Examples of the the word, unauthorized , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unauthorized ), is the 6517 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stores in 2005 because Steve Jobs disagreed with their decision to publish an, unauthorized ,Jobs biography, iCon. Headquarters Apple Inc. is world corporate headquarters
  2. It was published in the July through September 1931 issues of Amazing, but with, unauthorized ,changes by Sloane. Fan letters in the magazine complained about the novel's
  3. Architects for home security purposes. The sharp thorns of the cactus deter, unauthorized ,persons from entering private properties, and may prevent break-ins if planted
  4. UI functions itself and preventing malicious users from booting the system from, unauthorized ,peripheral devices. The BIOS provides a small library of basic input/output
  5. The monument on its Apollo 15 mission documentary, with no mention that it was, unauthorized , Mission insignia The circular patch features stylized red, white and blue
  6. Of computer technology, whose objective includes protection of information from, unauthorized ,access, disruption,or modification while maintaining the accessibility and
  7. Security measures fail. Digital rights management systems which prevent, unauthorized ,use or reproduction of copyrighted material and protect software against
  8. Game in the form of a cheat code. In addition to news, rumors and screenshots, unauthorized ,leaked alpha versions also circulated online. (Many years later this alpha
  9. Ultimate secret of life. This fate is said to be Kornbluth's response to the, unauthorized ,publication of" Mask of Demeter" ( as by" Corwin" and" Martin Pearson "
  10. 24 or three pounds 24p,since the currency unit is not preprinted. To make, unauthorized ,amendment difficult, it is useful to have an expression terminator even when a
  11. Users to see the contents of a file or folder. Permissions protect against, unauthorized ,tampering or destruction of information in files, and keep private information
  12. However, Secretary of State William Seward engaged in, unauthorized ,and indirect negotiations that failed. Fort
  13. Clandestine or coercive activity by a foreign government in order to gain, unauthorized ,access to economic intelligence, such as proprietary information or technology
  14. Information) may be kept encrypted in storage to prevent the possibility of, unauthorized ,information reconstruction from chunks of storage snapshots (taken either via
  15. Landscape architects for home security. The sharp thorns of some species deter, unauthorized ,persons from entering private properties, and may prevent break-ins if planted
  16. Action footage was filmed with the primary actors from the series. A number of, unauthorized ,Babylon 5 modifications have been created for other computer games such as
  17. On data. It also controls the security of the database. Data security prevents, unauthorized ,users from viewing or updating the database. Using passwords, users are allowed
  18. Widely imitated abroad—Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars was a virtual (, unauthorized ,) scene-by-scene remake—but most agree that Kurosawa's original was superior
  19. It sold for a then record high amount: $6,400. Soon thereafter a fan sold, unauthorized ,prints of some Scrooge Chuck paintings, leading Disney to withdraw
  20. Kingdom, amphetamines are regarded as Class B drugs. The maximum penalty for, unauthorized ,possession is five years in prison and an unlimited fine. The maximum penalty
  21. Bank.: *UBS AG, Switzerland’s biggest bank, suffered a $2 billion loss through, unauthorized ,trading discovered in September 2011. Counter-party risk Some derivatives (
  22. The total number of Christians is difficult to determine, as many belong to, unauthorized ,house churches, but estimates of their number have ranged from 40 million (3 %
  23. Of information in files, and keep private information confidential from, unauthorized ,users. Another protection mechanism implemented in many computers is a
  24. Key ways. The first was the introduction of the steam turbine. The spectacular, unauthorized ,demonstration of the turbine powered Turbine at the 1897 Pithead Navy Review
  25. Sales of the Ace editions. In any case, Ace was forced to cease publishing the, unauthorized ,edition and to pay Tolkien for their sales following a grassroots campaign by
  26. Act provides for minimum damages of $500 per type of item, for goods sold with, unauthorized ,use of a trademark (15 U. S. C. § 1117 (c),Latham Act Section 35 (c). ).
  27. And services are protected from publication, tampering or collapse by, unauthorized ,activities or untrustworthy individuals and unplanned events respectively. The
  28. The armed groups also deforest large areas to cultivate illegal crops and open, unauthorized ,highways in protected areas. Extreme points; Highest points: Snowfields and
  29. With NASA employees and the astronaut corps, arranged for Scott to carry, unauthorized ,commemorative postal covers in his spacesuit. Riemann had promised each
  30. Built-in security means to protect its content (and users) from dangers of, unauthorized ,users (either humans or programs). Protection is also provided from types of
  31. A court ruled that this factor weighed against a defendant who had made, unauthorized ,movie trailers for video retailers, since his trailers acted as direct
  32. Of Emir Abdullah of Granada and his ally García Cordoned. However, El Cid's, unauthorized ,expedition into Granada greatly angered Alfonso, and May 8,1080,was the last
  33. The matter can be settled, and in some jurisdictions the consumer liability for, unauthorized ,charges is the same for both debit and credit cards. In some countries, like
  34. Of notoriety in 1995 when Nick Lesson, a trader at Baring's Bank, made poor and, unauthorized ,investments in futures contracts. Through a combination of poor judgment, lack
  35. After the war and becomes one of its most effective spies. After launching an, unauthorized ,investigation of the Kennedy assassination, Christopher becomes a pariah to the
  36. 3. There was a large, permitted march by members of the AFL-CIO, and other, unauthorized ,marches by assorted affinity groups who converged around the Convention Center.
  37. Authorities. In Pakistan some people were reported to be shocked at the, unauthorized ,incursion by US armed forces. The site is a few miles from the Pakistan
  38. A movie of the same name in 1996 by David Rosenberg. An earlier, apparently, unauthorized , adaptation called Nightmare Angel was filmed in 1986 by Susan Emerging and Zoe
  39. Until April 1962,fifty years after Stoker's death. When F. W. Murnau's, unauthorized ,film adaptation Nosferatu was released in 1922,the popularity of the novel
  40. Most difficult to trace security vulnerabilities is achievable by transmitting, unauthorized ,communications over specific radio frequencies. These transmissions may spoof
  41. Data. Another classification is by the action against vulnerable system:, unauthorized ,data access, arbitrary code execution, denial of service. Many exploits are
  42. Of the Union, contradicted expressly by the letter of the Constitution, unauthorized ,by its spirit, inconsistent with every principle on which it was founded, and
  43. Ridley Scott-approved (1991,116 minutes) Director's Cut was prompted by the, unauthorized ,1990/1991 work print theatrical release. This Director's Cut was made available
  44. Plans or take other countermeasures once it is known that the information is in, unauthorized ,hands. Espionage is usually part of an institutional effort by a government or
  45. Southern France, and a new impulse was given to the study of philosophy by the, unauthorized ,interference of the Spanish rabbis. On the expulsion of the Jews from France by
  46. Quickly followed. China Issues of copying of software and films for, unauthorized ,distribution in China has become an ongoing diplomatic issue between the United
  47. Exclusive rights held. For electronic and audiovisual media under copyright, unauthorized ,reproduction and distribution is also commonly referred to as piracy. An early
  48. Obedience upon all Catholics and forbids, under pain of excommunication, all, unauthorized , interpretation,reserving this to the Pope alone and threatens the disobedient
  49. Or surface fire). On the same day, a US U-2 spy plane made an accidental, unauthorized ,ninety-minute overflight of the Soviet Union's far eastern coast. The Soviets
  50. The comic book Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #15 (March 1990) featured an, unauthorized ,image of Grant, leading to a lawsuit against publisher Marvel Comics. * In 2001

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