Examples of the the word, privatize , in a Sentence Context
The word ( privatize ), is the 12155 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Debate, centering around funding of the program. In particular, proposals to, privatize ,funding have caused great controversy. Contrast with private pensions Although
- Which has been ongoing for the past five years. In 2010,Malta has managed to, privatize ,telecommunications, postal services, shipyards and shipbuilding. Malta and
- 2003. Armenia also has managed to slash inflation, stabilize its currency, and, privatize , most small- and medium-sized enterprises. Armenia's unemployment rate, however
- Economy. The unofficial mantra of the 'Washington Consensus' was" stabilize, privatize , and liberalize ". A number of labor market reforms were enacted, including
- Resumed in 2004 at four MM cmd. In April 2000,violent protests over plans to, privatize ,the water utility in the city of Cochabamba led to nationwide disturbances. The
- Main energy company, Latvenergo remains state-owned and there are no plans to, privatize ,it. The government also holds minority shares in Entails NAFTA oil transit
- Airport under the regulatory authority of the FAA. Despite the reluctance to, privatize ,airports in the US (despite the FAA sponsoring a privatization program since
- Institutions, stabilize the King, restore stability to the national budget, privatize ,public enterprises where appropriate, and ensure ongoing peace on Bougainville
- For the Betterment of International Telecommunications (ORBIT) Act to, privatize ,the international organization. In April 1998,to appease the US government
- President Rodriguez pledged to reduce the country's large internal debt, privatize ,state-owned utilities, attract additional foreign investment, eliminate social
- Review Fujimori's privatization programs. Specifically, Toledo promised not to, privatize ,any of Peru's public utilities. This promise combined with lofty promises of
- To make a major policy volte-face: he announced the intention to partially, privatize ,the parasails. Time, however,was running out for him. As Mikhail Gorbachev
- Among Toledo’s plans to generate revenue and makeover the economy were plans to, privatize ,national industries. The first major of these were the $167 million sale of two
- Lane at all Turnpike tollgate interchanges. *On April 28, 2011,attempts to, privatize ,toll collection on the New Jersey Turnpike was thwarted as a deal was made
- The comment period closed. The Green Paper proposed certain actions designed to, privatize ,the management of Internet names and addresses in a manner that allows for the
- Program designed to reduce the public sector deficit, end subsidies, privatize ,state enterprises, and encourage new foreign and domestic investment. In 1993
- And a mandate for reform, and in October 2005,the bill was passed to, privatize ,Japan Post in 2007. Mexico is presently the eighth-largest trading
- A cooperative posture with Amtrak's trade unions. He has ruled out plans to, privatize ,large parts of Amtrak's unionized workforce. In late 2007 and early 2008
- And a housing bank that specializes in home mortgages. The government began to, privatize ,the banking sector in 2001 when licenses were issued to two new privately owned
- Forced to make a major policy shift: he announced the intention to partially, privatize ,the parasails. However, these changes came too late to prevent his fall from
- And it mainly supplies the domestic market. The government has taken steps to, privatize ,parasitical enterprises. Because the Gabonese economy is dependent upon oil (
- Loan conditions that many say unfairly pressure governments to deregulate and, privatize ,agriculture, leading to problems such as the rice supply shortage in Southeast
- Hostilities with Iraq in 1988,the Iranian Government declared its intention to, privatize ,most state industries in an effort to stimulate the war-torn economy. The sale
- By March 2008. All Air Force installations in the United States are slated to, privatize ,under the Office of the Secretary of Defense's goal to eliminate all
- Railroad company, including a line from Asunción to Incarnation. An effort to, privatize ,the company in 2002 failed when no buyer could be secured because of the steep
- On the 25th day of their strike, protesting the neoliberal government plans to, privatize ,the state-run electricity plants. A vote among the remaining power plant
- Fund would then be exhausted by 2036 without legislative action. Proposals to, privatize ,Social Security recently became part of the Social Security debate during the
- And uncompetitive with years. Currently, the government is trying to, privatize ,these industries, and,despite successes, there are still several problems to
- And profitability of the nation’s railways, the government is seeking to, privatize ,the Nigerian Railway Corporation. Under the privatization plan, three separate
- The government is struggling to upgrade education and technical training, to, privatize , commercial and industrial enterprises, to improve health services, to diversify
- And the M6 Bradley Linebacker. Fort Hood was the first installation selected to, privatize ,post housing under the residential communities initiative. Under this
- Invasion of Iraq, warmed to President George W. Bush's proposal to partially, privatize ,Social Security, opposed a deadline for U. S. withdrawal from the Iraq War, and
- Banks were badly damaged by the international embargo of the 1990s. To further, privatize ,and expand the system, in 2003 the Coalition Provisional Authority removed
- Government subsidy of about £Sd500,000. In 1987 the government proposed to, privatize ,Sudan Airways, precipitating a heated controversy that ultimately led to a
- Of the highway, which was notorious for high-speed accidents. A state effort to, privatize ,Alligator Alley failed in May 2009 when no bids were received for the highway
- Fiscal and monetary reform, promote private enterprise and foreign investment, privatize ,or close state firms, and strengthen banking. In addition, it also agreed to
- In the sector. After a 2-year delay, the government is proceeding with plans to, privatize ,the various state-owned electricity systems under a different scheme than
- The moribund economy, aiming to act against bad debts with commercial banks, privatize ,the postal savings system, and reorganize the factional structure of the LDP.
- Or global fish populations) would be extremely difficult or impossible to, privatize , Psychologist Dennis Fox used a number, what is now termed" Dunbar's number "
- Real estate investment trust established by the Hong Kong Housing Authority to, privatize ,shopping malls and car parks * The Links, Incorporated,an African-American
- Led to a general strike organized by several labor unions. A similar attempt to, privatize ,PRTC in 1988,under then Governor Rafael Hernández Colón, led to a similar
- Rate which it met in the 1990s,encourage direct foreign investment, and, privatize , remaining state-owned enterprises. The main factors responsible for the
- Decided to move ahead quickly to liberalize prices, push demonopolization, and, privatize , the economy. The outcome of the transition to democracy and a market economy
- Workers groups and government workers for their aggressive campaign to, privatize ,government owned corporations. Taxpayer promoted pro-business, free market
- Juveniles from re-offending in 2009. Probation services The county decided to, privatize ,probation services in 2010,to save money. Savings are expected to exceed
- Solar, including gaining further investor confidence, continuing efforts to, privatize ,government assets, and maintaining the support of members of Parliament. In
- Growth rates in 1995-99. Armenia also managed to slash inflation and to, privatize ,most small- and medium-sized enterprises. The chronic energy shortages Armenia
- Congressmen supported President George W. Bush's 2005 proposal to partially, privatize ,Social Security, an idea strongly backed by the Institute. And in the 109th
- To attract private investment to this sector, with some success. Efforts to, privatize ,other publicly held enterprises have stalled. Other principal exports include
- The government is struggling to upgrade education and technical training, to, privatize , commercial and industrial enterprises, to improve health services, to diversify
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