Examples of the the word, readable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( readable ), is the 8227 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Convey the bleakness of her abiding insights in tales that remain seductively, readable ,; but she was, in the end, incapable of dissimulation. " — from The Encyclopedia
  2. Optimization hints to the compiler. The aim is not only to make the code more, readable , but also to allow programmers to concentrate on the important aspects of a
  3. An alternate syntax for JavaScript intended to be more concise and, readable ,and adding features like array comprehensions and pattern matching. Like
  4. Information to be transmitted and how it should be used. This is done in human, readable ,specifications (also called Message Implementation Guidelines). While the
  5. Compound names are usually separated by hyphens, which are claimed to be more, readable ,and more convenient to type. Wiki link markup Camel case is used in some wiki
  6. In that order, and reads and executes the first one (that exists and is, readable ,). When a login shell exits: * Bash reads and executes ~/. Bash_logout (if it
  7. Each other. For instance, an email sent from a Microsoft Outlook should be, readable ,from Yahoo! Mail and vice versa. Execution Computer software has to be" loaded
  8. DNA, Atheneum,1980,ISBN 0-689-70602-2 (first published in 1968) is a very, readable ,firsthand account of the research by Crick and Watson. The book also formed the
  9. To mark pages of data (such as those containing the stack and the heap) as, readable ,and writable but not executable. Some Unix operating systems (e.g. OpenBSD
  10. Other shorter works that precede the first Critique. These well-received and, readable ,tracts include one on the earthquake in Lisbon which was so popular that it was
  11. Or the Rex Iliad. Two different processing platforms are used to deliver, readable ,information of the daily, one based on the newly developed GPP electronic ink
  12. If an ISO image or disk consists of more than 65,535 directories, it will be, readable ,in Linux, while in early Windows versions all files from the additional
  13. Go in the order of their Latin counterparts, which allowed the text to remain, readable ,after transmission via a 7bit line which removed the senior bit from each byte
  14. His web content. A small file is generated that contains a condensed, computer, readable , digest of this description that can then be used by content filtering software
  15. Accessible to a wide range of users, partly because scripts were more or less, readable ,as English. For instance, put the first word of the third line of field" hello
  16. Processes (CSP) * Herman Hollerith – invented recording of data on a machine, readable ,medium, using punched cards I * Kenneth E. Iverson – APL (programming language
  17. Not permitted in identifiers, leaving Camel Case as the only viable scheme for, readable ,multi-word names. The PARC Mesa Language Manual (1979) included a coding
  18. Produces copies on soft plastic. However, the resulting Braille is not as easily, readable ,as Braille that has been freshly embossed, in much the same way that a
  19. Annual exhibitions of paintings in the Paris Salon. These reports are highly, readable ,pieces of art criticism. According to Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, they
  20. To southern France along the Mediterranean coast, is marked by instances of a, readable ,script expressing a yet unknown language, dubbed 'Iberian '. Whether this was
  21. Data storage medium using the same physical format as audio Compact Discs, readable ,by a computer with a CD-ROM drive. Video CD (VCD) Video CD (CD, View CD
  22. Consequently, COBOL is considered by at least one source to be" The most, readable , understandable and self-documenting programming language in use today. ... Not
  23. Between the hour markers being divided into four equal parts making the clocks, readable ,to the nearer 15 minutes. Other clocks were exhibitions of craftsmanship and
  24. Can typically also perform decryption),to make the encrypted information, readable ,again (i.e. to make it unencrypted). Encryption has long been used by
  25. Including dynamic dispatch. The syntax of Ada is simple, consistent and, readable , It minimizes choices of ways to perform basic operations, and prefers English
  26. CDs have grown to encompass other applications. In June 1985,the computer, readable ,CD-ROM (read-only memory) and, in 1990,CD-Recordable were introduced, also
  27. The translation of the New Testament, which was smoother, clearer,and more, readable ,than the rendering of the Old Testament by his friend Nicholas of Hereford. The
  28. Of data on a medium that could then be read by a machine. Prior uses of machine, readable ,media, above,had been for control, not data. " After some initial trials with
  29. Freshly embossed, in much the same way that a poor-quality photocopy is not as, readable ,as the original. Hence, large publishers do not generally use thermoforms. Basic
  30. To render them destroyed and the remains thrown in the dumpster. Though, readable , many damaged publications have disclaimers and legal notices against their
  31. Was used for mummy wrappings (at Zagreb, Croatia ). Roughly 1200 words of, readable ,text, mainly repetitious prayers, yielded about 50 lexical items. About 40
  32. Formed by the addition of the suffixes -им/аем/уем (четим,'that can be read, readable ,'); *Past active artist participle (минало свършено деятелно причастие) is
  33. Been suggested that his books require extensive editing by others to make them, readable , In 2011,Archer published the first of five books in The Clifton Chronicles
  34. Christians use the term" Anagignoskomena" ( a Greek word that means ", readable ,"," worthy of reading" ) for the ten books that they accept but that are not
  35. Storage on a medium that could then be read by a machine. Prior uses of machine, readable ,media had been for control (automatons such as piano rolls or looms),not
  36. The 9th cent. The poems were put to music, but the musical signs are no longer, readable , Because of the accompanying biographical annotations on the authors and
  37. Allows the content created by the proprietary authoring software to be, readable ,on all supported operating-system platforms, free of charge, thus making it a
  38. Well as the ability to find a service with a particular name. Names were human, readable , containing spaces, upper and lower case letters, and including support for
  39. Winner of the Katrin Led Prize. * Peter Earhart (born 1952),easily, readable ,treatment of the field of social geography as practiced in continental Europe
  40. To read. The printed forms however were claimed by some to be actually more, readable ,when used for printing Germanic languages. The Nazis initially promoted Fraktur
  41. Editions of Beowulf),and the extent to which the manuscript was actually more, readable ,in Thorkelin's time is unclear. Authorship and date Beowulf was written in
  42. Removed the senior bit from each byte - the result became a very rough, but, readable , Latin transliteration of Cyrillic. Standard encoding of early 90s for UNIX
  43. To be in the same time zone. ISO 8601 is used widely where concise, human, readable , yet easily computable and unambiguous dates are required, although many
  44. May also apply, such as the temporary reproduction of a work in machine, readable ,form for a computer. In the United States the AURA (Audio Home Recording Act
  45. Difficult, if not nearly impossible, to decrypt the resulting ciphertext into, readable ,plaintext. Most modern ciphers can be categorized in several ways * By whether
  46. For any object that was to be sold or transported to have some computer, readable ,information securely attached to it. Uncommon; Vacuum tube memory: A Williams
  47. Contains all the information of the plaintext message, but is not in a format, readable ,by a human or computer without the proper mechanism to decrypt it; it should
  48. Indicator This displays the count of seconds, minutes,hours, etc. in a human, readable ,form. *The earliest mechanical clocks in the 13th century didn't have a visual
  49. Old Testaments. The Greeks use the word Anagignoskomena (Ἀναγιγνωσκόμενα ", readable , worthy to be read" ) to describe the books of the Greek Septuagint that are
  50. 1887,illustrates many of the grammatical points presented above, and should be, readable ,to those familiar with it without translation:: Patrol NIA, kiu Estes en la

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