Examples of the the word, biotechnology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( biotechnology ), is the 5386 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Forms a key component in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector. * Blue, biotechnology ,is a term that has been used to describe the marine and aquatic applications of
  2. Programs that employ artificial selection and hybridization. By comparison to, biotechnology , bioengineering is generally thought of as a related field with its emphasis
  3. By other mechanical and biological sciences since its inception. Through early, biotechnology , farmers were able to select the best suited crops, having the highest yields
  4. Applications (unlike Biomedical Engineering, which includes much, biotechnology ,). Although not normally thought of as biotechnology , agriculture clearly fits
  5. Manipulation. * White biotechnology , also known as industrial biotechnology , is, biotechnology , applied to industrial processes. An example is the designing of an organism to
  6. Gene (abbreviated BLA) is commonly used as a selectable marker in routine, biotechnology , Due to concerns over horizontal gene transfer to pathogenic organisms in the
  7. And may have negative implications for rural communities. Crop alteration and, biotechnology ,Crop alteration has been practiced by humankind for thousands of years, since
  8. Yields, to produce enough food to support a growing population. Other uses of, biotechnology ,were required as the crops and fields became increasingly large and difficult
  9. Produce valuable chemicals or destroy hazardous/polluting chemicals. White, biotechnology ,tends to consume less in resources than traditional processes used to produce
  10. To traditional biomanufacturing facilities. Animal Biotechnology In animals, biotechnology ,techniques are being used to improve genetics and for pharmaceutical or
  11. In Research Park at Barton: businesses involved in materials engineering, biotechnology , environmental services, information technology, industrial design
  12. Where they can bind to and hydrolyze DNA. Enzymes are potential tools in, biotechnology , e.g., to perform specific actions on DNA. Enzymes function by lowering the
  13. Pertaining to the contemporary world, including globalization, medicine and, biotechnology , indigenous rights, virtual communities, and the anthropology of industrialized
  14. Which includes much biotechnology ). Although not normally thought of as, biotechnology , agriculture clearly fits the broad definition of" using a biotechnological
  15. Are intimately entwined and dependent on the methods developed through, biotechnology ,and what is commonly thought of as the life sciences industry. History
  16. Cooperate in plant science, crops technology, vegetable and fruit preservation, biotechnology , post-harvest technology, livestock,organic agriculture, irrigation and water
  17. In food fermentation A broad number of food products, commodity chemicals, and, biotechnology , products are manufactured industrially by large-scale bacterial fermentation of
  18. In the presence (or absence) of chemicals. One hope is that green, biotechnology ,might produce more environmentally friendly solutions than traditional
  19. New environments and breeding them with other plants—one of the first forms of, biotechnology , Cultures such as those in Mesopotamia, Egypt,and India developed the process
  20. And development money, and by its graduates. High-tech, health services and, biotechnology ,are other major components of the city's economy; numerous medical offices
  21. Fully understood until Pasteur's work in 1857,it is still the first use of, biotechnology ,to convert a food source into another form. For thousands of years, humans have
  22. The" nerd bird. " Austin is also emerging as a hub for pharmaceutical and, biotechnology ,companies; the city is home to about 85 of them. Whole Foods Market (often
  23. Living things. The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity defines, biotechnology ,as: In other terms:" Application of scientific and technical advances in life
  24. Of biotechnology , but its use is relatively rare. * Green biotechnology is, biotechnology ,applied to agricultural processes. An example would be the selection and
  25. Genomics, structural genomics, and proteomics, and forms a key component in the, biotechnology ,and pharmaceutical sector. * Blue biotechnology is a term that has been used to
  26. S. Population. Rising demand for biofuels is expected to be good news for the, biotechnology ,sector, with the Department of Energy estimating ethanol usage could reduce U.
  27. Is a term that has been used to describe the marine and aquatic applications of, biotechnology , but its use is relatively rare. * Green biotechnology is biotechnology applied
  28. For FDA approval. Criticism There is another side to the agricultural, biotechnology ,issue. It includes increased herbicide usage and resultant herbicide resistance
  29. And the engineering of genetic cures through genetic manipulation. * White, biotechnology , also known as industrial biotechnology , is biotechnology applied to industrial
  30. For deeper understanding in agricultural science. New technologies, such as, biotechnology ,and computer science (for data processing and storage),and technological
  31. And other agrochemicals Most of the current commercial applications of modern, biotechnology ,in agriculture are on reducing the dependence of farmers on agrochemicals. For
  32. Oil, biofuels ), and environmental uses. For example, one application of, biotechnology ,is the directed use of organisms for the manufacture of organic products (
  33. And technical advances in life science to develop commercial products" is, biotechnology , Biotechnology draws on the pure biological sciences (genetics, microbiology
  34. Biological processes play a major role in the removal of contaminants and, biotechnology ,is taking advantage of the astonishing catabolic versatility of microorganisms
  35. While increases in crop yield are the most obvious applications of modern, biotechnology ,in agriculture, it is also the most difficult one. Current genetic engineering
  36. Aquatic applications of biotechnology , but its use is relatively rare. * Green, biotechnology ,is biotechnology applied to agricultural processes. An example would be the
  37. In the laboratory. Nowadays, the agencies that are responsible for the, biotechnology ,regulation are: US Department of Agriculture (USDA) that regulates plant
  38. Seeds which are resistant to pests and drought. By boosting farm productivity, biotechnology ,plays a crucial role in ensuring that biofuel production targets are met.
  39. Purified animal insulin remain a perfectly acceptable alternative. Modern, biotechnology ,has evolved, making it possible to produce more easily and relatively cheaply
  40. Its ethical implications. Agriculture Crop yield Using the techniques of modern, biotechnology , one or two genes (Smarts tax from Monsanto in collaboration with Dow
  41. Applied biotechnologies are termed as bioeconomy. Medicine In medicine, modern, biotechnology , finds promising applications in such areas as * genetic testing (or genetic
  42. More environmentally friendly is a topic of considerable debate. * Red, biotechnology ,is applied to medical processes. Some examples are the designing of organisms
  43. Of pesticides. An example of this would be BT corn. Whether green, biotechnology ,products such as this are ultimately more environmentally friendly is a topic
  44. Communication technologies, as well as media and music, advertising and design, biotechnology , environmental services, and medical engineering. The Science and Business Park
  45. A series of derived terms have been coined to identify several branches of, biotechnology ,; for example: * Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field which addresses
  46. Throughout the world are now providing programs in bioengineering and, biotechnology ,(as independent programs or specialty programs within more established
  47. Reduce U. S. petroleum-derived fuel consumption by up to 30 % by 2030. The, biotechnology ,sector has allowed the U. S. farming industry to rapidly increase its supply of
  48. Through genetic manipulation. * White biotechnology , also known as industrial, biotechnology , is biotechnology applied to industrial processes. An example is the designing
  49. Structure prediction The importance of antibodies in health care and the, biotechnology ,industry demands knowledge of their structures at high resolution. This
  50. Industry is expected to grow by 12.9 % in 2008. Another factor influencing the, biotechnology ,sector's success is improved intellectual property rights legislation—and

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