Examples of the the word, misunderstand , in a Sentence Context

The word ( misunderstand ), is the 7907 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Participant in the meeting ... said to me very clearly that Saddam did not, misunderstand , did not think he was getting a green or yellow light. " Wilson's and Akins '
  2. For the first arrival (T > 10). Students taking courses on probability often, misunderstand ,this idea: the fact that Pr (T > 40 | T > 30) = Pr (T > 10) does not mean
  3. To historian of American individualist anarchism, Frank Brooks, it is easy to, misunderstand ,Tucker's claim of" socialism. " Before Marxists established a hegemony over
  4. Motion requesting to withdraw her guilty plea and acknowledged that she did not, misunderstand ,the judge when he read the charges against her. Rather, she said: Sentencing in
  5. Classical electrodynamics. S is Pointing vector and w is energy density. Don't, misunderstand ,to be drift velocity of the charge carrier which is too slow. Group velocities
  6. More complex emotional reasons, which (according to Orwell) most socialists, misunderstand , He identifies 5 main problems. #Class prejudice. This is real and it is
  7. The problem, however,is that the resultant theoretical models tend to, misunderstand ,or even ignore the" irrational" consumer behavior, and as conspicuous
  8. As viruses rather than worms. Some writers in the trade and popular press, misunderstand ,this distinction and use the terms interchangeably. Capsule history of viruses
  9. Demand, regardless of her suitor's actual merits. She has been made to, misunderstand ,or recognize his nature. Moreover, by perceiving her parents' symbolic
  10. Of the academy rather than the public, it was easy for outsiders to, misunderstand ,Plato's meaning. However, Plotinus attempted to clarify how the philosophers
  11. Sunday strip involving a Hare Krishna asking for money. Opus continued to, misunderstand ,the Krishna's request for money before finally misinterpreting" Prayer
  12. I fear nothing. I am free.: — Nikos Kazantzakis: To define the beautiful is to, misunderstand ,it.: — Charles Robert Anon (Fernando Person): To be safe on the Fourth, : Do
  13. Supervised to ensure there was no possibility that the Tan gut people might, misunderstand ,the teachings. Anyone found to be a fortune-teller or charlatan faced immediate
  14. Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. " JMS has stated that people, misunderstand ,the similarities between the two different stories. He often says that B5 is "
  15. To change a faulty understanding; for example, they may not notice events, may, misunderstand , input from others, or may decide that an event is a fluke and is therefore
  16. Be trisected. Many people (who presumably are unaware of the above result, misunderstand ,it, or incorrectly reject it) have proposed methods of trisecting the general
  17. Powerful tool for professional risk managers, VaR is portrayed as both easy to, misunderstand , and dangerous when misunderstood. A common complaint among academics is that
  18. The prisoner brought by Quiche and him, when the prisoner feigns to, misunderstand ,them in several languages. Once they have learned the location of the Spanish
  19. In words or events. Their own memories are not reliable or complete and they, misunderstand ,each other as they stumble through philosophical arguments while not realizing
  20. A somewhat larger role. Here, the magician's illusion exemplifies how people, misunderstand ,themselves and their reality, when we could be free from this confusion. Under
  21. Include elements in the population. # Measurement error: E.g. when respondents, misunderstand ,a question, or find it difficult to answer. # Processing error: Mistakes in
  22. White, male-dominated psychiatric practices and diagnoses disadvantage and, misunderstand ,those from other groups. For example, several studies have shown that African
  23. Election. ) In her maiden speech, Cooper said of the town: 'The House must not, misunderstand ,me. It is true that my constituency is plagued by unemployment, but I represent
  24. Things often confuse tourists, many of which will not turn left on red, and, misunderstand , the meaning of the" Double Turn" signs. " No Double Turns," in Colorado
  25. Are disabled in some way, most commonly as a result of a stroke, but either, misunderstand ,the nature of the problem or deny that there is anything wrong with them. The
  26. Dunes Rental has recently argued that most debates over moral relativism, misunderstand ,the import of cultural relativism. Most philosophers understand the
  27. To both sides. It is a source of regret to us that the Arabs appear to, misunderstand ,our proposal and misread our motives. " Furthermore, Secretary Rusk's Telegram
  28. May not be truthful, accurate,or complete. Participants and eyewitnesses may, misunderstand ,events or distort their reports (deliberately or unconsciously) to enhance
  29. Total war and to suggest as much is to" misread Sherman's intentions and to, misunderstand ,the results of what happened. " 20th century World War I Almost the whole of
  30. Jeevan realizes what he has done. He wants Shivshankar to shoot him, but police, misunderstand ,and think that Jeevan is pointing a gun at Shivshankar and the police try to
  31. Without waiting for his permission. When Michael protests, the other customers, misunderstand , and start a run on the bank that forces the bank to suspend business. The
  32. Provocative posturing" and stated that" If these commentators can so badly, misunderstand ,and underestimate an utterly unguarded English-speaking 83-year-old man with an
  33. Spared the doom of the rest of Camelot. King Arthur and his knights, however, misunderstand ,Gawain's experience and wear garters themselves. In Cleanness the men who are
  34. Liable we are to imagine it incorrectly, and the result will be that we either, misunderstand ,the poem or fail to understand it altogether ". Owen suggests a third factor
  35. Esperanto is often presented as" easy to learn ", which many students, misunderstand ,as" can be learned without effort ". Learning Esperanto is relatively easy
  36. Be unusual in modern English, perhaps because this might cause a listener to, misunderstand ,the two as a preposition:: *And he called to him all his wise knights to him
  37. Have always been nothing but positive about it. And I didn’t want anybody to, misunderstand ,me or think that I wasn’t, you know, appreciative. " Barry Sunday was picked up
  38. To glorify sex and violence. The film made it easy for readers of the book to, misunderstand ,what it was about, and the misunderstand ing will pursue me till I die. I should
  39. The Scooby Gang that Ben and Glory is the same person, only for them either to, misunderstand ,him or to instantly forget. However, as Ben and Glory's personalities begin to
  40. First approximation to a more complex effect, or predict the same effect but, misunderstand ,the underlying mechanism. USA Goswami, a professor at the University of
  41. That it is" a field that oversells itself "; or that macroeconomic studies ", misunderstand ,and underestimate traditional economic models ". Neuromarketing
  42. Much plugging in the seventies as at any time later. To suggest otherwise is to, misunderstand ,the reason people come on to talk shows. " In particular, he cites Bette Davis
  43. Sex and violence. " He added" the film made it easy for readers of the book to, misunderstand ,what it was about, and the misunderstand ing will pursue me till I die. " Near
  44. Kubrick's own opinion of the critics, he once said:" I find a lot of critics, misunderstand ,my films; probably everybody's films. Very few of them spend enough time
  45. Concerning the topic of their belief. In addition, many cranks: #seriously, misunderstand ,the mainstream opinion to which they believe that they are objecting, #stress
  46. Sandy more about their personal lives than Horne was seeking, as the two would, misunderstand ,his meaning. In one sketch, discussing Julian and Sandy's time out travelling
  47. That require no interpretation. Stephen Jay Gould has argued that creationists, misunderstand ,the nature of the debate within the scientific community, which is not about "
  48. If Batsman is joking with them, appear not to hear him, or otherwise completely, misunderstand ,him (" murders and executions" is mistaken for" mergers and acquisitions "
  49. The Northern Israelite Tribes were lost. Critics argue that British Israelis ts, misunderstand ,and misinterpret the meaning of these scriptures. * One such case is the
  50. Tongue till some meaning lie behind to set it wagging," a doctrine which many, misunderstand , almost willfully, it would seem; silence being to him the very womb out of

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