Examples of the the word, breathe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( breathe ), is the 3964 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Minutes while the whale holds them still, because these sharks need to move to, breathe , In one incident filmed near the Carillon Islands, a female killed a long great
  2. Fresh air. Seventy percent of my nutrients come from fresh air. I couldn’t even, breathe ," she said. The third day the test was moved to a mountainside retreat. After
  3. Large and modern to small and cozy. The typical Brooke KROE (brown café), breathe , a more old-fashioned atmosphere with dimmed lights, candles,and somewhat older
  4. And are hidden within the body. The tail has horizontal. Respiration Cetaceans, breathe ,air. They surface periodically to exhale carbon dioxide and inhale a fresh
  5. And it was given only to the greatest geniuses, such as Bach and Beethoven, to, breathe , life into such an unwieldy form and make it the bearer of the highest thoughts.
  6. Too long on his left side. The doctor on duty objected, knowing that he could, breathe ,only on his left side, but she had him moved nonetheless. Mao's breathing
  7. A certain amount of carboxyhemoglobin in normal persons, even if they do not, breathe ,any carbon monoxide. Following the first report that carbon monoxide is a
  8. Of America, I am covered with the soft, grey fog of the Emerald Isle Ireland. I, breathe , and lo! The chattel slave becomes a man. I gaze around in vain for one who
  9. Just didn't have the extra energy to be happy. Near the end, I could hardly, breathe , I thought I was about to have a stroke. " The stunt work was mostly performed
  10. France, I have drunk the waters of her culture. I have made her past my own. I, breathe ,freely only in her climate, and I have done my best, with others, to defend her
  11. Where there are no more barriers between interior and exterior:" This tree, I, breathe , shaking off the new leaves. I am this tree. Tree, cloud; tomorrow book or wind;
  12. Eggs has evolved several times. The larvae of frogs (tadpoles or polliwogs), breathe , with exterior gills at the start, but soon a pouch is formed that covers the
  13. Are commonly seen wearing face masks so that they do not accidentally, breathe ,in and kill small creatures. Monasticism in other religions * Amanda Maria has
  14. NAD+ and quinone are regenerated. This is why humans breathe in oxygen and, breathe ,out carbon dioxide. The energy released from transferring the electrons from
  15. The house" small but pretty ", and recorded in her diary that:" All seemed to, breathe ,freedom and peace, and to make one forget the world and its sad turmoils ". It
  16. And nose form, in addition to internal characteristics such as the ability to, breathe ,more efficiently at high altitudes. H. sapiens IDATE, from Ethiopia, is an
  17. Paul II often spoke of his great desire that the Catholic Church" once again, breathe ,with both lungs ", thus emphasizing that the Roman Catholic Church seeks to
  18. Of respiratory function if there are concerns about a patient's ability to, breathe ,adequately. The forced vital capacity may be monitored at intervals so as not
  19. To the in-flight level of, providing sufficient oxygen for the astronauts to, breathe ,while reducing the fire risk. The Apollo 1 crew had tested this procedure with
  20. To the novelizations of the video game, the Grunts' apparatus allows them to, breathe ,the methane they need to survive. In the Master of Orion series of space
  21. A certain amount of carboxyhemoglobin in normal persons, even if they do not, breathe ,any carbon monoxide. Following the first report that carbon monoxide is a
  22. Electron acceptors NAD+ and quinone are regenerated. This is why humans, breathe ,in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. The energy released from transferring
  23. Swamps, can swim and live in underwater nests. Since they lack gills, they, breathe , in trapped pockets of air in the submerged nests. Cooperation and competition
  24. A safe haven for" your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to, breathe ,free ". The album contains a number of fast/short songs interspersed with jazz
  25. An experience of radiant colors, objects and surfaces appearing to ripple or ", breathe ,", colored patterns behind the closed eyelids (acetic imagery),an altered
  26. Was proposed off the coast of Malibu. Berry said," I care about the air we, breathe , I care about the marine life and the ecosystem of the ocean. " In May 2007
  27. Of his illness, he was forced to sleep in a straight-back chair in order to, breathe ,comfortably. On those nights, he would play his guitar until he fell asleep
  28. Be the product of aerobic respiration. If a silicon-based life form were to, breathe ,using oxygen, as life on Earth does, it would possibly produce silicon dioxide
  29. They separate the pair and surround the calf, preventing it from surfacing to, breathe , drowning it. Pods of female sperm whales sometimes protect themselves by
  30. Hypoxia. By the time the full symptoms of hypoxia appear, it may be too late to, breathe ,without assistance, especially if the gas is heavy enough to reside in the
  31. Mass media. Hurray for John and Yoko. Let them stay and live here and, breathe , The country’s got plenty of room and space. Let John and Yoko stay! On 23
  32. Absolute and uncontrollable necessity has determin'd us to judge as well as to, breathe ,and feel ". Although many modern commentators have demurred from Hume's
  33. I stayed on longer than I should have," he admitted, adding that he couldn't, breathe ,anymore. " When he retired Li'l Abner, newspapers ran expansive articles and
  34. In slow-wave sleep at a time, thus maintaining enough consciousness to, breathe ,and to watch for possible predators and other threats. Earlier sleep stages can
  35. Have encountered problems determining how these animals managed to, breathe , Beginning with the assumption that Apatosaurus, like crocodiles, did not
  36. Freezing in and around the food pile, providing a location where beavers can, breathe ,when outside their lodge. Fossil remains of beavers are found in the peat and
  37. Wafted away it revealed her virgin bloom; at another moment it would wantonly, breathe ,directly upon it, clinging tightly and vividly outlining the pleasurable
  38. Cotton hood with two hoses which hung down to the floor, allowing the wearer to, breathe ,the safer air found there. In addition, moist sponges were inserted at the end
  39. The moment there is no evidence of this. Respiratory system All Chondrichthyes, breathe ,through 5-7 gills, depending on the species. In general, pelagic species must
  40. Bonds; they will stay with injured or ill individuals, even helping them to, breathe ,by bringing them to the surface if needed. This altruism does not appear to be
  41. Be seen very frequently as they would have to surface several times a day to, breathe , Amphibian R. T. Gould suggested something like a long-necked newt and Roy
  42. The destruction of Planet Name, Frieza tells Roku that he does not need to, breathe , This would allow him to survive the destruction of the planet and suggest that
  43. Have been grouped together under the dragon label. Some dragons are said to, breathe ,fire or to be poisonous, such as in the Old English poem Beowulf. They are
  44. Had been purged from the astronauts' tissues prior to launch. They would still, breathe ,pure oxygen, starting several hours before launch, until they removed their
  45. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can, breathe , " His most famous blunder occurred when he altered student William Figueroa's
  46. Asteroids move using pseudopodia, which are bulges of cytoplasm. Amoebas, breathe ,using their entire cell membrane that is constantly immersed in water. Excess
  47. In David Endings' " Tamil" trilogy are noted by their human opponents to, breathe ,marsh-gas (methane). Within Endings' universe, this limits their capacity
  48. Which looks like a fixed smile. Some species have up to 250 teeth. Dolphins, breathe ,through a blowhole on top of their head. The trachea is anterior to the brain.
  49. To industrially produce ammonia. Despite the fact that 78.1 % of the air we, breathe ,is nitrogen, the gas is relatively nonreactive because nitrogen molecules are
  50. Normally results when control of the diaphragm is impaired and the ability to, breathe ,is lost. One exception is Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS),which may last for

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