Examples of the the word, fragment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fragment ), is the 5530 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Manuscript dated 1628 and was first published in 1934 by Radoslaw Runic. This, fragment ,of a legend from the time of Tsar Samuel endeavors, in a catechismal 'question
  2. The superiority of extempore overwritten speeches (a more recently discovered, fragment ,of another speech against Socrates is probably of later date); Odysseus (
  3. Writes in the same style as Hellenic and suggests a similarity between a, fragment ,of Hellanicus's work and an account in the Critics. Reception Ancient Some
  4. Into the" first difference engine. " It remained unfinished and the completed, fragment ,is located at the Science Museum in London. This first difference engine would
  5. Manufactured from split rings which proved to be too brittle, the rings would, fragment ,when struck by bullets and further aggravate the damage. The riveted mail
  6. Refer to: * Compound fracture, complete fractures of bone where at least one, fragment ,has damaged the skin, soft tissue or surrounding body cavity * Compound
  7. Because it redefines the standard operator DO, the preceding is actually a, fragment ,of non-conforming Common Lisp, which allows implementations to diagnose and
  8. The Bronzes. Posthumously, her first-written novel was published in 1857,the, fragment ,she worked on in her last years in 1860 (twice completed by recent authors
  9. Working out of these figures and interactions of musical dialogue. A melodic, fragment , heard alone, makes a particular impression; but when the fragment is heard
  10. Leer is an old hand at the game ". In chapter 11,Leer is hit by a shell, fragment , which also hits Berwick. The shrapnel tears open Leer's hip, causing him to
  11. Given fragment of melody is the fragment turned upside down—so if the original, fragment ,has a rising major third (see interval),the inverted fragment has a falling
  12. Von Half, a German who had travelled through Albania, and a 15th century, fragment ,of the Bible from the Gospel of Matthew, also in Albanian, but written in Greek
  13. S colleague Thomas Kid was arrested. Kyd's lodgings were searched and a, fragment ,of a heretical tract was found. Kid asserted that it had belonged to Marlowe
  14. The first philosopher known to have written down his studies, although only one, fragment ,of his work remains. Fragmentary testimonies found in documents after his death
  15. Devices which was known to Arab mathematicians such as In al-Haytham. A, fragment ,of his treatise On burning-glasses was published as (" Concerning wondrous
  16. From the loss of a single methyl group (M−15) is often absent, and other, fragment ,are often spaced by intervals of fourteen mass units, corresponding to
  17. And the oblivion of Being or Casein in the context of the Anaximander, fragment , Heidegger's lecture is, in turn, an important influence on the French
  18. S literary circle, and was the probable author of an epic, of which the, fragment ,which has been preserved describes the life at the palace and the meeting
  19. Posthumously in 1860. In recent decades, at least two continuations of this, fragment ,have appeared:: * Emma, by " Charlotte Bronte and Another Lady ", published
  20. To an antibody, but the term now also refers to any molecule or molecular, fragment ,that can be bound by a major biocompatibility complex (MHC) and presented
  21. Of the National Front, traditional political alignments had begun to, fragment , This process has continued since, and the consequences of this are exemplified
  22. Hours apart on July 19 created impact marks of similar size to that caused by, fragment ,G, and impacts continued until July 22,when fragment W struck the planet.
  23. The original fragment has a rising major third (see interval),the inverted, fragment ,has a falling major (or perhaps minor) third, etc. (Compare, in twelve tone
  24. An account of the formalities with which the census was opened is given in a, fragment ,of the Tabular Censorial, preserved by Carry. After the auspices had been taken
  25. 1891,pl. xxv. ), one 2nd century BC (Basil Mandalas,'A new papyrus, fragment ,of the Cert amen Homer et Hesiod Platoon 42 (1990) 45-51) and one 2nd or 3rd
  26. Small collection of fragment ary bones including parts of three vertebrae, a rib, fragment , a tooth, a toe bone, and,most useful for later discussions, the shaft of the
  27. 1–390 kHz range. The first impact occurred at 20:13 UTC on July 16, 1994,when, fragment ,A of the nucleus slammed into Jupiter's Southern Hemisphere at a speed of
  28. Reproduction where a new organism grows from a fragment of the parent. Each, fragment ,develops into a mature, fully grown individual. Fragmentation is seen in many
  29. A melodic fragment , heard alone, makes a particular impression; but when the, fragment ,is heard simultaneously with other melodic ideas, or combined in unexpected
  30. Of their group. So, galantamine and homoaporphines do not contain quinoline, fragment , but are, in general, attributed to quinoline alkaloids. Main classes of
  31. The object likely to have been responsible for the Tunguska event in 1908 was a, fragment ,of Encke's Comet. Observation A new comet may be discovered photographically
  32. And orchestra. Composition Gershwin based An American in Paris on a melodic, fragment ,called" Very Parisian ", written in 1926 on his first visit to Paris as a
  33. Impacts were observed, with the largest coming on July 18 at 07:33 UTC when, fragment ,G struck Jupiter. This impact created a giant dark spot over 12,000 km across
  34. The latter perhaps somewhat more numerous. Around 338 BC the orator Hype rides (, fragment ,13) claimed that there were 150,000 slaves in Attica, but this figure is
  35. Some of these devices include: *Melodic inversion: The inverse of a given, fragment ,of melody is the fragment turned upside down—so if the original fragment has a
  36. Specifically respond to only one antigen (an example is a virus capsid protein, fragment ,). Antibodies contribute to immunity in three ways: they prevent pathogens from
  37. Study. In England, British Social Anthropology's paradigm began to, fragment ,as Max Glickman and Peter Worse experimented with Marxism and authors such as
  38. Analysis associated wisent and American bison. An earlier study using amplified, fragment ,length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting showed a close association of
  39. i. e., rotor order, rotor settings, etc.),and used a suitable crib: a, fragment ,of probable plaintext. For each possible setting of the rotors (which had of
  40. Between the two. Walter Hooper,Lewis's literary executor, discovered a, fragment ,of another science-fiction novel by Lewis, The Dark Tower, but it is unfinished
  41. Carbons due to the relative stability of the resulting free radicals. The, fragment ,resulting from the loss of a single methyl group (M−15) is often absent, and
  42. A fondness for the allegory of the storm-tossed ship of state. The following, fragment ,of a hymn to Castor and Poly deuces (the Missouri) is possibly another example
  43. Include: *Melodic inversion: The inverse of a given fragment of melody is the, fragment ,turned upside down—so if the original fragment has a rising major third (see
  44. Is a form of asexual reproduction where a new organism grows from a, fragment ,of the parent. Each fragment develops into a mature, fully grown individual.
  45. Devotion to the Holy See. The whole, however,may be judged from this, fragment ,:" We Irish, though dwelling at the far ends of the earth, are all disciples of
  46. A monk of Saint-Germain-des-Pres, who wrote De miracles anti German, and a, fragment ,De Normanorum testis circa Parisian urban et de divine in EOS multitone temp ore
  47. Using a number of voices, each saying a sentence or sometimes merely a, fragment ,of a sentence, and splicing the dialogue together in quick succession, the
  48. Returning to the element from which they came (ape iron). The one surviving, fragment ,of Anaximander's writing deals with this matter. Simplicity transmitted it as
  49. Size to that caused by fragment G, and impacts continued until July 22,when, fragment ,W struck the planet. Observations and discoveries Chemical studies Observers
  50. Of light into the Jovian magnetosphere by the impacts. About an hour after, fragment ,K entered Jupiter, observers recorded Aurora emission near the impact region

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