Examples of the the word, concerned , in a Sentence Context

The word ( concerned ), is the 4697 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Science and technology. Since the deciding bodies he had chosen were more, concerned ,with the former, the prizes went to scientists and not to engineers
  2. Of success of these programs is questioned by ecologists and economists, concerned ,with unsustainable GMO practices such as terminator seeds. While there has been
  3. Plato reports that syntax was devised before him, by Products of CEOs, who was, concerned ,by the correct use of words. Logic seems to have emerged from dialectics; the
  4. Ever before, died yesterday. " Alfred was disappointed with what he read and, concerned ,with how he would be remembered. On 27 November 1895,at the Swedish-Norwegian
  5. Study of the social functions of language. Anthropological linguistics is also, concerned ,with the evolution of the parts of the brain that deal with language. Because
  6. Atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. It is primarily, concerned ,with the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus and the processes by which
  7. That Kurosawa's next film, Record of a Living Being, was conceived. The story, concerned ,an elderly factory owner (Toshiba Minute) so terrified of the prospect of a
  8. Business transactions alone produce the social order. " Mutualist anarchism is, concerned ,with reciprocity, free association, voluntary contract, federation,and credit
  9. Marginalized. " He also added that" right now many Jews in Malmö are really, concerned ,about the situation here and don't believe they have a future here. " The
  10. Interactions are huge in comparison to the atomic processes that we are, concerned ,with. This means that the individual atoms can be treated as if each were in
  11. Been of two types: liturgical and social. The first such controversy of note, concerned ,that of the growing influence of the Catholic Revival manifested in the
  12. Of the arts. Art theories In the nineteenth century, artists were primarily, concerned ,with ideas of truth and beauty. The aesthetic theorist John Ruskin, who
  13. Scholars, a new approach came to predominate among British anthropologists, concerned ,with analyzing how societies held together in the present (, as well as a
  14. Mary Lincoln would force him to take a carriage ride because she was, concerned ,he was working too hard. Lincoln had learned from General Winfield Scott the
  15. Become increasingly large in scope and so had the director's budgets. Too, concerned ,about this development, suggested that he might help finance his own works
  16. This interpretation further forwarded the view that alchemy is an art primarily, concerned ,with spiritual enlightenment or illumination, as opposed to the physical
  17. Nucleus which may be surrounded by one or more bound electrons. It is not, concerned ,with the formation of molecules (although much of the physics is identical)
  18. Elected by consensus within the photo of the extended family and village (s), concerned , The Masai and the photo (which is itself made of Masai) decide on
  19. Etc.). Fraser, a Scottish scholar with a broad knowledge of Classics, also, concerned , himself with religion, myth,and magic. His comparative studies, most
  20. Of astrology (in the treatise titled (Resale phi total ahead al-nojūm), concerned , only the judicial application of astrology rather than the philosophical
  21. Heroic champion Kurosawa’s is a heroic cinema, a series of dramas (mostly), concerned , with the deeds and fates of larger-than-life heroes. Stephen Prince has
  22. Relating to or from ancient Roman or Greek architecture and art. Mainly, concerned ,with geometry and symmetry rather than individual expression. Byzantine
  23. Similarities as arising from areal interaction between the language groups, concerned , Some linguists believe the case for either interpretation is about equally
  24. Throughout the work, Hooker makes clear that theology involves prayer and is, concerned ,with ultimate issues, and that theology is relevant to the social mission of
  25. Nor does it examine atoms in a solid state as condensed matter. It is, concerned ,with processes such as ionization and excitation by photons or collisions with
  26. Of would last about 200 years. Certain activist groups have become increasingly, concerned ,about the global peak oil and climate change problem in recent years due to
  27. Animal welfare As a consequence of his philosophy, Schopenhauer was very, concerned ,about the welfare of animals. For him, all animals, including humans, are
  28. Resources, or the use of human embryos in research. Environmental ethics is, concerned ,with questions such as the duties of humans towards landscapes or species.
  29. Among nations and as one global unit Modern approach Much of applied ethics is, concerned ,with just three theories: # utilitarianism, where the practical consequences of
  30. Model of matter was revealed. As far as atoms and their electron shells were, concerned , not only did this yield a better overall description,i.e. the atomic orbital
  31. Ability of the government to conduct foreign policy. In 1786,Thomas Jefferson, concerned ,over the failure to fund an American naval force to confront the Barbary
  32. At the time of the Byzantine invasion led by Belarus. De Camp's work is, concerned ,with the historical changes wrought by his time traveler, Martin Pad way
  33. He was not rebellious by reflex, at least where old British institutions were, concerned , He undoubtedly believed O. T. O. had authority from Parker to work the Ancient
  34. Bodies such as planets, stars and galaxies. Historically, astronomy was more, concerned ,with the classification and description of phenomena in the sky, while
  35. Who can make no choice in such matters. This is the only character who is truly, concerned ,about Alex's welfare; he is not taken seriously by Alex, though. (He is
  36. Of the dead, and the life of the world to come ". Christian eschatology is, concerned ,with death, an intermediate state, Heaven,Hell, the Second Coming of Christ
  37. In between that represents the energy at the carrier frequency. We need only be, concerned ,with the positive frequencies. The negative ones are a mathematical artifact
  38. As leadership became oppressive, satirization increased and subjects were less, concerned ,with leaders and more with more common plights of mankind. In its origins and
  39. Oxygen and nitrogen atoms. Definitions and concepts Modern definitions are, concerned ,with the fundamental chemical reactions common to all acids. Arrhenius acids
  40. By man as a member of society. " However, as Stocking notes, Tylor mainly, concerned ,himself with describing and mapping the distribution of particular elements of
  41. Course of action in various fields of human life. Bioethics, for example, is, concerned , with identifying the correct approach to matters such as euthanasia, or the
  42. As firm evidence that molecules exist. His research in 1903 and 1904 was mainly, concerned ,with the effect of finite atomic size on diffusion phenomena. In his paper on
  43. Education issues, the general strike or antimilitarism. A central debate, concerned ,the relation between anarchism and syndicalism (or trade unionism). Latest
  44. Environment, and increasingly concern for the psychological wellbeing of all, concerned ,in the food production and consumption system. Economic, environmental,and
  45. Japan’s best scenarist, and that he is the best editor in the world. He is most, concerned ,with the flowing quality which a film must have ... The Kurosawa film flows
  46. Names are a reference to the type of accordion patented by Cyril Damian, which, concerned ," automatically coupled chords on the bass side ". Construction Accordions are
  47. Practices. For example, GMOs are questioned by some ecologists and economists, concerned ,with GMO practices such as terminator seeds, which is a genetic modification
  48. Is also involved in the governance of the City of Adelaide, being primarily, concerned ,with the planning of Adelaide's urban development and growth. Local
  49. The face" in order to execute techniques without hesitation. As a martial art, concerned ,not only with fighting proficiency but with the betterment of daily life, this
  50. Top commander who agreed on the use of black troops. Nevertheless, Lincoln was, concerned ,that Grant might be considering a candidacy for President in 1864,as McClellan

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