Examples of the the word, heroic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heroic ), is the 8382 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tasks. The northern and southern traditions are contrasted by the" rugged and, heroic ," tone of the north and the" relaxed" form of the south. These disparate
  2. Calliope (the 'beautiful of speech' ): chief of the muses and muse of epic or, heroic ,poetry * Erato (the 'amorous one' ): muse of love or erotic poetry, lyrics
  3. Peter Dung in 1940. Albanian folk songs can be divided into major groups,the, heroic ,epics of the north, and the sweetly melodic lullabies, love songs, wedding
  4. Relationships with women. Worship of Achilles in antiquity There was an archaic, heroic ,cult of Achilles on the White Island, Leuce, in the Black Sea off the modern
  5. For both warlike and warlike subjects are lyrics celebrating his brother's, heroic ,exploits as a Babylonian mercenary and lyrics sung in a rare meter (Sapphire
  6. Sometimes accused his work of elitism, because of his focus on exceptional, heroic ,individuals and groups of men. In her commentary on the deluxe DVD edition of
  7. The reader with an ambiguous understanding of how Achilles felt about the, heroic ,life. Achilles was worshiped as a sea-god in many of the Greek colonies on the
  8. Was falsely deemed his greatest success. She marries him thinking he is the, heroic ,person behind Haggard Transcontinental. Cherry is at first harsh towards Deign
  9. Of the siege by Jean Froissart. Though the town envisioned an allegorical, heroic ,piece centered on Mustache de Saint-Pierre, the eldest of the six men, Rodin
  10. S prewar regime for its political oppression. Atypically for the director,the, heroic ,central character is a woman, Yukie (Netsuke Hara),born into
  11. The namesake of her mother. Agrippina the Elder was remembered as a modest and, heroic ,matron, who was the second daughter and fourth child of Julia the Elder and the
  12. Simple joys of student-teacher relationships, of kinship, of being alive. " The, heroic ,champion Kurosawa’s is a heroic cinema, a series of dramas (mostly) concerned
  13. Throughout the story, do nothing and“ generally serve as backdrops for more, heroic ,action. ” At the same time, Richard North (professor of English, University
  14. Collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, in London. The figures are of the, heroic ,size. The victorious Theseus is represented as seated on the lifeless body of
  15. The island they would better anchor their ships ". (quoted in Venusian) The, heroic ,cult of Achilles on Luce island was widespread in antiquity, not only along
  16. Its author is unknown, its themes and subject are rooted in Germanic, heroic ,poetry, in Anglo-Saxon tradition recited and cultivated by Old English poets
  17. Hunter ", a kenning for" bear" ) is the conventional title of an Old English, heroic ,epic poem consisting of 3182 alliterative long lines, set in Scandinavia
  18. S corps (from Lee's army in the east),defeated Rosecrans, despite the, heroic ,defensive stand of Maj. Gen. George Henry Thomas. Rosecrans retreated to
  19. Is that Columbus discovered America, as it is far easier to elevate a man to, heroic ,status than to reflect the reality among complex series of waves of immigrants
  20. Of Theseus and the Centaur, and Hercules and Lights may close the class of, heroic ,compositions, although the catalog might be swelled by the enumeration of
  21. The ending of the epidemic, Tarrou contracts the plague and dies after a, heroic ,struggle. Rieux's wife also dies. In February, the town gates open and people
  22. Its independence the government was an oligarchy. There is no trace of the, heroic ,monarchy and no tradition of a tyranny. The story of Nicodemus, while it
  23. Have escaped shells, were destroyed by the war. " The book does not focus on, heroic ,stories of bravery, but rather gives a view of the conditions in which the
  24. Of Achilles both in the main hall and in the lavish gardens depicting the, heroic ,and tragic scenes of the Trojan war. Other stories Some post-Homeric sources
  25. In the Norton Anthology of English Literature that," The poet was reviving the, heroic ,language, style,and pagan world of ancient Germanic oral poetry … it is now
  26. And the archive of tradition on which it draws is oral, pagan,Germanic, heroic , and tribal. On the other hand, one might posit a poem which is composed by a
  27. And led the army in battle. He took the field himself, and performed many, heroic ,deeds until he was wounded and forced to withdraw to his tent. His chief fault
  28. In modern literature, Aeneas appears in David Gemmell's Troy series as a main, heroic ,character who goes by the name Helicon. Aeneas is a main character in Ursula
  29. His son's exploits in the Trojan war, and when Odysseus tells of Neoptolemus ', heroic ,actions, Achilles is filled with satisfaction. This leaves the reader with an
  30. Of kinship, of being alive. " The heroic champion Kurosawa’s is a, heroic ,cinema, a series of dramas (mostly) concerned with the deeds and fates of
  31. Violence—what Stephen Prince calls" the countertradition to the committed, heroic ,mode of Kurosawa’s cinema"—first appears. According to Donald Richie, within
  32. Philosophy" Objectives ", describing its essence as" the concept of man as a, heroic ,being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive
  33. Wife was required to stay home. Agrippina had earned herself a reputation as a, heroic ,woman and wife. During her time in Germania, Agrippina had proved herself to be
  34. Told in historical perspective; a story of epic events and of great people of a, heroic ,past. Although its author is unknown, its themes and subject are rooted
  35. In that country by his" unusually complete rejection of what we may call the, heroic ,values. " In Russia itself,Chekhov's drama fell out of fashion after the
  36. Is virtually over, Tarrou becomes one of its last victims, but puts up a, heroic ,struggle before dying. Themes The theme of exile and separation is embodied in
  37. Career progressed he seemed to find it increasingly difficult to sustain the, heroic ,ideal. As Prince notes," Kurosawa’s is an essentially tragic vision of life
  38. Attributes. Athena is also a shrewd companion of heroes and the goddess of, heroic ,endeavor. She is the virgin patron of Athens. The Athenians built the
  39. When she confesses to Deign that when she married Jim, she thought he had the, heroic ,qualities that she had looked up to - she thought she was marrying someone like
  40. On the consequences of political inaction and exhorting his comrades to, heroic ,defiance, as in one of his 'ship of state' allegories. Commenting on Antaeus
  41. 1795 and Cesare in Farmhouse (" Caesar on Pharmacist" ), both drawing on the, heroic ,and exotic success established with Amur. His late opera based on William
  42. Commentators regard Seven Samurai as the ultimate expression of the artist’s, heroic ,ideal. Joan Ellen’s comments are typical of this view:" Seven Samurai is
  43. In his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Campbell proposed that the, heroic ,mythological stories from culture to culture followed a similar underlying
  44. Prominent women in the Julio-Claudian dynasty; one of the most virtuous and, heroic ,women of antiquity and of the first century. She was the first Roman woman of
  45. In the same places, making identical synaptic connections in every worm. In a, heroic ,project,Brenner's team sliced worms into thousands of ultrathin sections and
  46. Of the Cameron brothers are killed in the war. Ben Cameron is wounded after a, heroic ,charge at the Siege of Petersburg, in which he gains the nickname" the Little
  47. Portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan (whose original founding is dramatized) as a, heroic ,force. There were widespread protests against The Birth of a Nation, and it was
  48. Hall by the city's Military Commander Ob erst Meyer. Several memorials to his, heroic ,deed have been erected over the years, against great opposition from the
  49. Infinitely unimaginable fashion ". In his final years, he was a legendary and, heroic ,figure to some young writers and artists in Paris. Guillaume Apollinaire
  50. Far in Venice, now a monument to the sculptor. Notable works Among Canova's, heroic ,compositions, his Perseus with the Head of Medusa (photo, right ) appeared

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