Examples of the the word, incompatible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incompatible ), is the 8741 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. System - the creation of a European and Community Patent Court - would be, incompatible ,with EU law. The Hungarian Presidency of the Council the same day, however
  2. Law, and remained a law in Germany until the EU struck it down recently as, incompatible ,with the European common market. German breweries, however,cling to the
  3. Objection A conscientious objector is an individual whose personal beliefs are, incompatible ,with military service, or,more often, with any role in the armed forces. In
  4. Constitution and laws of the United States, or of the state of Washington nor, incompatible ,with the institutions and condition of society in this state, shall be the rule
  5. Black and white only. Previous schemes for color television systems, which were, incompatible ,with existing monochrome receivers, transmitted RGB signals in various ways.
  6. Oxygen atoms, and one short double bond to a neutral oxygen This structure is, incompatible ,with the observed symmetry of the ion, which implies that the three bonds are
  7. Elemental bromine is toxic and causes burns. As an oxidizing agent, it is, incompatible ,with most organic and inorganic compounds. Care needs to be taken when
  8. Such an existence.;, and other philosophers see both atheism and agnosticism as, incompatible ,with agnosticism on the grounds that atheism and agnosticism accept" a deity
  9. PAL and NTSC using a proprietary DB23M video connector and outputs video at (, incompatible ,with most VGA monitors) Sync for standard video modes while a Multisync
  10. Later astronomers who criticized the Ptolemaic model on the grounds of being, incompatible ,with Aristotelian natural philosophy, Alhazen was mainly concerned with
  11. Data was recorded by a special Apollo TV camera which recorded in a format, incompatible ,with broadcast TV. This resulted in lunar footage that had to be converted for
  12. Not directly address video memory in this mode without modification, so it was, incompatible ,with most games, although there is no inherent reason why a game could not be
  13. Are not vulnerable to CIH because of a variety of chipsets being used which are, incompatible ,with the Intel i430TX chipset, and also other flash ROM IC types. There is also
  14. Words, dishonesty and lying, all of which he saw as manifestations of violence, incompatible ,with AHIMA. Sri Aurobindo criticized the Gandhian concept of AHIMA as
  15. The assembler is run on a computer or operating system of different type and, incompatible ,with the system on which the resulting code is to run. Cross-assembling may be
  16. Quackery. " Prayer and matter-based medicine are described as being essentially, incompatible , " The flesh and Spirit can no more unite in action, than good can coincide
  17. Service Quantum Link. The use of these custom character sets was generally, incompatible ,between manufacturers. Unless a caller was using terminal emulation software
  18. Violins and guitars, which may have to be reopened for repairs—an application, incompatible ,with tough, synthetic plastic adhesives, which are permanent. Animal sinews and
  19. Stable end product. The high water solubility is a disadvantage which makes it, incompatible ,with irradiation of food and medical supplies. It has been used in agriculture
  20. Robbery, burglary,theft, and fraud, the ethics of private property is also, incompatible ,with the existence of a state defined as an agency that possesses a compulsory
  21. In the needs of" man's survival qua man ". She condemned ethical altruism as, incompatible ,with the requirements of human life and happiness, and held that the initiation
  22. The power to annul a law of the United States, assumed by one State, incompatible ,with the existence of the Union, contradicted expressly by the letter of the
  23. Cuba had officially identified itself as a Marxist-Leninist government,is, incompatible ,with" the principles and objectives of the inter-American system. " This
  24. Fix King Herod's death shortly before Passover in 4 BC which is, incompatible ,with a conception prior to 4 BC. On this point, Blackburn and Holford-Strevens
  25. 1.3 ROM image into memory and booted the machine into Kick start 1.3,allowing, incompatible ,software to run. Technical specifications * Motorola 68000 CPU running at (PAL
  26. Divine law—and, according to Income, Judeo-Christian divine law is, incompatible ,with consequentialism. Bernard Williams has argued that consequentialism is
  27. Added 16 KB" language card" ) around the time the III was released, they were, incompatible ,with the III, preventing some users from switching over. The Apple III had a
  28. Within the BDSM community, which regards such" topping from the bottom" as, incompatible ,with the standards of BDSM relations. Switch BDSM practitioners may also be a "
  29. As well, but consider it an aberration brought on by governmental favors, incompatible ,with a true free market. Sometimes it is referred to as" state corporatism. "
  30. Originating in the lifetimes of those who first followed Jesus, is both, incompatible ,with, and far removed from, those beliefs later made official by the Roman
  31. The class structure of a capitalist society requires coercion, which is, incompatible ,with an anarchist society. On the other hand, anarcho-capitalists such as Per
  32. But also whether slavery was an anachronistic evil that was, incompatible ,with American values or a profitable economic system protected by the
  33. Set his left foot on the surface. The first landing used slow-scan television, incompatible ,with commercial TV, so it was displayed on a special monitor and a conventional
  34. Stage, out of reach. The CM had an adequate supply of canisters, but these were, incompatible ,with the LM. Engineers on the ground improvised a way to join the cube-shaped
  35. Fingerprints on all the evidence. "). Murphy argues that this view of God is, incompatible ,with the Christian understanding of God as" the one revealed in the cross and
  36. Noting that" Gillan's bluesy style and humorous lyrics were completely, incompatible ,with the lords of doom and gloom ". Although he performed on the album, drummer
  37. Reformed Church has said that support for organizations such as the BNP is, incompatible ,with Christianity. The Council's liaison officer denies it is a BNP front. *
  38. Massachusetts. He reports that warfare and the farming culture were sometimes, incompatible , Militiamen found that living and working on the family farm had not prepared
  39. Not accorded any status, not even a negative one: they are ignored, as they are, incompatible ,with the accepted canon prima facie. Non-canonical books are texts of uncertain
  40. Codes used by the U. S. Army (Field) and Navy. In 1963,to end the use of, incompatible ,teleprinter codes by different branches of the U. S. government, ASCII,a 7-bit
  41. Communism....: Communism being thus hostile to loyal American citizenship and, incompatible ,with true church membership, of necessity no loyal American citizen and no
  42. Rhesus blood group system being the most important. Transfusion of blood of an, incompatible ,blood group may cause severe, often fatal, complications,so crossmatching is
  43. Of these bulk phase classifications; however, some more exotic phases are, incompatible ,with certain chemical properties. A phase is a set of states of a chemical
  44. Are often formulated as a statement of belief that" Jesus' teaching is, incompatible ,with the waging of war, that a Christian church should never support or justify
  45. Viewing The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments as presenting, incompatible ,views of human nature, most Smith scholars regard the works as emphasizing
  46. That requires resource management. RAIL, a technique that is unfortunately, incompatible ,with GC effectively breaks the transitivity of this property allowing for the
  47. And frequent vomiting, and will lead to death in a few days. Antimony is, incompatible ,with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, halogen acids, chlorine,or
  48. Of such species is subject to strict regulation in order to avoid utilization, incompatible ,with the survival of the species in the wild. In addition, Appendix II can
  49. Its early years, critics held that the empiricism of cognitive psychology was, incompatible ,with its acceptance of internal mental states. However, the sibling field of
  50. Was made available in releases of UNIX System V. To avoid confusion with the, incompatible ,older version, this version was sometimes known as" new AWK" or hawk. This

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