Examples of the the word, illiterate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( illiterate ), is the 12816 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Behavioral science. Löffler is also frequently cited as stating:" Tomorrow's, illiterate ,will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not learned how
  2. Women were perceived as creating life. During this time, women were largely, illiterate ,and not encouraged to engage in intellectual pursuit, so men were responsible
  3. In mainland China, as well as political corruption. Most immigrants were, illiterate ,or poorly educated peasants and coolies (Chinese: 苦力, literally " hard labor "
  4. And the spiritual authority represented by a ring, miter and crosier. To an, illiterate ,population, it appeared the bishop or abbot was now the king’s inferior and
  5. Professor Kenneth Bailey, after spending a great deal of time in remote and, illiterate ,villages in the Middle East, used his experience with orality in such places to
  6. Are functionally illiterate . The young are much more likely to be functionally, illiterate ,than the old. According to a study done by the University of Bremen in
  7. Whom he had always hitherto referred to as his" housekeeper ". Though she was, illiterate , she had become a perfect cook, a hobby her husband shared. In 1770
  8. This plebiscite presuming that" The people casting ballots would be 97 %, illiterate , ignorant in most cases of what they were voting for. " The Marines and
  9. Wade and Giles invented it to erect a barrier between profane and, illiterate ,people and true scholars. " The Taoism/Daoism loanword In loanword terminology
  10. Many years in tradition, and learned by apprenticeship from one generation of, illiterate ,poets to the next. The poem is composed orally and extemporaneously, and the
  11. Recorded between 1377 and 1378 by members of her circle. Often assumed to be, illiterate , Catherine is acknowledged by Raymond in his life of her as capable of reading
  12. Screen at a lower resolution and the initial response to their poor elderly and, illiterate ,eye, as far as television was to be used for audio dubbing. Nowadays, TV shows
  13. And the evolving paintings were extensive penitential lessons that even, illiterate ,people (who were the overwhelming majority) could understand. Furthermore
  14. 2003.80 % of all Haitians were poor (54 % in abject poverty) and 47.1 % were, illiterate , The country of nine million people has a fast-growing population, but over
  15. Seven Ecumenical Councils. Also, icons served as tools of edification for the, illiterate ,faithful during most of the history of Christendom. Eastern Orthodox find the
  16. This" book" has been and is still used to teach uncounted thousands of, illiterate ,people—young and old—around the globe about the Gospel message. Dwight L. Moody
  17. Of which leave the area at once at sunrise and sunset. Most of Chiapas ’, illiterate ,population are indigenous women, who are often prevented from going to school.
  18. Ages of six and 15. Approximately 5 % of the adult population of the country is, illiterate , In Algeria there are 46 universities,10 colleges, and 7 institutes for higher
  19. Demolition of places of worship. On June 29, 2005,following the arrest of an, illiterate ,Christian janitor on allegations of allegedly burning Qur'an pages, a mob of
  20. Asher Miller (October 17, 1915 – February 10, 2005) His father, a mostly, illiterate ,but moderately wealthy businessman, owned a women's clothing store employing
  21. Paid to study at night school to learn reading, writing and arithmetic—he was, illiterate ,till the age of 18. In 1801, he began work at Black Caller ton colliery as a
  22. Individuals for the military was part of Tolbert's efforts to replace aging, illiterate ,soldiers with younger, literate men who were capable of absorbing technical and
  23. To read and write. However, a growing number of inhabitants are functionally, illiterate , The young are much more likely to be functionally illiterate than the old.
  24. Germany, as the son of poor working-class parents. Indeed, his mother was, illiterate ,and never recorded the date of his birth, remembering only that he had been
  25. Adam Corolla Show, Carolla referred to Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao as being, illiterate , having brain damage, and being someone who prays to chicken bones. Corolla
  26. Effects – even though the mothers were mentally retarded teenagers – and that, illiterate ,tribal mothers in Africa produced children who were socially and emotionally
  27. Few people still read the story. Brian Allies has called the story a" tawdry, illiterate ,tale" and a" sorry concoction" while Lester del Rey called it" simply
  28. The chronicler William of Amesbury asserts that Henry once remarked that an, illiterate ,king was a crowned ass. He was certainly the first Norman ruler to be fluent in
  29. Of books was very labor-intensive, the majority of the population was, illiterate , and where those with the leisure to enjoy literary works also had slaves to
  30. Percent of rural homes had running water. Nearly half the rural population was, illiterate , as was about 25 percent of the total population. Poverty and unemployment in
  31. Placenames as words is etymology. In order to improve legibility or to aid the, illiterate , some maps have been produced using pictograms to represent places. The iconic
  32. He doesn't have any first name. Even his wife calls him just Kaplan. He's an, illiterate ,pompous character who advertises his philanthropies. Jack Benny or More Scary
  33. Itself the practice was increasingly associated with the lower-classes and, illiterate ,practitioners. The first European text on acupuncture was written by Willem ten
  34. Compulsory from ages 6 to 14. About half the adult population of the country is, illiterate , The University of Bangui, a public university located in Bangui, is the only
  35. 68 % of boys attend primary school, and more than half of the population is, illiterate , Higher education is provided at the University of N'Djamena. In February 2008
  36. According to a 2009 news report, large percent of Afghan police officers are, illiterate ,and are accused of demanding bribes. Jack KEM, deputy to the commander of NATO
  37. Against the use of certain words considered by many to be offensive or, illiterate , such as," an offensive term for ..." or" a taboo term meaning ..." Because
  38. Are disguised as animals and animals are transformed into people. In a mostly, illiterate ,land, symbols take on great meaning. For example, a rooster often represents
  39. In Greek around 360 by Athanasius of Alexandria. It depicts Anthony as an, illiterate ,and holy man who through his existence in a primordial landscape has an
  40. 2,500 residents whose main industry was making lace by hand. They were mostly, illiterate ,and many of them were poor. Newton's preaching was unique in that he shared
  41. The domestic film industry. As late as 1960,a third of people in Portugal were, illiterate , and would not have benefited from the use of subtitles. Till 1994 animated
  42. Continued to use Chinese characters, and the majority of Koreans remained, illiterate ,at this period. During Colonial Rule in 1910,Japanese language became the
  43. Entitled Vita Antonio, or Life of Antony. This biography depicts Anthony as an, illiterate ,and holy man who through his existence in a primordial landscape has an
  44. Alphabetisierung e. V. ", ten percent of youngsters living in Germany are, illiterate ,and one quarter was able to understand only basic level texts. Illiteracy rates
  45. The court's finding contradict the already doctored court record. The, illiterate ,defendant signed an abjuration document she did not understand under threat of
  46. 45 % came from urban. Level of education for the enrolled averaged 3 %, illiterate , 38 % less than eight years of school,48 % did not complete high school,11 %
  47. Tom, had served six months hard labor for poaching in his teens and was, illiterate ,until attending technical college. The family moved to London where his dislike
  48. Psalm 51 (Miser ere ma, Deus ... -" O God, have mercy upon me ..." ) - an, illiterate ,person who had memorized the appropriate verse could also claim the benefit of
  49. Although that situation has improved since the 1970s when over 45 % were, illiterate ,and in the 1980s when about 32 % were. The tropical climate presents health
  50. How to look at problems from a new direction—how to teach himself. Tomorrow's, illiterate ,will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not learned how

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