Examples of the the word, dodge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dodge ), is the 7434 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Punching. Further, since low kicks are inherently quicker and harder to see and, dodge ,in general they are often emphasized in a street fight scenario. Basic kicks
  2. To battle across the channel which they successfully did despite having to, dodge ,various yachts progressing along the river. The current swept some down river
  3. And don’t do it unless warranted. When negotiating, avoiders tend to defer and, dodge ,the confrontational aspects of negotiating; however, they may be perceived as
  4. In America, you drive car.: In Soviet Russia, car drive you!: In America, you, dodge , bullet.: In Soviet Russia bullet dodge you.: In America, you listen to radio.:
  5. Power or hand speed, Dempsey was easily outfoxed by the slick Tunney who would, dodge , use excellent pad level, and then let loose with a salvo of punches of his own
  6. Found it necessary to drive from one store to the next. Pedestrians had to, dodge ,cars in the middle of the block ... In light of this unpleasant walking
  7. Too, was an homage to Laugh-In. Often at times, cast members would try to ", dodge ," getting hit with water by saying it in Spanish or French, only to still get
  8. Sea Battle off Malaya, her speed and agility enabled her to hold her own and, dodge ,19 torpedoes. Without aerial cover she eventually succumbed to the continuous
  9. Nothing less than political opportunism and attempts by the ANC government to, dodge ,the true socio-economic issues of the country ". O. R. Rambo is also a regional
  10. S skill rating and appropriate attribute rating are added and the defender's, dodge ,rating is subtracted. The result is compared to the defender's armor type and
  11. Else in the cast, until he encounters something he cannot kill, beat up, dodge , or outwit. Act 1 The overture begins in D Minor, before a light-hearted D
  12. 20 years. The Marduk sultanate of Egypt continued to expand its territory and, dodge ,two crusades—the Eighth Crusade never reached its intended target, and the
  13. To receive it ... The fast throw by St. Louis enables the receiving player to, dodge ,the opposing players, and it struck me as being all but perfect. "" Coaches
  14. By Edwards is to use a movable anchor (a sea anchor) to allow the tether to ", dodge ," any space debris large enough to track. Current proposals envision payload
  15. Scene) and transported to Australia. Later, Noah is sent by Fagin to ", dodge ," (spy on) Nancy, and discovers her secret: she has been meeting secretly
  16. Submarine as she maneuvered to fire a second. The lead cruiser turned away to, dodge ,the torpedo, while the second turned towards the submarine attempting to ram.
  17. In 1963,to escape ongoing troubles with the Munich justice system and also to, dodge ,the draft. The young criminal who drifted in and out of youth detention centers
  18. The blur and sharpen tool is a brush that blurs and sharpens. Finally,the, dodge ,and burn tool is a brush that makes target pixels lighter ( dodge s) or darker
  19. And Outs, he is attacked by Merges, but Apollo saves him, causing him to, dodge ,at the last moment. Polygamy killed three Greeks in the war. In Greek
  20. A crocodile, a tiger will strike at the reptile's eyes with its paws. Leopards, dodge ,competition from tigers by hunting in different times of the day and hunting
  21. Discolored balls, harder for batters to see and therefore harder for batters to, dodge , have been rigorously removed from play ever since. There are two side effects.
  22. The main elements of her game, as it allows her to combo players from above and, dodge ,horizontal attacks. It serves as an amazing horizontal recovery. Her attacks
  23. Although it would never need course corrections, it would have to frequently, dodge ,the asteroids that are already present there. There are already satellites and
  24. Image: Wagons Hotel. JPG|Wagons Hotel Image: Methodist episcopal Fort, dodge ,Iowa. JPG|First United Methodist Church Image: Fort dodge Iowa Ferris wheel.
  25. Clinic. Readers would write in with problems, and Roger would try and find a, dodge ,for it (which would usually go wrong). Winning suggestions would win a
  26. Of smaller levels, usually involving only one or two corners or objects to, dodge , Plot The story begins when Curtain’s brothers and sisters go missing, and it
  27. D. D. Lewis both blitzed in an attempt to sack him. But Bradshaw managed to, dodge ,Lewis and throw the ball just before being leveled by Harris and lineman Larry
  28. Of Mi sick accused him of moving toward independence for the islands in order to, dodge ,a commission of inquiry, which examined reports of corruption by the Mi sick
  29. Also enrolled in the film division at Nixon University's art department to, dodge ,Japan's drafting of young men to its military and seldom attended classes.
  30. Feeling any physical discomfort. He has also demonstrated the ability to, dodge ,bullets from machine guns and sniper rifles, and is able to deflect gunshots
  31. Episcopal Fort dodge Iowa. JPG|First United Methodist Church Image: Fort, dodge ,Iowa Ferris wheel. JPG|Abandoned Ferris wheel Image: Webster co Iowa
  32. Areas, a section of the town incorporated as" East Lockwood" to, dodge ,the law. Lockwood, which incorporated in 1890,passed an ordinance banning the
  33. Or quit, Paramount studio chief B. P. Schubert said, using the questionable, dodge ,of whether I'd be good for the talkies. Questionable, I say, because I spoke
  34. Villain. Here, however,Bowler has grown to giant size, requiring the player to, dodge ,more powerful attacks such as meteors and electricity bolts. Bowler appears as
  35. Advice, but an augur," recently arrived from Etruscan soil," offers a ritual, dodge ,: a goat was killed, and its hide cut into strips for flagellating women who
  36. The United States Gypsum Company operate gypsum facilities in and around Fort, dodge , Fort Dodge is the home of Fort Dodge Animal Health (a division of Bringer
  37. Weller refers to the recent schemes of Mr. Jingle:" Reg'LAR do, sir; artful, dodge , " The Artful Dodger, though a pickpocket, is not a heartless character. He has
  38. Rock faces are constantly swept by falling stones, which may be possible to, dodge , Falling rocks tend to form furrows in a mountain face, and these furrows (
  39. Without the need of injuring the opponent. If an opponent clearly cannot, dodge ,an attack, there is no reason to complete it. However, between two high-skilled
  40. Prompting Barry to stay in bed for a year. Whether this was intended as a tax, dodge ,or as an attempt to start his own 'Barry is Also Dead' rumor never became
  41. Clarksville became a popular dueling spot for Kentuckians who wanted to, dodge ,Kentucky's anti-dueling laws. The most famous of these was the 1809 duel
  42. Dubbed" Winter-River-Fest. " Activities included a chili feed, open fires, dodge ,ball, snow sculpting, and the Darn Cold Croquet Contest. Notable natives Baxter
  43. Always stays true to his unbridled nature, however: for example, attempting to, dodge ,conscription in Draftee Daffy (1945),battling a Nazi goat intent on eating
  44. Up and start attacking once again after a brief duration of time. Some enemies, dodge ,the player's attacks, while others lie in the ground to ambush the player.
  45. He was doing. Lakshmi responded," All of these guys are heading into Canada to, dodge ,the draft, and I'm running back into the States. What the fuck is wrong with
  46. The difficulty level of the battles, and noted that the enemies were hard to, dodge ,and" annoying ". Malta thought that the game's black backgrounds in most
  47. Sonic and Tails are thieves who want to steal the Emeralds. The player must, dodge ,Banks and traps set by Knuckles, collect Rings and uncover the Chaos Emeralds
  48. A willing partner, and an aider and abettor to clients trying to evade taxes, dodge ,creditors or defy court orders. " Liechtenstein participates in a customs union
  49. Russia, car drive you!: In America, you dodge bullet.: In Soviet Russia bullet, dodge ,you.: In America, you listen to radio.: In Soviet Russia, radio listen to you!:
  50. Techniques. There is obvious skill needed to react quickly, aim precisely, dodge ,other players' shots, and jump across tricky spaces. As Quake did not include

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