Examples of the the word, infectious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( infectious ), is the 5613 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Living with HIV/AIDS: 750,000 (2005 est. ): Deaths: 65,000 (2005 est. ) Major, infectious ,diseases: Degree of risk: high: Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea
  2. Stephen Thomas Brewing of All music referred to her music as a" blend of, infectious , rap-inflected dance-pop and smooth balladry. " Spears later commented," With
  3. Health problems abound, springing from poor water quality and prevalence of, infectious ,diseases. The water crisis is acute, with widespread bacterial contamination of
  4. The use of a condom is often referred to as barracking. HIV/AIDS and other, infectious ,diseases Among the diseases with which anal sex is associated are HIV, human
  5. On developing and applying disease prevention and control (especially, infectious ,diseases and foodborne pathogens and other microbial infections)
  6. Other pandemics. Scott and Duncan have argued that the pandemic was a form of, infectious ,disease that characterize as hemorrhagic plague similar to Ebola. Archaeologist
  7. Living with HIV/AIDS: 130,000 (2007 est. ): Deaths: 9,200 (2007 est. ) Major, infectious ,diseases: Degree of risk: very high: Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and
  8. Ainu population decreased drastically in the 19th century, due in large part to, infectious ,diseases brought by Japanese settlers pouring into Hokkaido. Conversely
  9. Form of plague occurs when bacteria cross the blood brain barrier, leading to, infectious ,meningitis. Other clinical forms There are a few other rare manifestations of
  10. Developmentally delayed or handicapped children and children quarantined for, infectious ,diseases. In 2007 Agassi, Muhammad Ali, Lance Armstrong, Warrick Dunn, Jeff
  11. Animals. Through diseases such as smallpox and diphtheria, that like most, infectious ,diseases, move to humans from animals. No human pathogens of comparable
  12. Develops holes and takes on a sponge-like texture. This is due to a type of, infectious ,protein called a prion. Prions are misfolded proteins which replicate by
  13. Needles). It is a defensive reaction of the tissue to prevent the spread of, infectious ,materials to other parts of the body. One example of an abscess is a Coma
  14. Autism, or may be important in future research, include certain foods, infectious ,disease, heavy metals, solvents,diesel exhaust, PCBs,phthalates and phenols
  15. Those not killed in the gas chambers died of starvation, forced labor, infectious ,disease, individual executions, and medical experiments.
  16. Accumulated in a cavity formed by the tissue in which the pus resides due to an, infectious ,process (usually caused by bacteria or parasites) or other foreign materials
  17. The CDC has launched websites including flu. Gov to educate people. Other, infectious ,diseases The CDC's website (see below) has information on other infectious
  18. Metronidazole is an alternative recommendation. In contrast to some other, infectious ,diseases affecting the female genitals, according to some sources, treatment of
  19. Living with HIV/AIDS: 130,000 (2009 est. ): Deaths: 11,000 (2009 est. ) Major, infectious ,diseases: Degree of risk: very high: Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and
  20. To Amherst, and the continuing correspondence on the point. Smallpox is highly, infectious ,and does not require contaminated blankets to spread uncontrollably, and
  21. Between the two. A nonallergic amoxicillin rash may also be an indicator of, infectious ,mononucleosis: Some studies indicate approximately 80-90 % of patients with
  22. Living with HIV/AIDS: 540,000 (2007 est. ): Deaths: 39,000 (2007 est. ) Major, infectious ,diseases: Degree of risk: very high: Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and
  23. 100 degrees west. The subtropical climate made winters mild but allowed, infectious ,diseases to flourish. Consequently, on both sides more soldiers died from
  24. Infectious diseases The CDC's website (see below) has information on other, infectious ,diseases, including smallpox, measles,and much more. Non- infectious disease
  25. Of the temporal bone, epidural abscess) or remote (lung, heart,kidney etc.), infectious , sources,within the brain tissue. The infection may also be introduced through
  26. That seems to have contributed to his renown. Anthony is appealed to against, infectious ,diseases, particularly skin diseases. " Saint Anthony's fire" has described
  27. And treatment of anthrax. The UK however does not recommend its use for, infectious ,endocarditis prophylaxis. These recommendations have not appeared to have
  28. Highway" ), a mature love song (" The Night Was So Young")—a mix ranging from, infectious ,to touching to downright silly. Despite its flaws, Love You are one of the more
  29. No national survey of HIV/AIDS prevalence has been done in Botswana. Major, infectious ,diseases: Degree of risk: high: Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea
  30. States in the 2001 anthrax attacks, caused deliberately. Letters laced with, infectious ,anthrax were delivered to news media offices and the U. S Congress. The letters
  31. Participants to two principal dangers: infections, due to the high number of, infectious ,microorganisms not found elsewhere on the body, and physical damage to the anus
  32. Living with HIV/AIDS: 110,000 (2007 est. ): Deaths: 11,000 (2007 est. ) Major, infectious ,diseases: Degree of risk: very high: Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial
  33. Transmitted diseases, the introduction of quarantine to limit the spread of, infectious ,diseases, the introduction of experimental medicine, clinical trials
  34. General morphological features All members of this phylum have an, infectious ,stage - the sporophyte - which possess three distinct structures in an apical
  35. Relatively dark lesion). Lumbar puncture procedure, which is performed in many, infectious ,disorders of the central nervous system is contraindicated in this condition (
  36. Was predominant in Abyss in the First dynasty of Egypt. Plague is a deadly, infectious ,disease that is caused by the Enterobacter Yersinia pests, named after the
  37. Then usual (urinary urgency). Men In men, chlamydia shows symptoms of, infectious ,urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) in about 50 % of cases. Eye disease
  38. Living with HIV/AIDS: 200,000 (2003 est. ): Deaths: 18,000 (2003 est. ) Major, infectious ,diseases: Degree of risk: very high: Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and
  39. Are also three special pattern diagnosis systems used in case of febrile and, infectious ,diseases only (" Six Channel system" or" six division patterns" 六经辩证, ; " Wei
  40. Activity. Traditional healers have long used plants to prevent or cure, infectious ,conditions. Many of these plants have been investigated scientifically for
  41. Agents took three major forms: * Deliberate poisoning of food and water with, infectious ,material * Use of microorganisms, toxins or animals, living or dead, in a
  42. Infectious Diseases, one of the most heavily cited journals in the fields of, infectious ,diseases and microbiology. * Certified Interconnect Designer, a certification
  43. Diseases per 10,000 of total population). In 2005,the highest morbidity for, infectious ,and parasitic diseases was noted among influenza and acute respiratory
  44. Chlamydiae. C. trachomas is found only in humans. Chlamydia is a major, infectious ,cause of human genital and eye disease. Chlamydia infection is one of the most
  45. Antibacterials used in U. S. are given to livestock animals in the absence of, infectious ,diseases. This practice has been associated with the emergence of
  46. To Calais, France,in 22 hours. *1894 – Pitapat Shibasaburō discovers the, infectious ,agent of the bubonic plague and publishes his findings in The Lancet. *1898 –
  47. Stephen Thomas Brewing of All music referred to her music as a" blend of, infectious , rap-inflected dance-pop and smooth balladry. " Sputnik music writer Amanda
  48. Would likely be made airborne for exposure by inhalation. People who inhale an, infectious ,aerosol would generally experience severe respiratory illness, including
  49. Years. Disease Cats can suffer from a wide range of health problems, including, infectious , diseases,parasites, injuries and chronic disease. Vaccinations are available
  50. Ingestion of contaminated water or insect bites. Francisca tularemia is very, infectious , A small number (10-50 or so organisms) can cause disease. If F. tularemia

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