Examples of the the word, patrol , in a Sentence Context

The word ( patrol ), is the 4698 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dispatched similarly west of the Orkney islands. UB-21 and UB-22 were sent to, patrol ,the Humber, where (incorrect) reports had suggested the presence of British
  2. An alternative plan, abandoning the attack on Sunderland but instead sending a, patrol ,of battlecruisers to the Skagerrak where it was likely they would encounter
  3. Way to survive an ambush is not to encounter them. In order for this to happen, patrol ,movement mustn't be predictable in timing or route, and should avoid the most
  4. And Landing (VTOL) aircraft. They are used extensively by the police to, patrol ,and survey the population, and it is clear that despite restrictions wealthy
  5. Ammunition, grenades,mines, armored personnel vehicles, patrol boats, navy, patrol , planes,turboprop trainers, tanks,and subsonic jet fighters. In the early
  6. But they were instructed to keep within it. During the initial North Sea, patrol ,the ships were instructed to sail only north-south so that any enemy who
  7. Norway in 1861 to promote national defense at the local level. Called military, patrol , the combination of skiing and shooting was contested at the Olympic Winter
  8. Has been mandated to defend The Bahamas, protect its territorial integrity, patrol ,its waters, provide assistance and relief in times of disaster, maintain order
  9. The ambush will be most effective, and give the signal manually, or the ambush, patrol ,may rely on tripwire or pressure-detonated mines in the kill zone to initiate
  10. Machine-gunner. After the firefight has been won, the now compromised ambush, patrol ,must leave the area as soon as it is practical to do so. In hit-and-run
  11. Cover for the deployment, execution,and extraction phases of the ambush, patrol , A path along a wooded valley floor would be a typical example. Ambush can be
  12. 120,000 men and women. The Navy numbers about 2,500 and operates seven small, patrol ,craft and barges. Air force personnel total about 8,000; its equipment includes
  13. Limited variations, such as the United States Navy's and Marine Corps' PBJ-1, patrol , bomber and the United States Army Air Forces' F-10 photo reconnaissance
  14. Security guards working for EG&G's security subcontractor Wackest, who, patrol , in Humvee's, SUVs,and pickup trucks. The guards are armed with M16s,but no
  15. Ministry of Defense on January 28, 1992. Border guards subject to the Ministry, patrol ,Armenia's borders with Georgia and Azerbaijan, while Russian troops continue
  16. Batteries can also fall to attack aircraft, but unless they are already on, patrol ,overhead, they are usually not quick enough to save friendly forces from damage
  17. Central American Federation. *1863 – A 65-man French Foreign Legion infantry, patrol ,fought a force of nearly 2,000 Mexican soldiers to nearly the last man in
  18. And wherever they can. The Defense Force has a fleet of 26 coastal and inshore, patrol ,craft along with 2 aircraft and over 850 personnel including 65 officers and 74
  19. Saves a country that is about to be conquered by its neighbors. The para time, patrol ,members are warned against going into the timelines immediately surrounding it
  20. For defense of the Brazilian territory. Troop relocation Brazil has the need to, patrol ,it's of land borders. The 3rd Infantry Battalion, the 19th Logistics Battalion
  21. Attempt of moving out of the kill zone. Preparation To be successful, an ambush, patrol ,must deploy into the area covertly, ideally under the cover of darkness. The
  22. Then just the creation of an additional timeline, the device of a" time, patrol ," is often used. Such an agency has the grim task of saving civilization every
  23. Style, giving rise to the CB slang" bear" or" Smokey" for the highway, patrol , The name Beowulf has been hypothesized to mean" bee-wolf ", a kenning for "
  24. As Open). He finally arrived at Algebras on 1 June 914. He ordered a, patrol ,of the coast to destroy the boats that supplied In Hamsun from North Africa.
  25. Of the Troopers' duties, they employ a wide variety of land, air,and water, patrol ,vehicles. Many rural communities in Alaska are considered" dry," having
  26. Be deployed to support the attack group, setting up and maintaining a forward, patrol ,harbor from which the attacking force will deploy, and to which they will
  27. Entering in service. To replace the Embrace P-95 Bandeirulha in the maritime, patrol ,duties,12 Lockheed P-3A Orion's have been bought from US Navy surplus and eight
  28. An agency has the grim task of saving civilization every day, every hour, with, patrol , members—depicted most notably in Paul Anderson's" Time Patrol"—racing uptime
  29. Among others. *Military: scouting, troop movement, supply of provisions, and, patrol , See bicycle infantry. *Show: entertainment and performance,e.g. Artistic
  30. Glad to be reunited with his comrades. Soon after, he volunteers to go on a, patrol ,and kills a man for the first time in hand-to-hand combat. He watches the man
  31. Food and water, have to be considered; so this should be done in a, patrol ,harbor, away from the site chosen for the ambush. Ambush patrol s will almost
  32. U-44,UC-47,U-51,U-52,U-63,U-66,and U-70 – were given orders first to, patrol ,in the central North Sea between 17 and 22 May, and then to take up waiting
  33. On the tactical and supply situation. It is obviously much harder for an ambush, patrol ,to remain covert and alert if sentry rosters, shelter,sleeping, sanitary
  34. And 'treat' any wounded enemy. Once this was accomplished, the ambush, patrol ,would then exfiltrate the area by a pre-determined route. If time has allowed
  35. And came to include ammunition, grenades,mines, armored personnel vehicles, patrol ,boats, navy patrol planes, turboprop trainers, tanks,and subsonic jet fighters
  36. Have to defend 8.5 million km2 (around 3.2 million sq. mi. ) of land and, patrol ,4.4 million km2 (around 1.7 million sq. mi. ) of territorial waters - or Blue
  37. Must deploy into the area covertly, ideally under the cover of darkness. The, patrol ,will establish secure and covert positions overlooking the killing zone.
  38. The navy has a Petra class light frigate, Qusar (G 121),and a number of, patrol ,craft, including one Turk class, Araz, P 223,one Bryan (Project 722) class, P
  39. To work her way into the Firth of Forth past May Island. U-46 was ordered to, patrol ,the coast of Sunderland, which had been chosen for the diversionary attack, but
  40. 20,000 tonnes),30 escort ships,15 submarines,5 nuclear submarines and 62 (, patrol ,ships). In July 2009,the minister of defense, Nelson Job, said that Brazil
  41. Advanced fixed and rotary wings instruction; II FAE (II Force Area) Maritime, patrol , SAR, helicopters transport roles and Navy support; III FAE (III Force Area)
  42. Of China, Greece,Pakistan and others. Description After a surface ship, patrol ,plane or anti-submarine helicopter detects an enemy submarine by using sonar
  43. Terms such as" action "," skirmish "," firefight "," raid" or" offensive, patrol ," are used to describe small-scale battle-like encounters. These combats often
  44. Event of a military threat to either party and allows Russian border guards to, patrol ,Armenia's frontiers with Turkey and Iran. In early 2005,the 102nd Military
  45. Battle of the war. *1966 – Vietnam War: the Battle of Long Tan ensues after a, patrol ,from the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment clashes with a View Cong
  46. Fire wouldn't take out the entire unit. When on foot, if possible,the, patrol ,should move in such a way as to maximize their firepower; for example, with the
  47. U. S. naval blimp L-8 disappears without a trace on a routine anti-submarine, patrol ,over the Pacific Ocean. The blimp drifts without her crew and crash-lands in
  48. Most obvious routes. Rather than moving at a constant speed and direction,the, patrol ,should vary these, with occasional stops to observe both the route ahead, and
  49. 4 submarine,6 fast missile craft,2 frigates,5 corvettes,6 torpedo boats,9, patrol , craft,30 minesweepers and 21 transport vessels. Due to the economic crisis
  50. And forensic capabilities. The National Police has an estimated 6,000, patrol , officers,2,500 Taxation and Frontier Supervision officers,182 criminal

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