Examples of the the word, grieve , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grieve ), is the 8226 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their plan to have failed, Mystique and Gambit cry at Rogue's bedside. As they, grieve , Rogue finally awakens. After hearing all that Mystique has done, and sick of
  2. Marking the fourth officially released live album by the band. After a time to, grieve ,and reassemble the pieces of his life, and while visiting long-time Rush
  3. It makes us prize what is not worth prizing, grieve for that we should not, grieve ,for, consider real what is not real but only illusory, and pass our lives in
  4. Minnelli, and his ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley, Ross stated that she wanted to, grieve ,in private. Ross dedicated her 2010–11" More Today Than Yesterday-Greatest
  5. Old, exactly two weeks shy of her 74th birthday. Her last words were," Do not, grieve , my friend, my dearest friend. I am ready to go. And John, it will not be long.
  6. Have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they, grieve , Under Islamic law, Jews and Christians were considered shimmies, a legal status
  7. A heap at home, : :But delight in things that are delightful and, in hard times, grieve ,: :Not too much appreciate the rhythm that controls men's lives. And other poets
  8. Away he sent a reply," God has seen your tears and heard your prayers. Do not, grieve , The Little One will not die. Do not allow the doctors to bother him too much.
  9. Embalming is rare, and that the populace of such countries are still able to, grieve ,normally. Embalming is also a general legal requirement for international
  10. Back the hour: Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;: We will, grieve ,not, rather find: Strength in what remains behind ... Scenes of Kansas and the
  11. An untitled poem in Appendix F, seen below:" Little solace comes to those who, grieve ,as thoughts keep drifting as walls keep shifting and this great blue world of
  12. Initially ruled accidental. The note read in part:" To ALL I LOVE," Do not, grieve ,for me. My nerves are all shot and for the last year I have been in agony day
  13. Was held in the center of Stockholm where tens of thousands gathered to, grieve ,Anna Linda. A more formal commemorative gathering was held at Stockholm City
  14. Is the most important of all and of the greatest of our concerns, one must, grieve ,and weep that these wretches so rave. " Morley continues: When we grant at
  15. At last Range looked handsome (Orwell 1998:145). Range and Papa continue to, grieve ,for each other to this day. Ranginui's tears fall towards Papatuanuku to show
  16. Language for a discussion). Like the other great apes, gorillas can laugh, grieve , have" rich emotional lives," develop strong family bonds, can make and use
  17. Parental behaviors, other significant losses, etc. Other losses Parents may, grieve ,due to loss of children through means other than death, for example through
  18. Deathly dull. At one extreme, the heroes of E. R. Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros, grieve ,for the end of the war and that they have no more foes equal to those they
  19. Cause suffering? A. Because it makes us prize what is not worth prizing, grieve ,for that we should not grieve for, consider real what is not real but only
  20. Males in the family wear woven arm bands representing seniority and must, grieve ,next to the deceased for a period of three days before burying the body. During
  21. Is comparably bigger. The motto" What the eye does not see the heart cannot, grieve ,over" is considered to be very important in many recycling processes.
  22. Over. Sosa no to no Minot asked them, saying:" Who are ye and why do ye, grieve ,lament thus? " The answer was:" I am an Earthly Deity, and my name is
  23. In God and the Last Day and do good, there is no fear for them, nor shall they, grieve , " The Qur'an gives credence to the Christian claim of Jews scheming against
  24. Of his beloved wife. At this moment, father and son have reconciled as they, grieve ,together over the losses of their world and loved ones, before Spock leaves to
  25. Girl to be devoured. There is no means of escape for her, and therefore do we, grieve , ” His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness said:" If that is so, wilt thou give me
  26. His person) has only embarked on a virtuous enterprise. Therefore, no one need, grieve ,over this act. And no money need be spent in search of this. Your college fee
  27. Mourning the Temple's Destruction According to Jewish Law, one is obligated to, grieve ,and rend one's garment upon visiting the Western Wall and seeing the desolate
  28. The downing of Air India Flight 182,families gathered in Pakistan, Ireland to, grieve , Governor General Adrienne Clarkson, on the advice of Prime Minister Paul
  29. Nelson, commander of the fleet at the battle, survives:: 'My Dear Darby, : I, grieve ,for your heavy loss of Brave fellows, but look at our glorious Victory. We will
  30. Could then be used in Soul Caliber III's create-a-character mode. Using the, grieve ,edge allows the created character to fight unarmed, like KOS-MOS does in
  31. Have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they, grieve , * Say (O Muhammad):" O people of the Scripture: Come to a word that is just
  32. Unknown Posthumous name 悼 (pinyin day),literary meaning: ", grieve ," or" mournful" Gender role is a term used in the social sciences and
  33. Of your three islands, all gems, all dazzling with moonlight. I, grieve ,to think of the bronze camels, guardians of China, lost in thorns.
  34. Is with their Lord and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they, grieve , O you who believe, you shall observe God and refrain from all kinds of usury
  35. To write him out),and even Russell herself for a leave of absence to, grieve ,the loss of Simone. Arriving to replace them would be DET. Baldwin Jones
  36. In Jerusalem. Just once per year they were permitted to return and bitterly, grieve ,about the fate of their people. Comparable accounts survive, including those by
  37. Divinity (Sloth),and malicious love, or love of malignant things that should, grieve ,man and which are contrary to divinity (Wrath, Envy,Pride). Below the seven
  38. The deceased are quickly forgotten and life continues on. Different cultures, grieve ,in different ways, but all have ways that are vital in healthy coping with the
  39. Cherry Blossoms, in which a Bavarian widower embarks on a journey to Japan to, grieve ,for his late wife and develop an understanding of this performance style for
  40. His wife Mary died unexpectedly, and Rockwell took time off from his work to, grieve , It was during this break that he and his son Thomas produced his autobiography
  41. From the ensuing press interest in keeping them at Balm oral where they could, grieve ,in private. Uncertain whether they should walk behind her coffin during
  42. The Akron with its crew of gallant officers and men is a national disaster. I, grieve ,with the Nation and especially with the wives and families of the men who were
  43. Studies show that the vast majority of people who've experienced a loss do not, grieve , but are resilient. The logic is that if there is no grief, there are no stages
  44. Their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they, grieve , " Judaism Faith itself is not a religious concept in Judaism. Although Judaism
  45. I was not, and was conceived. I loved and did a little work. Furthermore, I am not and, grieve ,not. " - epitaph. *"If a man, holding a belief which he was taught in childhood
  46. Children who have been physically, psychologically and/or sexually often abused, grieve ,over the damage to, or loss of, their ability to trust. Since such children
  47. And seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus ... *: And do not, grieve ,the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. *:
  48. And is reported to have died. Denotes laments his poor judgment and promises to, grieve ,for his dead wife and son every day for the rest of his life. Antigens
  49. We in France, the most ardent revolutionaries ... still profoundly, grieve ,and regret what we did .... I beg you to show clemency. " He had earlier
  50. The story ends in tragedy for Faust, as Gretchen is saved, but Faust is left to, grieve ,in shame. The second part begins with the spirits of the earth forgiving Faust

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