Examples of the the word, tremor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tremor ), is the 12865 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Technology Tunic Software has released software to help people with essential, tremor , Parkinson's disease, and other causes of hand tremor control their computer
  2. A robust correlation between small tidally induced forces and non-volcanic, tremor ,activity. Earthquake clusters Most earthquakes form part of a sequence, related
  3. Mask. Additional medication may be indicated for treatment of nausea, tremor , and anxiety. Prognosis A normal liver detoxifies the blood of alcohol over a
  4. High heat. Another research indicates there is a strong link between essential, tremor ,in males and the amount of meat consumed, but the exact mechanism is yet
  5. Other regions in selected patients. Women are more likely to develop the head, tremor ,than are men. Other types of tremor may also occur, including postural tremor
  6. Services and support to individuals and families affected by essential, tremor ,(ET). The organization encourages and promotes research in an effort to
  7. Persons in their 60s,70s,80s,and 90s. Aside from enhanced physiological, tremor , it is the most common type of tremor and one of the most commonly observed
  8. Of CMT, as can chewing, swallowing,and speaking (as vocal cords atrophy). A, tremor ,can develop as muscles waste. Pregnancy has been known to exacerbate CMT, as
  9. S disease. Symptoms Essential tremor generally presents as a rhythmic, tremor ,(4–12 Hz) that is present only when the affected muscle is exerting effort (
  10. Is apparent during voluntary movements such as eating and writing. This type of, tremor ,is often referred to as" kinetic tremor . " The tremor may also occur in the
  11. Is the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China's Sichuan Province in May; this, tremor ,resulted in 69,227 fatalities and is the 19th deadliest earthquake of all time.
  12. Tend to make the tremor worse, often creating the false impression that the, tremor ,is of psychosomatic origin. Tremor intensity can worsen in response to fatigue
  13. Groups such as 1-octanol are being researched to provide relief from essential, tremor ,without providing the intoxication or toxicity that ethanol does. Gabapentin
  14. With small amounts of alcohol has been shown to give short term relief from, tremor , although this form of self-medication is not recommended due an increased risk
  15. Tremors can start at any age, from birth through advanced ages (senile, tremor ,). Any voluntary muscle in the body may be affected, although the tremor is
  16. With tremor s; for example, eating utensils which are weighted to help damp out, tremor , Environmental skepticism is an umbrella term that describes those that argue
  17. Tremor than are men. Other types of tremor may also occur, including postural, tremor ,of the outstretched arms, intentional tremor of the arms and rest tremor in the
  18. A slowly progressive neurological disorder whose most recognizable feature is a, tremor ,of the arms that is apparent during voluntary movements such as eating and
  19. Copernicus, on the Mare Insula rum. An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor ,or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust
  20. Who provide education, community services and funding to help support, tremor ,research. The http://www. tremor .org.uk/ National Tremor Foundation (NTF)
  21. 90s. Aside from enhanced physiological tremor , it is the most common type of, tremor ,and one of the most commonly observed movement disorders. Essential tremor was
  22. Nightmare, melancholia,dementia, epilepsy,paralysis, stroke,vertigo and, tremor , He described melancholia as a depressive type of mood disorder in which the
  23. Writing. This type of tremor is often referred to as" kinetic tremor . " The, tremor ,may also occur in the head (neck),jaw and voice as well as other body
  24. Causes reduced hearing. *At about 8 % it causes headache, sweating,dim vision, tremor ,and loss of consciousness after exposure for between five and ten minutes.
  25. Present at rest). Any sort of physical or mental stress will tend to make the, tremor ,worse, often creating the false impression that the tremor is of psychosomatic
  26. Voice as well as other body regions, with the general pattern being that the, tremor ,begins in the arms and then spreads to these other regions in selected patients
  27. Epinephrine include palpitations, tachycardia,arrhythmia, anxiety,headache, tremor , hypertension, and acute pulmonary edema. Use is contraindicated in people on
  28. And the input device. It is switched on or off and adjusted on the device for, tremor ,severity. IBM also offers a free
  29. Senile tremor ). Any voluntary muscle in the body may be affected, although the, tremor ,is most commonly seen in the hands and arms and slightly less commonly in the
  30. The neck (causing the patient's head to shake),tongue, and legs. A resting, tremor ,of the hands is sometimes present. ET does sometimes occur in combination with
  31. Not occur during sleep, but patients sometimes complain of an especially coarse, tremor ,upon awakening that becomes noticeably less coarse within the first few minutes
  32. Times greater likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease. Symptoms Essential, tremor ,generally presents as a rhythmic tremor (4–12 Hz) that is present only when
  33. Carbon dioxide which" At about 8 % it causes headache, sweating,dim vision, tremor ,and loss of consciousness after exposure for between five and ten minutes. "
  34. Reactions include acute dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonism (rigidity and, tremor ,), tardive dyskinetic, tachycardia,hypotension, impotence,lethargy, seizures
  35. Using the modified Mercalli intensity scale (intensity II–XII). Every, tremor ,produces different types of seismic waves, which travel through rock with
  36. Women are more likely to develop the head tremor than are men. Other types of, tremor ,may also occur, including postural tremor of the outstretched arms, intentional
  37. Right clicks which are a common problem for patients suffering from essential, tremor , The software supports Windows 2000,XP, Vista,Windows 7 32-bit and Windows 7
  38. That ethanol does. Gabapentin may be helpful in the treatment of essential, tremor , A trial of the benzodiazepine-anticonvulsant Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)
  39. Decreased libido. Rarer side effects included panic attacks, impaired learning, tremor , jaundice, urticaria (hives) and myalgic. Frequent and long-term usage at
  40. Tremor of the outstretched arms, intentional tremor of the arms and rest, tremor ,in the arms. Some patients may have unsteadiness and problems with gait and
  41. Wandering location of symptoms, itching,nasal congestion," floating" pulse;, tremor , paralysis, convulsion. Or slow pulse. # Fire/Heat (火, ): aversion to heat
  42. People with essential tremor ,Parkinson's disease, and other causes of hand, tremor ,control their computer mouse. The software, MouseCage, automatically smooths
  43. As eating and writing. This type of tremor is often referred to as" kinetic, tremor , " The tremor may also occur in the head (neck),jaw and voice as well as
  44. Disabling nature of the disorder. Although often mild, patients with severe, tremor ,have difficulty performing many of their routine activities of daily living.
  45. Disorders. Essential tremor was also previously known as" benign essential, tremor ,", but the adjective" benign" has been removed in recognition of the
  46. Professor Hilary Khan (1943-2007) Essential, tremor ,(ET) is a slowly progressive neurological disorder whose most recognizable
  47. Lithium salts, some antidepressants or other factors. It is typical for the, tremor ,to worsen in" performance" situations, such as when writing a check for
  48. That are severe in their shaking. Mild cases of ET have also shown demonstrable, tremor ,reduction by the ingestion of B12 vitamin (1000mcg) and B Complex vitamin
  49. May also occur, including postural tremor of the outstretched arms, intentional, tremor , of the arms and rest tremor in the arms. Some patients may have unsteadiness
  50. Of tremor and one of the most commonly observed movement disorders. Essential, tremor ,was also previously known as" benign essential tremor ", but the adjective "

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