Examples of the the word, stimulus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stimulus ), is the 4985 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And psychosocial benefits associated with breast reconstruction served as the, stimulus ,in the United States for the 1998 Women's Health and Cancer Rights
  2. A different course, accepting that there is a system of mental events mediating, stimulus ,and response, but asserting that this system is" topic neutral" and capable
  3. Punishment or punishment by contingent stimulation),removal of a desirable, stimulus ,(negative punishment or punishment by contingent withdrawal),or the absence
  4. The eurozone. It is also intended as a political symbol of integration and, stimulus ,for more. Since its launch the euro has become the second reserve currency in
  5. The state's dependence on primary industries. World War II brought industrial, stimulus ,and diversification to Adelaide under the Play ford Government, which advocated
  6. Revolution: Canals were important for industrial development. The greatest, stimulus ,to canal system building came from the Industrial Revolution with its need for
  7. Supernormal stimulus , a stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the, stimulus ,for which the response evolved. The term was coined by Nike Bergen to
  8. One mechanism that actually causes the death of a cell. After a cell receives, stimulus , it undergoes organized degradation of cellular organelles by activated
  9. Of capital be gradual and constant, the demand for labor may give a continued, stimulus ,to an increase of people .... It has been calculated, that under favorable
  10. Rather than the hotter conditions being hypothetically bipedalism's initial, stimulus , Carrying models Charles Darwin wrote that" Man could not have attained his
  11. Of energy is such that the color can be matched only approximately by a, stimulus ,of the Planckian form of spectral distribution. " Several important
  12. The ban in October 2007 because, according to him, the games" bring imminent, stimulus ,to the subversion of the social order, attempting against the democratic and
  13. References. Economics Christmas is typically the largest annual economic, stimulus ,for many nations around the world. Sales increase dramatically in almost all
  14. Psychology: Most psychologists focused on functional relations between, stimulus ,and response, without positing internal representations. Chomsky argued that in
  15. Hatched, and he discovered that this response could be imitated by an arbitrary, stimulus ,if the eggs were incubated artificially and the stimulus were presented during
  16. Aside from Canadian lobbying against" Buy American" provisions in the U. S., stimulus ,package, relations between the two administrations had been smooth up to 2011.
  17. Potential, an electrophysiologist response to an internal or external, stimulus ,Politics and history * European Recovery Program (official name of the
  18. Just one generation, minute hands and then second hands were added. A major, stimulus ,to improving the accuracy and reliability of clocks was the importance of
  19. Making the Bush tax cuts permanent. (Apr 2002) *Voted YES on $99 B economic, stimulus ,: capital gains & income tax cuts. (Oct 2001) *Voted YES on Tax cut package of
  20. Traditions and by spreading public awareness the ID NDR provided required, stimulus ,for disaster reduction. It is almost impossible to prevent the occurrence of
  21. Or punishment by contingent withdrawal),or the absence of a rewarding, stimulus , which causes the behavior to stop (extinction). Skinner also sought to
  22. Reported that, for one receiver, differential alpha block on control and, stimulus ,trials were observed, which showed that some information transfer had occurred.
  23. Benjamin Tibet et al. (1979) have shown that it can take 0.5 seconds before a, stimulus ,becomes part of conscious experience even though subjects can respond to the
  24. For example the estimated $4.6 billion in coal-related subsidies in the 2009, stimulus , package ). Coal mining and combustion projects require major investments, and
  25. And Cheap bind to the receptor. The activation of the receptor by an external, stimulus ,causes autophosphorylation in the histamine kinase, CheA, at a single highly
  26. Finding the nearest point on the Planckian locus to the chromaticity of the, stimulus ,on Maxwell's color triangle, depicted aside. The transformation matrix he used
  27. January–September 2010. This was owing to bad weather, a lack of a government, stimulus ,package, and the continuing effects of decreased agricultural subsidies by the
  28. While they ravel through the air. Stimulating can be interrupted when the, stimulus ,is vibrated by something else. Some species of dung beetle also display a form
  29. Anxiety disorders are in vivo exposure—a gradual exposure to the actual, feared, stimulus , This treatment is based on the theory that the fear response has been
  30. Will be ignored. Another common way of learning is by association, where a, stimulus ,is, based on the experience, linked to another one that may not have anything
  31. Less densely-populated areas. In April 2008,the city announced a $300-million, stimulus , plan to create jobs and revitalize neighborhoods, financed by city bonds and
  32. As powerfully as that of animals. She explained junk food as an exaggerated, stimulus ,to cravings for salt, sugar,and fats, and she says that television is an
  33. This mismatch also shows up in the phenomena of the super normal stimulus ,a, stimulus ,that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which the response
  34. Areas such as the primary visual cortex show clear electrical responses to a, stimulus , Higher brain areas are seen as more promising, especially the prefrontal
  35. Body, which spread through the air, bringing to the tympanum of the ear a, stimulus ,which the mind interprets as sound ", a remarkable statement that points to the
  36. State legislators, scientists and artists. Millions of dollars in federal, stimulus ,funds have been awarded to PUNY’s projects and programs, providing more
  37. Had occurred. In contrast, this person's expressed statements of when the, stimulus ,occurred were no different from that which would be expected by chance. The
  38. Mood condition that can often occur without an identifiable triggering, stimulus , As such, it is distinguished from fear, which is an emotional response to a
  39. Becomes part of conscious experience even though subjects can respond to the, stimulus ,in reaction time tests within 200 milliseconds. Recent research on the Event
  40. Epilepsy. Memory-based explanations The similarity between a déjà-vu-eliciting, stimulus ,and an existing, but different, memory trace may lead to the sensation. Thus
  41. Another participant). * Reaction time. The time between the presentation of a, stimulus ,and an appropriate response can indicate differences between two cognitive
  42. Have explored how the realignment has reshaped spending policies, especially, stimulus , spending on infrastructure that has kept Canada immune from the economic
  43. Model is often credited to O. Hobart Mower. Through exposure to the, stimulus , this conditioning can be unlearned; this is referred to as extinction and
  44. By an arbitrary stimulus if the eggs were incubated artificially and the, stimulus ,were presented during a critical period (a less temporally constrained period
  45. Current also among Christian authors, that a child left unexposed to linguistic, stimulus ,would automatically begin to speak in Hebrew. Eco (1993) notes that Genesis
  46. They experience it" flipping" between two 3D configurations, even though the, stimulus ,itself remains the same. The objective is to understand the relationship
  47. Chain reaction research. The letter is believed to be" arguably the key, stimulus ,for the U. S. adoption of serious investigations into nuclear weapons on the
  48. Chinese emperor. Domestically, the Grand Canal was expanded and proved to be a, stimulus ,to domestic trade. Over 100,000 tons of iron per year were produced. Many books
  49. Defense that involves unconsciously applying strategies to prevent a troubling, stimulus ,from entering consciousness). #An increasingly existential lifestyle – living
  50. Environment. This mismatch also shows up in the phenomena of the super normal, stimulus , a stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which

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