Examples of the the word, disappearance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disappearance ), is the 9274 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Each geographical region. These included the effects of the appearance and, disappearance ,of land bridges (such as the one currently connecting North America and South
  2. Player * John (born 1950) and Anne Darwin, fraudsters in the John Darwin, disappearance ,case * Mike Darwin (born 1955),American writer and activist Places In Africa
  3. Exception. Again according to Lovecraft's" History ":: Of his final death or, disappearance ,(738 A. D.) many terrible and conflicting things are told. He is said by CBN
  4. Or a treatment that is very likely to end it, while remission refers to the, disappearance , possibly temporarily, of symptoms. Complete remission is the best possible
  5. Cost of living throughout the Bay Area, and others because of the decline and, disappearance ,of many industries in West Berkeley. From the 1980s to the present, Berkeley
  6. Of skin glands, thickening of the skin and loss of the lateral line system The, disappearance ,of the tail is somewhat later (occurs at higher thyroxine levels) and after
  7. A substantial amount of evidence to suggest that Christie planned the entire, disappearance ,to embarrass her husband, never thinking it would escalate into the melodrama
  8. Who is gay. Rogers receives a large back-pay reimbursement dating back to his, disappearance ,at the end of World War II, and a government commission orders him to work
  9. Four-year-olds learning to read in only a few months, outstanding test scores, disappearance ,of behavioral problems, second-graders studying Shakespeare, and other
  10. That indicates the carbon-isotope excursion relates to a mass extinction: the, disappearance ,of distinctive fossils from the Precambrian coincides exactly with the
  11. Rock) On the collapse of Teen burger (as a result of Moulton and Warwick's, disappearance ,) Bubbles formed one of the richest associations of his career with Hawk wind.
  12. Behind a letter for her secretary saying that she was going to Yorkshire. Her, disappearance ,caused an outcry from the public, many of whom were admirers of her novels.
  13. The reign of King Peter Kashmir IV (1058–1074) And Zvonimir. Following the, disappearance ,of the major native dynasty by the end of the 11th century in the Battle of
  14. RDS can therefore provide very fast voltage transitions by the very sudden, disappearance ,of the charge carriers. Transient voltage suppression diode (TVS): These are
  15. Alston was the daughter of former United States Vice President Aaron Burr. Her, disappearance ,has been cited at least once in relation to the Triangle. USS Cyclops The
  16. Into the collapse of the ancient Easter Islanders in his book Collapse. The, disappearance ,of the island's trees seems to coincide with a decline of its civilization
  17. The material of the tail is being used for a quick growth of the legs. The, disappearance ,of the larval structures is a regulated process called apoptosis. The
  18. Had taken place during the ship's journey. These events led to the gradual, disappearance ,of the entire crew apparently owing to a malevolent presence on board the
  19. Stand for: Science *Colony collapse disorder, a phenomenon involving the abrupt, disappearance ,of the worker bees in a beehive or Western honey bee colony *centicandela (cc'd
  20. The middle game. The last phase is the endgame, generally characterized by the, disappearance ,of queens. The first official World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinmetz, claimed
  21. Has increased. The government has been running a budget deficit since 1988. The, disappearance ,of a revenue surplus has made Brunei's economy more vulnerable to petroleum
  22. Sure to avoid imperial religious persecution. In the view of Pierre Rich,the, disappearance ,of 220 bishops' seats indicates that the Lombard migration was a crippling
  23. With press freedom. Another issue for the Belarusian press is the unresolved, disappearance ,of several journalists. Belize (formerly British Honduras) is a
  24. Made clear that the lack of use does not, in itself, necessitate a feature's, disappearance , http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1134/is_5_114/ai_n13811128 In this
  25. The Doctor Who is a episode" The Unicorn and the Wasp" ( with Fella Wool gar, her, disappearance , being the result of her suffering a temporary breakdown due to a brief psychic
  26. The Dungeon Master, the 1985 non-fiction book by William C. Dear regarding the, disappearance ,of James Dallas Ebert III * Dungeon Master, the master of Lord AO, a god in
  27. On the island of Sicily, where once there was a land bridge to Italy. After the, disappearance ,of the land bridge, Sicilian aurochs evolved to a size 20 % smaller than their
  28. Of Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, or Bermuda itself, there is no evidence for the, disappearance ,of any land-based vehicles or persons. The city of Freeport, located inside the
  29. Complexity and obscurity of alchemical literature, and the eighteenth century, disappearance ,of remaining alchemical practitioners into the area of chemistry; the general
  30. From psychogenic fugue, opinion remains divided as to the reasons for her, disappearance , One suggestion is that she had suffered a nervous breakdown brought about by a
  31. That the reform of the civil service into a meritocratic system and the, disappearance ,of the ancient Chinese nobility from the bureaucracy constituted a modern
  32. Would be in very different circumstances. Brunanburh and after Following his, disappearance ,from Æthelstan's court after 935,there is no further report of Constantine
  33. By Caesar's soldiers at Brunssum, A later senatorial investigation into the, disappearance ,of the public funds made no action against Octavian, since he subsequently used
  34. Details Batman's the most recent adventures in Gotham to investigate about the, disappearance ,of his friend Dawn Golden, in an environment of mysticism and magic. The New 52
  35. Is first mentioned in 533 AD. From the reduction of the urban area to the, disappearance ,of the city The Slavic invasions of the late 6th century gradually encroached
  36. In. This metamorphosis typically lasts only 24 hours and consists of: * The, disappearance ,of the gill pouch, making the front legs visible. * The transformation of the
  37. To be that the birds succumbed to poultry disease, as suggested by the rapid, disappearance ,of the last, small,but apparently healthy and reproducing flocks of these
  38. Of summer was marked by the star's setting with the sun in the west and the, disappearance ,of the larvae. The star was also known as the mother of Just (Antares),and
  39. Led to the rise of black markets in rice, beans,sugar, and flour, and a ", disappearance ," of such basic commodities from supermarket shelves. The Cuban packages
  40. Lacked a brain, or whether their ancestors evolved in a way that led to the, disappearance ,of a previously existing brain structure. Invertebrates Many biologists dislike
  41. Giants' ), on the other hand, are a legendary people which explains the, disappearance ,of a people of Stone Age culture that used to live in the high lands and with
  42. May have been this mystery ship, and possibly involved in the Deeming crew's, disappearance , Flight 19 Flight 19 was a training flight of TBM Avenger bombers that went
  43. Everybody that he was not to blame and denying responsibility for Mandelstam's, disappearance , which for some reason he thought might be laid at his door. Joseph Stalin is
  44. Separating the nostrils (the septum NASA),leading eventually to its complete, disappearance , Due to the absorption of the cocaine from cocaine hydrochloride, the remaining
  45. Mitres of Moses and the vase of manna. Rumored current locations Since its, disappearance ,from the Biblical narrative, there have been a number of claims of having
  46. Fictionally. Some of these have explored and offered accounts of Christie's, disappearance ,in 1926,including the 1979 film Agatha (with Vanessa Redgrave, where she
  47. Registered as 'Mrs Teresa Needle' from Cape Town. Agatha gave no account of her, disappearance , Although two doctors had diagnosed her as suffering from psychogenic fugue
  48. As a function of not only distance, but the progressive shrinking and eventual, disappearance ,of its tail and the reflective elements it carries. Comets are most interesting
  49. Multitude of imperishable primary elements, referring all generation and, disappearance ,to mixture and separation respectively. Biography Anaxagoras appears to have
  50. Copied, discouraged others from writing histories and may even have led to the, disappearance ,of manuscripts containing older historical works. Other historical works

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