Examples of the the word, comforting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( comforting ), is the 12817 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Act also created the ancillary offenses of encouraging, harbouring and, comforting ,persons guilty of treason, and the offense of misprision of treason. No person
  2. 6th and E-seventh, in the orchestral strings version, is simultaneously sad and, comforting ,.: Summer, and the living is easy: Fish are jumping, and the cotton is high:
  3. Gites tails Evelyn to her butler's house; through a window he sees Evelyn, comforting ,Katherine,Mulwray's distraught mistress. When pressed, Evelyn admits that
  4. Despite Legree's cruelty, however,Tom refuses to stop reading his Bible and, comforting ,the other slaves as best he can. While at the plantation, Tom meets Casey
  5. Not only guided Canada's relations with Hitler but gave the prime minister the, comforting ,sense of a higher mission, that of helping to lead Hitler to peace. King
  6. Of the mass appeal of totalitarian regimes is their ideology, which provides a, comforting , single answer to the mysteries of the past, present,and future. For Nazism
  7. He is discussing problems of scholarship, or reasoning on cases of conscience, comforting ,the afflicted, or saying pleasant things to his friends, scourging the vices
  8. Connection, tragically doomed love, idealism,romanticism and hard truth versus, comforting ,deceit. Many of these occur in his magnum opus as well, but most of them are
  9. Embodiment of the battle between reason (which offers general and seemingly, comforting ,explanations for complex events) and faith in a personal god, and one man's
  10. Might study how standard Hollywood" continuity editing" creates a more, comforting ,effect and non-continuity or jump-cut editing might become more disconcerting
  11. Another to make noise in unison. Although relatively loud, cicada song can be, comforting ,and even hypnotic at times, as it is at its loudest during the hottest time of
  12. A" window of opportunity that opens up in a state of shock ", followed by a, comforting ,rationale for the public, as a form of social control. Democratization Some
  13. When he is taking away someone's pain or" crossing over" a soul—aiding or, comforting ,a person in the moments prior to their death. He is also mentally unbalanced, a
  14. Is a sign that a witches' loyalty is to the truth before any ideology or any, comforting ,illusions. '" The term" sky clad" is most likely derived from Indian
  15. Optimist of the group, trying to see the best in everyone and everything, and, comforting , her friends when no such" bright side" can be found. According to episode 15
  16. Conclusion, addressing many of the issues of Hitchcock's film while refusing, comforting ,closure ". Robin Wood characterizes Leather face and his family as victims of
  17. Textbooks echo the sentiments of M. L. West:" Hope's retention in the jar is, comforting , and we are to be thankful for this antidote to our present ills. " Some
  18. To love themselves and others, and he addressed common childhood fears with, comforting ,songs and skits. For example, one of his famous songs explains how a child
  19. Better. Released at the height of Stalin’s purges, it provided escapism and a, comforting ,illusion for the public. Spanish musical
  20. Stay and unnecessary operations. The role of" patient" is a familiar and, comforting ,one, and it fills a psychological need in people with Münchausen's. It is
  21. 80-20 fallacy" as being cited" not because it's true, but because it's, comforting , " He claims that the benefits of economic growth over the last 30 years have
  22. Of painting portraits, van Gogh wrote:" in a picture I want to say something, comforting ,as music is comforting . I want to paint men and women with that something of
  23. Her career); the director assigned him to spend hours gently coaxing and, comforting ,Monroe as she prepared to film her scenes. Much of the critical commentary
  24. Confirmation rather than refutation (confirmation bias),the tendency to hold, comforting ,beliefs, and the tendency to overgeneralize have been proposed as reasons for
  25. Mention the thong only and say nothing about the sea. Nonetheless, it is, comforting ,to reflect that the disproportion of things in the world seems to be only
  26. Van Gogh wrote:" in a picture I want to say something comforting as music is, comforting , I want to paint men and women with that something of the eternal which the
  27. Paris serves as Chakotay's first officer. Later, Seven and Charity are shown, comforting ,each other after the death of Kathryn Jane way. Charity becomes increasingly
  28. Or accompanied by a single instrument, being the song of elegy, played for self, comforting ,and not intended for festive events because of its sober nature. Cuisine
  29. The offenses of misprision of treason and of encouraging, harbouring, or, comforting , any person engaged in levying Aorta Ireland or engaged, taking part, or
  30. Free dental care, and secure pensions. The older generation found this very, comforting ,as pensions would sometimes exceed their former paychecks. Free trade and
  31. Semolina or semiya: * Portal — Mildly spicy rice oatmeal, considered a very, comforting ,morning meal: * Chapati — flat bread prepared with durum wheat flour: * Poor —
  32. A power, the miraculous influence” wherein we can forget ourselves, sensing a, comforting ,order,“ A knowledge, that which arranged the rendezvous, / within its vital
  33. Bradford (soon to be governor of Plymouth Colony) credited Standish with, comforting ,many and being a source of strength to those who suffered. Standish tended to
  34. And unable to walk off the set, she burst out into tears. Louis Armstrong tried, comforting ,her. " Better look out," he said. " I know Lady, and when she starts crying
  35. Of situation. So in times of need stressing the“ have mercy” part can be more, comforting ,or more appropriate. In times of failures, the “ a sinner” part, etc. … ). "
  36. States, a gondolier in Venice, just fill in the names. I find it A) extremely, comforting ,that we're so close, and B) like Chinese water torture that we're so close
  37. A court spokesman said. PFP spokesman Lee Changchun called the judgment ", comforting ," but said it came too late. " It took more than a year for the first judgment
  38. Bleeding that occurs during the break from active pills was thought to be, comforting , as a physical confirmation of not being pregnant. The 28-day pill package also
  39. Meditates or says prayers of their faith while knitting with the intent on, comforting ,the recipient, are donated to those experiencing loss or stress. Many knitters
  40. Considering the alternative, the certain demise of our dear friend is quite, comforting , " *" Altruism in its purest sense can claim no interest in or motive for or
  41. Is known is that Theophylaktos of Bulgaria wrote a letter to Psellos's brother, comforting ,him on the death of his brother saying that," Your brother has not died, but
  42. His health did not improve much there, he found that the dry desert air was, comforting ,to him. He settled there in 1858,residing there for 25 years. He was a rancher
  43. After his performances in surroundings which were completely familiar and, comforting ," the room in question,'The Jungle Room' being" an example of particularly
  44. Worries possessed by Desdemona. The music that gradually lessens with the, comforting ,of Emilia and returns for a final repetition of the theme of the" Willow Song
  45. His heart condition may have encouraged him toward a restraint that she found, comforting , The marriage's success, therefore,seemed assured. After the Astor's married
  46. At the same time turning, among axes whose unit vector is not the familiar and, comforting ,'one' but the altogether disquieting square root of minus one. If you were a
  47. Fine. She was a goddess of fertility, cattle,and prosperity, and was known for, comforting ,and teaching the dying. Fires were lit for her during Midsummer. __NOT__
  48. To the burning desire of the common people, in the simple, stimulating,and, comforting ,faith it awakened in them. The scholars attracted to Hasidim, also sought to
  49. Qualities) with natural fibers (which have good water absorbency and skin, comforting ,qualities) is very common. The most widely used blends are cotton-polyester
  50. Truffaut's laughter and overall spirit. The relationship with Ronald was more, comforting ,than the one with his own mother. François had a very depressing childhood

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