Examples of the the word, maize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( maize ), is the 12153 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Further research confirmed initial findings concerning contamination of natural, maize ,by transgenic maize . However, further studies, such as that published in
  2. Of temperate grasses. Other commercially important staple foods like wheat, maize , barley, rye,pearl millet and soybean are also having their genomes sequenced.
  3. Wild maize genetic contamination A study in Nature reported that Containing, maize ,genes were contaminating maize in its center of origin. Nature later "
  4. Initial findings concerning contamination of natural maize by transgenic, maize , However, further studies, such as that published in Molecular Ecology in 2008
  5. Commercially in 11 countries, including the United States (where 85 % of the, maize ,crop was genetically modified),Brazil (36 % GM),Argentina (83 % GM)
  6. Become resistant to a BT crop, the commercialization of transgenic cotton and, maize ,in 1996 was accompanied by a management strategy to prevent insects from
  7. Related to beer. The Andes in South America has Chichi, made from germinated, maize ,(corn); while the indigenous peoples in Brazil have Cause, a traditional
  8. A similar creature is known as the Hag of the mist. Genetically modified, maize ,(corn) has been deliberately genetically modified (GM) to have
  9. And the Canadian Maritime. Main crops in Canada include flax, oats,wheat, maize , barley, sugar beets and rye in the prairies; flax and maize in Western Ontario
  10. Potential for rice has not increased since 1966,and the yield potential for, maize ,has" barely increased in 35 years ". And the Dorsett-Morse Oriental
  11. Of west African cuisine, is based around staple foods of sorghum, millet,rice, maize , peanuts, potatoes,beans, yams and okra. The most common sources of protein
  12. Flax, oats,wheat, maize ,barley, sugar beets and rye in the prairies; flax and, maize ,in Western Ontario; Oats and potatoes in the Maritime. Fruit and vegetables
  13. Streak disease (MSD),caused by maize streak virus (MSV). This variety of, maize ,is still in the research-and-development phase. Varieties Body substance
  14. Mexico. One meta-study has found evidence for and against BT contamination of, maize , concluding that the preponderance of evidence points to BT maize contamination
  15. Which are traditionally dedicated to pasture or to growing Colombia, potatoes, maize , and other crops) have now been abandoned, especially as a result of emigration
  16. Also, especially in the south and southwest, of growing sorghum, pearl millet, maize ,(corn),peanuts, rice and cotton. A large part of the economic activity of
  17. Breeds occurred. Key crops involved in this exchange included the tomato, maize , potato, manioc,cocoa bean and tobacco going from the New World to the Old
  18. That have high populations grow crops like barley, mangoes,millet, corn (, maize ,), and wheat, and also raise cattle. In the more elevated areas that are less
  19. Such as hops. A secondary starch source (an adjunct) may be used, such as, maize ,(corn),rice or sugar. Less widely used starch sources include millet
  20. Our analysis clearly reveals for the 3 GMOs new side effects linked with GM, maize ,consumption, which were sex- and often dose-dependent. Effects were mostly
  21. From South Africa announced the production of transgenic maize resistant to, maize ,streak disease (MSD),caused by maize streak virus (MSV). This variety of
  22. Teosinte was transformed through human selection into the ancestor of modern, maize , more than 6000 years ago. It gradually spread across North America and was the
  23. Grains, most commonly malted barley and malted wheat. Sugars derived from, maize ,(corn) and rice are widely used adjuncts because of their lower cost. Most
  24. A study in Nature reported that Containing maize genes were contaminating, maize ,in its center of origin. Nature later" concluded that the evidence available
  25. Additionally, Barbara McClintock discovered 'jumping genes' by studying, maize , These are a few examples that demonstrate how botanical research has an
  26. The monarch butterfly. This report was puzzling because the pollen from most, maize ,hybrids contains much lower levels of BT than the rest of the plant and led to
  27. 84 % GM),the Philippines (19 % GM) and Spain (20 % GM). Transgenic, maize ,Herbicide resistant corn varieties resistant to glyphosate herbicides (
  28. In Northern Europe. Since being introduced by Portuguese in the 16th century, maize ,and manioc have replaced traditional African crops as the continent's most
  29. And rudimentary technology. The staple crops are pearl millet, sorghum, maize , and rice. The cash crops are cotton, groundnuts,karate (Shea nuts),and
  30. Consume maize pollen (or pollen of related plants) in either life stage. Wild, maize ,genetic contamination A study in Nature reported that Containing maize genes
  31. In 2007,researchers from South Africa announced the production of transgenic, maize ,resistant to maize streak disease (MSD),caused by maize streak virus (MSV)
  32. The FAO) in 2006 (in '000 tons) amounted to: wheat 3301.9; sunflower 1196.6;, maize ,1587.8; grapes 266.2; tobacco 42.0; tomatoes 213.0; barley 546.3; potatoes
  33. Are often linked to the production of certain commodities such as wheat, corn (, maize ,), rice,soybeans, and milk. These subsidies, especially when instituted by
  34. Both herbicide and pest resistance have also been produced. In 2009,transgenic, maize ,was grown commercially in 11 countries, including the United States (where 85
  35. Coast of what would come to be called the United States, some tribes would grow, maize ,(corn),beans, and squash intermingled together, a system which had
  36. The region. Rice is the staple food crop. Other food crops are pulses, potato, maize , and oil seeds. Jute is the principal cash crop. Tea is also produced
  37. Trials with rats fed three main commercialized genetically modified types of, maize ,which are present in food and feed in the world. Approximately 60 different
  38. Innate relationship to maize crops in the wild, and are not believed to consume, maize ,pollen (or pollen of related plants) in either life stage. Wild maize genetic
  39. By comparison to six reference groups, which had consumed various other non-GM, maize ,varieties. According to the authors," Our analysis clearly reveals for the 3
  40. But such imports remain highly controversial. Bt corn is a variant of, maize , genetically altered to express the bacterial BT toxin, which is poisonous to
  41. More geographically focused cultivation of barley and oats. Using irrigation, maize , cotton and rice are also grown on the banks of the Guadalquivir and Genial. The
  42. It the first pesticide-producing crop to be approved in the USA. By 1996,BT, maize , BT potato and BT cotton were being grown by farmers in the USA. BT crops (in
  43. To the monarch butterfly. Monarch butterflies have no innate relationship to, maize ,crops in the wild, and are not believed to consume maize pollen (or pollen of
  44. Cattle, causing higher prices of wheat (up 58 %),soybean (up 32 %),and, maize ,(up 11 %) over the year. Food riots took place in several countries across
  45. Publicised problem associated with BT crops is the claim that pollen from BT, maize ,could kill the monarch butterfly. This report was puzzling because the pollen
  46. Of maize , concluding that the preponderance of evidence points to BT, maize ,contamination in Mexico. Possible link to colony collapse disorder As of 2007
  47. Of transgenic maize resistant to maize streak disease (MSD),caused by, maize ,streak virus (MSV). This variety of maize is still in the
  48. High-yield varieties of common staple grains such as rice, wheat,and corn (, maize ,) were introduced as a part of the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution
  49. 1950s produced the modern commercial varieties of grains such as wheat, corn (, maize ,) and barley. The Green Revolution popularized the use of conventional
  50. By creating" high-yielding varieties ". For example, average yields of corn (, maize ,) in the USA have increased from around 2.5 tons per hectare (t/ha) (40

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