Examples of the the word, fife , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fife ), is the 12818 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of" I Love You, California " was confirmed. California also has an official, fife ,and drum band, the California Consolidated Drum Band, which was so designated
- And diatonically tuned. Some have 10 or 11 holes for added chromatic. The, fife ,also has an embouchure hole across which the player blows, and a cork or plug
- Already playing together with drummers, probably modelling themselves on the, fife ,and drum bands which had existed in Switzerland since the fifteenth century.
- In processional marches. Other instruments include the requite, a kind of, fife , as well as harps, fiddles,rebel and anyone (hurdy-gurdy). The music itself
- Street to the Chester River, and then follows with colonial music and dance, fife ,and drum performances, puppet shows, colonial crafts demonstrations and sales
- Dives have been made using hydrogen-oxygen mixtures (hydro),name ", fife ," /> but controlled decompression is still required to avoid DCS. Name "
- Communicate orders to the soldiers. American troops were woken up by drum and, fife , playing about 5 minutes of music, including the well known Three Camps. Troops
- And local legend Charles Walters to guitar and Cairo; and string bands, fife ,players and drummers from Ginger land, performing quadrilles. Architecture A
- Similar to the piccolo, but louder and shriller due to its narrower bore. The, fife ,originated in medieval Europe and is often used in military and marching bands.
- A fife player),thus the typical marching fife is referred to as the" B flat, fife , " Fifes in the key of D and C are also common, and fife s in various other keys
- Army of Two," fended off the British army near the Scituate lighthouse with a, fife ,and drum during the War of 1812 * George William Casey Jr., Chief of Staff of
- Of drum rudiments seem to have developed with the snare drum; the Swiss, fife ,and drum groups are sometimes credited with their invention. The first written
- Or transverse) flutes, such as the Western concert flute, piccolo, fife , DZI, and Bangui; and end-blown flutes, such as the Na, xiao, kaval, danso
- Use Historically, the piccolo had no keys, and should not be confused with the, fife , or classical piccolo, which has a smaller bore and is therefore more strident.
- Five yards. This style can include classic drum and bugle corps, pipe bands and, fife ,and drum corps. Active duty military marching bands often perform in parades
- Fife music is commonly written in the key of D, and played as though the, fife ,played in that key (playing notes D, E,F#, G,A, B and C# as finger holes are
- And marching bands. Someone who plays the fife is called a fife r. The word, fife ,comes from the German Pfeifer, or pipe, ultimately derived from the Latin word
- With a simple snare became popular with the Swiss mercenary troops who used the, fife ,and drum around the 15th-16th century, due to influence from the Ottoman Turk
- Europe and is often used in military and marching bands. Someone who plays the, fife ,is called a fife r. The word fife comes from the German Pfeifer, or pipe
- Showed during the Revolutionary War and earlier wartime conflicts, in which a, fife ,and snare drum would play while the troops marched to battle. This is why it
- Finger holes are uncovered in succession) regardless of the key in which the, fife ,actually plays. The fife sounds an octave above the written music. Like the
- Fife is a B flat (read as a D to a fife player),thus the typical marching, fife ,is referred to as the" B flat fife . " Fifes in the key of D and C are also
- By that particular instrument. The lowest tone made by the standard marching, fife ,is a B flat (read as a D to a fife player),thus the typical marching fife is
- Party was deterred by the two daughters of the lighthouse keeper playing a, fife ,and drum loudly. The girls and this incident became known as the" American
- Duct flute),flora (open, end-blown flute),remit (Allentown), fife , Lanka (bagpipes); and the Ruben (frame drum),Columbus (kettledrum)
- San Diego Chargers football team (NFL) *Other Turner (1907–2003),American, fife ,player and blues musician *Pamela Rogers Turner (1977 –),American teacher
- Fields of battle during the American Revolution. The longest lasting of these, fife ,songs is" Yankee Doodle ", still well known today. The melody dates back to
- In succession) regardless of the key in which the fife actually plays. The, fife ,sounds an octave above the written music. Like the Irish flute and the
- Lowest tone made by the standard marching fife is a B flat (read as a D to a, fife ,player),thus the typical marching fife is referred to as the" B flat fife . "
- D. A transverse flute with six holes is called a requite; it is similar to the, fife , It is usually in G, or sometimes a high C. Other wind instruments include
- Include the bagpipe (Caracas),16-stringed lute (center),mandolin, fife ,(piano) and the diatonic accordion (urbanest). Brittany Distinctly Celtic
- Soldiers brought back home to Maryland military band music, especially, fife , and drum ensembles. Maryland ratified the Constitution on April 28, 1788 and
- Such as police, fire,and veterans groups maintaining pipe and drum, fife ,and drum, or drum and bugle corps. In the United States Army, the band is
- Of America * Fife, Montana,Cascade County, Montana,United States of America A, fife ,is a small, high-pitched,transverse flute that is similar to the piccolo, but
- Clarinet, also known as pit or requite (not to be confused with the requite, fife ,). String instruments Plucked stringed instruments are common throughout Spain
- Pronounced as z. The result is" leaves" live. Other words like" knife," ", fife ," and" dwarf" also display this alternation. This may be because the last
- The Lydian mode. Traditional instruments included Alford, hammered dulcimer, fife , hurdy-gurdy, rebec, bagpipe,cistern and Shaw. At the beginning of the 19th
- Benefits of plastic heads, drummers in historical reenactment groups such as, fife ,and drum use animal skinheads for historical accuracy. Skinheads are used on
- Tumbarinu is often accompanied by the pupils, the traditional sheppard's, fife , The" ball funds ", is a traditional dance in the round, as in the Balkan
- War era reenactment video with http://www.youtube.com/watch? V=ubcoibBso0g, fife , and drum parade Image: Williamsburg Cello + Flute. JPG | Two reenact or
- These signaling units having descended in some fashion from ancient drum and, fife ,corps. With the advent of the radio, bugle signaling units became obsolete and
- Hosts the Deep River Ancient Muster. It is the largest one day gathering of, fife ,and drum corps in the world. Geography According to the United States Census
- By marching with music playing, whether that be from the beat of a drum or, fife , American march music showed during the Revolutionary War and earlier wartime
- Playing drums. Hampton was raised Roman Catholic, and started out playing, fife ,and drum at the Holy Rosary Academy near Chicago. Early career Lionel Hampton
- The County of Nice saw girls and boys" turn the May" with the sound of, fife ,and drum,i.e. to dance
- Involving the musicians in the painting The Spirit of '76. The terribly hip, fife ,player (" BIX ", performed by Freiberg) and the younger drummer (played by
- As the foot stomping patterns in ring shout and the post-Civil War drum and, fife ,music. Trujillo is also heard prominently in New Orleans second line music.
- Counties Edition of the Evening Telegraph is sold in Fife. On the east coast of, fife ,The East Fife Mail is also sold. The only Fife-based radio stations are Kingdom
- Rudimental bass-drumming to their drumlins, a historic style adopted from, fife ,and drum corps. While regimental bass drummers now had more to do, the
- The German Pfeifer, or pipe, ultimately derived from the Latin word piper. The, fife ,is a simple instrument usually consisting of a tube with 6 finger holes, and
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