Examples of the the word, inaccurate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inaccurate ), is the 7433 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Pentium 4 line in overall performance. The PR rating also became somewhat, inaccurate ,because some Barton models with lower clock rates were being given higher PR
  2. Files. The IG report also found that FBI Director Robert Mueller III provided, inaccurate ,congressional testimony about one of the investigations, but this inaccuracy
  3. Methods of studying folk astronomizes. Others have argued that astronomy is an, inaccurate ,term, what are being studied are cosmologies and people who object to the use
  4. In the film. " In 2009,the film was second on a list of" most historically, inaccurate ,movies" in The Times. In the 2007 humorous non-fictional historiography An
  5. Stage-name The Amazing Creswell (), was an American psychic known for wildly, inaccurate ,predictions. In person, he went by Charles Creswell King, and was sometimes
  6. John O'Farrell notes that Brave heart could not have been more historically, inaccurate , even if a" Plasticine dog" had been inserted in the film and the title
  7. Where the maxim Intended consequences are never too remote applies 'never' is, inaccurate ,here but resorts to unforeseeable direct and natural consequences of an act.
  8. Scholars such as Dalian and Milton reject this view as entirely historically, inaccurate , drawing examples of historical spiritual alchemy from Böhm, Isaac Newton
  9. Page had suggested a missile but the Elliot's gyro based guidance system was, inaccurate ,beyond. Afro began work proper in 1955,with the assigned Rainbow Code name of
  10. This does not lead to confusion in the context. Others reject this usage as, inaccurate ,and are careful to specify the BAC (or an equivalent expression such as" the
  11. Song," Captain Kidd ", which takes the form of Kidd reminiscing about a rather, inaccurate ,version of his life. One recording of it may be found on the album The Hard and
  12. That the Iraqi government possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD) was, inaccurate , A Senate report on intelligence failures would later detail the intense debate
  13. Animal," spaghetti" for spaghetti) Older primary school children * Slow or, inaccurate ,reading (although these individuals can read to an extent) * Very poor
  14. S still-living friends, father and husband. Haskell also provided doubtful and, inaccurate ,information about Patrick Bronte, claiming,for example, that he did not allow
  15. Heightened when news of the Irish rebellion reached Parliament, coupled with, inaccurate ,rumors of Charles' complicity. The Irish Catholic army, established by
  16. Be balanced. However, a view that courts lack law-making power is historically, inaccurate ,and constitutionally unsupportable. Influences of foreign legal systems Roman
  17. A better measure was found to be the waist-to-height ratio. BMI is particularly, inaccurate ,for younger people (especially males) who are quite fit or athletic, as the
  18. Fan his gun, this expended all his shots even faster and made him even more, inaccurate ,than normal. Use of two guns was therefore a reasonable compromise, as this
  19. The stoner subculture due to its humorously sensationalized, outdated and, inaccurate ,descriptions of the effects of marijuana. 20th Century Fox and Legend Films
  20. S air data system. As a result, the flight control computers calculated an, inaccurate ,airspeed, and a negative angle of attack, causing the aircraft to pitch upward
  21. Geography and historical origin. Still others believe the term black is, inaccurate ,because African Americans have a variety of skin tones. Surveys show that the
  22. Or on a recorder. Instruments of this kind do not respond to light winds, are, inaccurate , for high wind readings, and are slow at responding to variable winds. Plate
  23. Recognition gave extremely mixed results for users and was sometimes, inaccurate , The original handwriting recognition engine was called Calligrapher, and was
  24. Say, modern Cantonese from modern Canto pop rhymes would give a fairly, inaccurate ,picture of the present-day spoken language. The development of the spoken
  25. Now more famous as the inspiration for the Marathon race. Although historically, inaccurate , the legend of a Greek messenger running to Athens with news of the victory
  26. English of 5,000 archers and 900 men-at-arms, but Mortimer notes it is" wildly, inaccurate ," in stating the English were outnumbered 30–1,and there have also been doubts
  27. Able to show that some pro-paranormal material is often misleading or, inaccurate , but its producers continue to market it. Accordingly, they have claimed that
  28. Health, on the grounds that" they both contain numerous misleading and, inaccurate ,claims concerning the supposed benefits of alternative medicine" and that "
  29. The summer solstice, which has a double sunset. Horizon astronomy is arguably, inaccurate , due to variations in refraction. To test this idea he surveyed hundreds of
  30. To search for Aryan Atlantes, although this suggestion has been criticized as, inaccurate ,and that the expedition was looking for the origins of the 'Europol' race or
  31. Of butted links which are galvanized or stainless steel, this is historically, inaccurate ,but is much less expensive to procure and maintain than historically accurate
  32. Oscillator because it lacked a balance spring. As a result they were very, inaccurate , with errors of perhaps an hour a day. The advantage of a harmonic oscillator
  33. Then rendered entirely noble, intellectual and rational. He helped dispel the, inaccurate ,beliefs of his time, and,so, it is concluded, the nation he founded must be a
  34. Robert the Bruce) in the film is considered by historians to be wildly, inaccurate , In particular his taking the field on the English side in the battle of
  35. Of 460 fighter and bombers targeted against 19 airfields in Finland however, inaccurate ,intelligence and bad bombing accuracy caused several raids to actually hit
  36. These two events became confused with each other, leading to a legendary but, inaccurate ,version of events. This myth has Pheidippides running from Marathon to Athens
  37. Of Chicago political science professor Eric Oliver says BMI is a convenient but, inaccurate ,measure of weight, forced onto the populace, and should be revised. A study
  38. Themselves Christian. It has been noted that the label Anna Dominic is arguably, inaccurate ,;" scholars generally believe that Christ was born some years before A. D. 1
  39. Confusion over the origin of this usage of the word akimbo. Technically, it is, inaccurate , since the word literally refers to a stance where a person stands with their
  40. Number associated with the linear equation Ax = b gives a bound on how, inaccurate ,the solution x will be after approximate solution. Note that this is before the
  41. Reproduction system 'tuned' to a human with normal color vision may give very, inaccurate ,results for the other observers. The different color response of different
  42. Accuracy for epic adventure ". The title of the film is also historically, inaccurate ,as the" brave heart" refers in Scottish history to that of Robert the Bruce
  43. Constitution and uncodified constitution, although this usage is technically, inaccurate , Strictly speaking, unwritten constitution is never an accurate synonym for
  44. As drag kings although this use of" drag king" would generally be considered, inaccurate , Transgender people who are undergoing or have undergone gender reassignment
  45. And her hand maiden speaking French while at the English court for privacy are, inaccurate , From the time of the Norman invasion the language spoken by the English royal
  46. Tuareg (SIL 1991),speaking Tidal Amassed. However, the Ethnologue is very, inaccurate ,here appearing to miss the largest group of Amassed in Burning in the province
  47. Expatriate community includes roughly 50,000 French (this number may be, inaccurate ,due to the evacuation of roughly 8,000 Frenchmen in November 2004) and
  48. Or strewn with rubbish. These claims, however,are disputed and likely to be, inaccurate , as most of the facilities used for the Athens Olympics are either in use or in
  49. Unfamiliar with the work of Gregor Mendel, and as a result had only a vague and, inaccurate ,understanding of heredity. He naturally had no inkling of yet more recent
  50. Are forbidden by Pauli's exclusion principle). Isospin, although conveying an, inaccurate ,picture of things, is still used to classify baryons, leading to unnatural and

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