
  39. The drug helped her to work long hours to meet her deadline for delivering the, finished ,novel, but when the book was done, she was so exhausted that her doctor ordered
  40. And finished the race in the top two positions, while the Champion Racing R8, finished , third overall, and first in the LMP900 class. Audi returned to the winner's
  41. From water damage, but need to be reapplied periodically, or the walls can be, finished ,with other nontraditional plasters providing longer protection. Adobe roof The
  42. Especially in combination with the Gothic War; the latter conflict had, finished ,in the north only in 562,when the last Gothic stronghold, Verona,was taken.
  43. Of the town in honor of the ancestral pharaohs of the early dynasties; this was, finished ,by Ra messes II, who also built a lesser temple of his own. Merneptah added the
  44. Moved to Bordeaux with the rest of the staff of Pissoir. In the same year he, finished ,his first books, The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus. He returned briefly to
  45. Preceding periods. They were well-planned: vast sections or wings erected were, finished ,in a single stage, rather than in increments. Houses generally faced the south
  46. Of Sweden. At the end of 1709,Alexei went to Dresden for one year. There, he, finished , lessons in French, German,mathematics and fortification. After his education
  47. Mouth of the corpse to pay the traveling expenses of the soul. But all is not, finished ,with the passage of the soul to the land of the dead. The soul may return to
  48. Split between several stations, all working simultaneously. When one station is, finished ,with a car, it passes it on to the next. By having three stations, a total of
  49. Actress and the wife of Reign Danneskjöld. *Dick McNamara is a contractor who, finished ,the San Sebastián Line. Deign Haggard plans to hire him to lay the new Rear den
  50. Against them. In the final Queens faced a Racing de Santander side who had just, finished ,4th in Spain's La Liga notching home and away double victories against both

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