Examples of the the word, neglect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( neglect ), is the 3965 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As unilateral under operating conditions where feedback is small enough to, neglect ,for most purposes, simplifying analysis (see the common base article for an
  2. To displaced animals from a variety of situations, including those involving, neglect , Parks and recreation The Austin Parks & Recreation Department received the
  3. Risen to 144,000 comprising 44,000 Muslims and 100,000 Christians. Centuries of, neglect ,by the Turks, the unrelenting poverty of most of the people, and the
  4. Water waves propagate only on the surface of the water. For light, we can often, neglect ,one direction if the diffracting object extends in that direction over a
  5. Or an exclusive focus upon religiously-compatible behavior to the, neglect ,of the non-legalistic dimension of rabbinic tradition. Influence outside of
  6. Left\angle\math bf\range+\tilde\right= 0 If we, neglect ,higher than first order terms in the fluctuations, the mass balance equation
  7. Of being contrary to mathematics whose fundamental operations involve no, neglect ,of infinitesimals—the better I like it" was his phrase. Extending the Lens man
  8. May also elect to respond that the aircraft is not being hijacked, but then, neglect ,to change to a different squawk code. In this case the controller would make no
  9. Equatorial Guinea counted on cocoa production for hard currency earnings,the, neglect ,of the rural economy under successive regimes has diminished potential for
  10. Purposely getting court-martialed. On February 8,1831,he was tried for gross, neglect ,of duty and disobedience of orders for refusing to attend formations, classes
  11. 2008 more than a hundred academics signed a letter to The Times condemning the, neglect ,being suffered by the site. In September 2008,PGP, IBM and other technology
  12. Rodin found in his studio — a broken and damaged torso that had fallen into, neglect ,and the lower extremities of a statuette version of his 1878 St. John the
  13. Been described as an intermediate place or state of confinement in oblivion and, neglect , The notion of purgatory is associated particularly with the Latin Rite of the
  14. In their emphasis that he laid the foundations of modern chemistry, neglect ,how steadily he clung to the Scholastic sciences and to Alchemy, in theory
  15. Due to political exclusion, ethnic and linguistic discrimination, and economic, neglect ,by the politically-dominant West Pakistan, popular agitation grew against West
  16. Congress under pressure from younger military officers, who were sick of the, neglect ,of the armed forces, political infighting, social unrest, and galloping
  17. Of Grotius. Similarly, in the concert hall,Elgar's works, after a period of, neglect , are once again frequently programmed. The Elgar Society's website, in its
  18. An elephant act with Circus Vazquez due to numerous instances of abuse and, neglect ,(April 2008),and according to PETA,27 elephants owned by Ringling Bros. and
  19. That gained access to even early firearms used them widely, to the relative, neglect ,of archery. Early firearms were vastly inferior in rate-of-fire, and were very
  20. Low interest council Heritage Loans Scheme. And the prevention of demolition by, neglect ,discouraged by council policies. Since the 1970s,the local council has become
  21. Of poetry, he displayed an aversion to artistry and continued his father's, neglect ,of miniature painting. This was connected to a devout religiosity that declared
  22. Slow reception, partly as a result of Chomsky's review, paired with Skinner's, neglect ,to address or rebut any of Chomsky's condemnations. Skinner's peers may have
  23. With the 'classical' or 'philosophical' Diode Jing and the denigration and, neglect ,of the later sectarian traditions. " A summarization of the major differences
  24. A French rural retreat where he could write. That too was lost to Lerner's, neglect ,of his finances. Some observers speculate that Alan Jay Lerner's pride was so
  25. For the rest of the war, in which more American soldiers and sailors died of, neglect ,than died in every battle of the entire war, combined. Howe then detached
  26. Of uncertain date, the Orig focuses on military and political events, to the, neglect ,of cultural and religious matters. Acanthus' De Mortises Persecutorum, a
  27. Emerges among the mainstream with the new movement, and the old one falls into, neglect ,- sometimes it dies out entirely, but often it chugs along favored in a few
  28. Or renaissance humanism (cf. Erasmus). The Catholic Church fell into general, neglect ,under the Renaissance Popes, whose inability to govern the Church properly set
  29. Some of its key elements. Leading examples of this... have been the widespread, neglect ,of her religious beliefs, and the misrepresentation of her as a bourgeois
  30. But his immersion in textual analysis, particularly with Properties, led him to, neglect ,ancient history and philosophy, which formed part of the Greats curriculum, and
  31. Of a regular caregiver, or locked away under conditions of abuse or extreme, neglect , The possible short-term effects of this deprivation are anger, despair
  32. His illegitimate child, a magistrate of the first class may, upon proof of such, neglect ,or refusal, order such person to make a monthly allowance for the maintenance
  33. The maintenance of the transportation network. Railways After decades of, neglect ,and damage from wartime,Cambodia's rail network is currently being
  34. Can have but one significance in one and the same connection. The moment we, neglect ,this principle we drift out upon a sea of uncertainty and conjecture. "
  35. Right hemisphere of the brain, giving rise to a syndrome known as geospatial, neglect , characterized by an inability to direct action or attention toward objects
  36. Or may give an explanation that doesn't make sense. Patients with geospatial, neglect ,may also fail to recognize paralyzed parts of their bodies: one frequently
  37. Divorce, or contribute to domestic violence. Alcoholism can also lead to child, neglect , with subsequent lasting damage to the emotional development of the alcoholic
  38. Up to one-third of the country's population. Due to pilferage, ignorance,and, neglect , the country's infrastructure—electrical, water,road, transportation,and
  39. As rearranged without consent from all communities. This often leads to the, neglect ,of badly needed repairs when the communities cannot come to an agreement among
  40. Some local mandate cannot be assiduous to both tasks; for instance, they may, neglect ,their duties to attend parliamentary sittings and commission in order to attend
  41. In the north and east was nominal. The educational system suffered from this, neglect , After World War II, France granted Chad the status of overseas territory and
  42. Scott. The film has been criticized for many historical inaccuracies, including, neglect , of the role of Poland's Biro Sorrow in breaking the Enigma cipher and
  43. Education, particularly for upgrading school buildings suffering from years of, neglect ,and war damage. “ Prefab” classrooms were also built and 928 new primary
  44. Web-based documentary series In Their Boots, criticizing the U. S. military's, neglect ,of service members' families. As a linguist, Choi was among 59 gay Arabic
  45. The croplands of which she was the patroness. Ananias explicitly connects the, neglect ,of her festival with the barrenness of Philip. The rites at Phigaleia noted
  46. By Muselli's much-publicized rejection of him (due to his drug addiction and, neglect ,of their son) that in revenge he portrayed her as a gold-digging spendthrift.
  47. And results of specific dysfunction, such as dyslexia, anopia, and geospatial, neglect , Criticism In a paper written shortly before his death, B. F. Skinner stated
  48. Located to the right with respect to their bodies. Patients with geospatial, neglect ,are often paralyzed on the right side of the body, but sometimes deny being
  49. Process required to obtain the capital),the latter will inevitably begin to, neglect ,the interests of the former, creating dysfunction within the company. Some
  50. Taken as a whole have in the twenty-first century recovered strongly from their, neglect ,in the 1950s. The Record Guide in 1955 could list only one currently available

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