Examples of the the word, flee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flee ), is the 4560 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 461. In the play, the Daniels, the fifty daughters of Dana us, founder of Argos, flee ,a forced marriage to their cousins in Egypt. They turn to King Pegasus of
  2. Imperial ban in December 1553 he was defeated by Duke Henry, and compelled to, flee ,to France. He there entered the service of Henry II of France and had
  3. Documentation of detailed plans and strategies devised by people who tried to, flee ,from the East. The Beat Use Erotic Museum near Zoo Station claims to be the
  4. The Area clan take the young Emperor Anton and the three sacred treasures and, flee ,to western Japan to escape pursuit by the Minamoto clan. (Traditional Japanese
  5. Louis Cauchy grew up in the house of a staunch royalist. This made his father, flee ,with the family to Annual during the French Revolution. Their life there was
  6. And transferring it to his dominion. At one point, Charles was forced to, flee ,to Arnulfo and ask for his protection. His intervention forced Pope Formosa to
  7. And Penetrates and some recent recruits from Path, found it expedient to, flee , The priests Radon and Abraham remained behind in Jerusalem, and their sons
  8. To less than 7,300. Like so many others, Étienne was eventually forced to, flee ,Paris because of his opposition to the fiscal policies of Cardinal Richelieu
  9. And forcing Malik to escape to Iran. But in 1998 he was forced to, flee ,to Turkey again. Dos tum returned in 2001. At this time Massed had used his CIA
  10. Victory proved short-lived and Ladislav retook Rome in 1413,forcing John to, flee ,to Florence. In Florence, he met Sigismund, who had just been crowned King of
  11. Emperors, not counting approximately six more incidents in which he had to, flee ,Alexandria for his own safety to escape people seeking to take his life. First
  12. Who elected Clef as Alboin's successor, forcing Helices and Rosamond to, flee ,to Ravenna under imperial protection. Alboin's death deprived the Lombards of
  13. Of peasantry recruited or impressed from Brandenburg-Prussia, leading many to, flee ,to neighboring countries. In order to halt this trend, Frederick William I
  14. Abu SAAF gunmen raid the Malaysian diving resort of Ibadan, off Borneo and, flee ,across the sea border to their Solo island stronghold with 10 Western tourists
  15. Institutions. One refugee who cramped his family of 27 into an old jeep to, flee ,from the Taliban to the area of Massed described Massoud's territory in 1997
  16. Germans before its walls, slaughtering most of the German army as it tried to, flee ,across the river (1.36ff). He did not pursue the retreating remnants, leaving
  17. Calls Jonah to proclaim judgment to Nineveh, but Jonah resists and attempts to, flee , He goes to Poppa and boards a ship bound for Hashish. God calls up a great
  18. S revolt in 1483. When Richard executed those conspirators who were unable to, flee ,England, he spared Lady Margaret. However, he forfeited her titles and
  19. 22 and their cousin Eva Said 18,had contracted with a band of smugglers to, flee ,Syrian to Lebanon and eventually to Israel. The girl’s bodies were found raped
  20. League in South Australia. *1975 – Vietnam War: Thousands of civilian refugees, flee ,from the Huang NGA Province in front of advancing North Vietnamese troops. *
  21. Ability of peasants to support themselves in the countryside, forcing them to, flee ,to the U. S. dominated cities, depriving the guerrillas of their rural support
  22. Marching his army on Rome and forcing Pompey and much of the Roman Senate to, flee ,Italy to Greece in 49 BC where he could better conscript an army to face his
  23. Henry, naming them traitors and confiscating their lands. The Tudors tried to, flee ,to France, but strong winds forced them to land in Brittany, then a
  24. Of 1199,King Emetic defeated Andrew in the Battle of Rad and Andrew had to, flee ,to Austria. Finally, the two brothers made peace with the mediation of the
  25. Into Elyria, Alexander defeated each in turn, forcing Claus and Glacial to, flee ,with their armies, leaving Alexander's northern frontier secure. While he was
  26. Troy was sacked by the Greeks, Aeneas,after being commanded by the gods to, flee , gathered a group, collectively known as the Aeneas, who then traveled to
  27. In Old English) takes sides against Organic, king of the Goths, and has to, flee ,his kingdom after robbing him; later in life, Hama enters a monastery and gives
  28. Primitive tactics of Italian officers, thus often being obliged to retreat or, flee , They distinguished themselves in numerous battles, as in the battle of
  29. In the Arab world deteriorated. Over the next few decades, almost all would, flee ,the Arab world, some willingly, and some under threat (see Jewish exodus from
  30. With their mother Are, prompting Bonus and Aeolus to kill Automate and, flee ,from Icarian. Bonus (accompanied by Are) went to southern Thessaly, and
  31. Botswana still struggles to seal its border from thousands of Zimbabweans who, flee ,economic collapse and political persecution. Due to Mugabe's policy toward
  32. By death. Ben and their faithful servants rescue him, and the Cameron's, flee , When their wagon breaks down, they make their way to a small hut, home to two
  33. Systematically destroyed the Indians' winter food supplies, forcing them to, flee ,permanently to British bases in Quebec and the Niagara Falls area. In the Ohio
  34. Civil War: Confederate President Jefferson Davis and most of his Cabinet, flee ,the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. *1885 – Cree warriors attacked
  35. 475 – The Roman general Orestes forces western Roman Emperor Julius EPOS to, flee ,his capital city, Ravenna. * 489 – Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths defeats
  36. The danger of what they have awakened, the researchers at High Lab attempt to, flee ,in two ships. Suspicious, the Blight discovers that one of the ships contains a
  37. Of peasants to support themselves in the countryside, and forcing them to, flee ,to the U. S. dominated cities, thus depriving the guerrillas of their rural
  38. Either to make the female sexually receptive or simply for consumption. Cubs, flee ,up a tree when they see a strange male bear, and the mother defends them, even
  39. Freedom and a minute of silence at noon honored those who died trying to, flee ,to the West. " It is our shared responsibility to keep the memory alive and to
  40. Bam for a time. Soon, a government force of 24,000 men forced Hasan Ali Shah to, flee ,from Bam to Riga non the border of Baluchistan, where he suffered a decisive
  41. In his first year of rule by his own brother Mutakkil-Nusku and forced to, flee ,to Babylonia which had maintained friendly relations with Sheridan I.
  42. Most of Northern Afghanistan. Because of this treason, Dostum was forced to, flee ,to Turkey. However, Malik quickly realized that the Taliban were not going to
  43. The emperor was again roused by this dishonor, and Androids was compelled to, flee , He took refuge with King Amalia I of Jerusalem, whose favor he gained, and
  44. Erected more than 1,000 crosses in memory of those who died attempting to, flee ,to the West. The memorial was installed in October 2004 and demolished in July
  45. Is furious, however,and angrily tells God that this is the reason he tried to, flee ,from Him, as he knew Him to be a just and merciful God. He then beseeches God
  46. In the flank and rear. The French were fearful of encirclement and attempted to, flee , King John was captured with his immediate entourage only after a memorable
  47. Selim staged a revolt in Thrace but was defeated by Bayed and forced to, flee ,back to Crimea. Bayed II developed fears that Ahmed might in turn kill him to
  48. Managed to suppress the uprising, and Taurus drowned while attempting to, flee ,across the Euphrates. The emperor returned to Rome and celebrated a triumph in
  49. Alarm to be sounded while he was with Lycopenes' women; while the women, flee ,in panic, Achilles prepares to defend the court, thus giving his identity away.
  50. Became Queen of the Lombards in northern Italy and Garibaldi was forced to, flee ,to her when he fell out with his Frankish overlords. Garibald's successor

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