Examples of the the word, fallacy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Reasons. Affirming the consequent, sometimes called converse error, is a formal, fallacy , committed by reasoning in the form: #If P, then Q. #Q. #Therefore, P. An
  2. Tails; the false conclusion being: Why change if odds favor tails? Again,the, fallacy ,is the belief that the" universe" somehow carries a memory of past results
  3. First, claiming that" basic beliefs" must exist, amounts to the logical, fallacy ,of argument from ignorance combined with the slippery slope. While a
  4. Influence the probabilities of future dice rolls. For example, the gambler's, fallacy ,indicates that a craps' player should bet on eleven if an eleven has not
  5. An argument that a claim is incorrect due to its source). The circumstantial, fallacy ,applies only where the source taking a position is only making a logical
  6. Of the early 20th Century that were largely based on the naturalistic, fallacy ,-- the erroneous idea that what is necessarily implies what ought. Other
  7. Would suggest an even-money bet on" tails ", while the reverse gambler's, fallacy ,(not to be confused with the inverse gambler's fallacy ) would suggest an
  8. Children and women. His essay is sometimes regarded as an example of the, fallacy ,of hypostatization. One of the earliest lawsuits to establish that citizens may
  9. Those circumstances may be appropriate, in effect committing the fallacist's, fallacy , Whether it applies to humorous use or references to oneself is open to
  10. The common cold or strep throat. The following is a more subtle version of the, fallacy ,embedded into conversation.: A: All Republicans are against gun control.: B:
  11. The natural recovery from or the cyclical nature of an illness (the regression, fallacy ,), or the possibility that the person never originally had a true illness. In
  12. The reverse gambler's fallacy (not to be confused with the inverse gambler's, fallacy ,) would suggest an even-money bet on" heads ". In this case, the smart bet is
  13. Dealing with chronostratigraphy. The Gambler's, fallacy , also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy (because its most famous example
  14. Are equally probable (or distributed in a known way). The reversal is also a, fallacy , in which a gambler may instead decide that tails are more likely out of some
  15. Energy"or their cellphone is causing interference. (See: Texas sharpshooter, fallacy ,) Economies of scale, in microeconomics, refers to the cost advantages that a
  16. To be less than 10),simply because extreme events are rare. The gambler's, fallacy ,implicitly involves an assertion of negative correlation between trials of the
  17. Moral knowledge Moore argued that once arguments based on the naturalistic, fallacy ,had been discarded, questions of intrinsic goodness could only be settled by
  18. Tails. However, this is not correct, and is a manifestation of the gambler's, fallacy ,; the event of 5 heads in a row and the event of" first 4 heads, then a tail "
  19. This would be an example of what he referred to as" the naturalistic, fallacy , " Moore claimed that goodness is" indefinable ", i. e., it cannot be defined
  20. That he had shown Hegel to have fallen prey to the Post hoc ergo proper hoc, fallacy , Schopenhauer thought that Hegel used deliberately impressive but ultimately
  21. Argument does not make the argument false; this overlaps with the genetic, fallacy ,(an argument that a claim is incorrect due to its source). The circumstantial
  22. That" Philosophers commit their gravest error when they are misled into the, fallacy ,of abstraction, the practice of focusing the attention upon one aspect of
  23. If a coin is tossed ten times and lands" heads" ten times, the gambler's, fallacy ,would suggest an even-money bet on" tails ", while the reverse gambler's
  24. Fact with regard to alternative treatments sometimes use the appeal to nature, fallacy , i.e.," that which is natural cannot be harmful ". An exception to the normal
  25. Verbal abuse or" name-calling" itself is not an ad hominem or a logical, fallacy , In order to become a fallacy , the insult would need to be given as a reason
  26. It has a greater chance of arriving the later it gets). This is an informal, fallacy , It is also known colloquially as the law of averages. What is true instead are
  27. Social functioning, name Beyer stein /> and the post hoc, ergo proper hoc, fallacy , Patients can also be averse to the painful, unpleasant
  28. By association Guilt by association can sometimes also be a type of ad hominem, fallacy ,if the argument attacks a source because of the similarity between the views of
  29. Example happened in a Monte Carlo Casino in 1913). Also referred to as the, fallacy ,of the maturity of chances, which is the belief that if deviations from
  30. Favor or disfavor future outcomes. The conclusion of this reversed gambler's, fallacy ,may be correct, however,if the empirical evidence suggests that an initial
  31. KS) in gay men. However, this argument has been described as an example of the, fallacy ,of a statistical confounding effect; it is now known that a herpesvirus
  32. Of“ good” ( and thus for the salaciousness of the“ naturalistic, fallacy ,”) is often called the Open Question Argument; it is presented in
  33. The afterword to My Disillusionment in Russia, she wrote:" There is no greater, fallacy ,than the belief that aims and purposes are one thing, while methods and tactics
  34. Smith,1776,book IV, ch. Iii, part ii) Frédéric Bastian on the, fallacy ,of trade deficits The 19th century economist and philosopher Frédéric Bastian
  35. Can account for the origin of morality. He rejects the idea of the naturalistic, fallacy ,as the idea that ethics is in some free-floating realm, writing that the
  36. For the twentieth-century concern with meta-ethics. The naturalistic, fallacy ,Moore asserted that philosophical arguments can suffer from a confusion between
  37. A premium for dishonesty, by showing others how to be dishonest. This is a, fallacy , Rogues are very keen in their profession, and know already much more than we
  38. Successive heads are only (one in thirty-two),a believer in the gambler's, fallacy ,might believe that this next flip is less likely to be heads than to be tails.
  39. Be just as small. Gambler's fallacy Other systems depend on the gambler's, fallacy , which in craps terms is the belief that past dice rolls influence the
  40. As the idea that ethics is in some free-floating realm, writing that the, fallacy ,is to rush from facts to values. Role in evolutionary debate Bennett sees
  41. Of that term (in all arguments). He named this confusion the naturalistic, fallacy , For example, an ethical argument may claim that if a thing has certain
  42. The payout from each Martingale sequence will be just as small. Gambler's, fallacy ,Other systems depend on the gambler's fallacy , which in craps terms is the
  43. Evolutionary theory, such as Richard Dawkins, refer to this as" Hoyle's, fallacy ,". Other controversies Further occasions on which Hoyle aroused controversy
  44. Reification, also called hypostatization, might be considered a formal, fallacy ,whenever an abstract concept, such as" society" or" technology" is treated
  45. From the God or from the Demon. Duality with pluralism is considered a logical, fallacy , History Moral dualism began as a theological belief. Dualism was first seen
  46. Itself is not an ad hominem or a logical fallacy . In order to become a, fallacy , the insult would need to be given as a reason for believing some conclusion.
  47. The Gambler's fallacy , also known as the Monte Carlo, fallacy ,(because its most famous example happened in a Monte Carlo Casino in 1913).
  48. Ethical from 1903. In it, he first wrote about what he called the naturalistic, fallacy , Moore was seen to reject naturalism in ethics, in his Open Question Argument.
  49. Assumption that the coin is fair. An example: coin-tossing The gambler's, fallacy ,can be illustrated by considering the repeated toss of a fair coin. With a fair
  50. Presumptions involved in a proposition, and is related to the syllogistic, fallacy , These paradoxes were very well known in ancient times, some are alluded to by

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