Examples of the the word, woody , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Be closer to the latter. Cercidiphyllaceae is now known to be a member of the, woody ,clade of Saxifrages, along with Hamamelidaceae, Altingiaceae, and
  2. Period and afterwards. These fluctuations of the dominant flora between, woody ,and herbaceous taxa indicate chronic environmental stress resulting in a loss
  3. Lifespans. However, around the Mediterranean they include also a dozen, woody ,shrubs 1 m - 3 m tall,e.g. in northern Africa (Villa Spinoza and Ptilotrichum
  4. The Gig ante cultivar, spring-grown kohlrabi much over 5 cm in size tend to be, woody , as do full-grown kohlrabi much over perhaps 10 cm in size; the Gig ante
  5. For biomass gamification are being used for methanol production. For instance, woody ,biomass can be gamified to water gas (a hydrogen-rich syn gas),by introducing
  6. A rosette),either at the base of the plant or at the end of a more-or-less, woody ,stem; the leaves are less often produced along the stem. The flowers are in the
  7. And southernmost South America). Tundra climates as a rule are hostile to, woody ,vegetation even where the winters are comparatively mild by polar standards, as
  8. Only one genus, Xanthorrhoea, endemic to Australia. Many species have an erect, woody ,stem which is covered with persistent dried leaves unless there have been fires
  9. Species (including some locoweeds),prince's plume (Stanley asp. ), woody ,asters (Mycorrhiza SP. ), and false golden weed (Synopsis SP. ) Toxicity
  10. The fungi involved include those that form ectomycorrhizas with trees and other, woody ,plants, parasites such as Armillaria, and saprotrophs. These orchids are known
  11. Islands (Dendralyssum and Cramboxylon),and chiefly in Canaries with some, woody ,calciferous genera: Dendrosinapis, Descurainia, Parolinia, Stanleya, etc. The
  12. Molecular biology): *Populous is a genus used as a model in forest genetics and, woody ,plant studies. It has a small genome size, grows very rapidly, and is easily
  13. 0.07 %) and α-muurolene (0.06 %),and these contribute to the spicy and, woody ,flavor of the fruit. Carbonyl compounds make up much of the remainder, and
  14. To the distinct genus Brugmansia (Brugmansia differs from Data in that it is, woody , making shrubs or small trees, and in that it has pendulous flowers, rather
  15. Agroforestry is a collective name for land use systems and practices in which, woody ,perennials are deliberately integrated with crops and/or animals on the same
  16. And Its Illustrations' in The Art Bulletin,76,no.1,pp. 53–68. * A rose is a, woody ,perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosacea. There are over 100
  17. Areas. History Evidence from microfossil records indicates that ferns and, woody ,plants were present on Heard Island during the Tertiary (a period with a cool
  18. Different musical sound. Many musicians feel the slower attack and percussive, woody ,tone of the upright bass gives it a more" earthy" or" natural" sound than
  19. Trees also abound. The dominant understory is composed of thorny and aromatic, woody ,species, such as Rosemary (Rosaries officials),Thyme (Thymus),and
  20. Worlds. Most of the plants in this family are annual vines, but there are also, woody ,Liana, thorny shrubs, and trees (Dendrosicyos). Many species have large
  21. Of sprigs. A sprig is a single stem snipped from the plant. It is composed of a, woody ,stem with paired leaf or flower clusters (" leaves" ) spaced ½ to 1" apart.
  22. On very poor soils, and especially where fire is a recurrent phenomenon, woody ,savannas develop (see 'sparse trees and parkland' ). Sparse trees and
  23. Up to long and in height; they have slender, wiry stems that are not thickly, woody ,and have small evergreen leaves. The flowers are dark pink, with very distinct
  24. To describe both the fleshy fruiting bodies of some Ascomycota and the, woody ,or leathery fruiting bodies of some Basidiomycota, depending upon the context
  25. Trees may still be seen. Introduced weeds, including the low-growing, woody ,vine Tributes cities, now dominate extensive open areas, providing increased
  26. Transferred to a small powerboat that ferried them to a pier, then rode in ", woody ," wagons to the Pan Am Hotel or the" Gainesville Lodge ", named after the
  27. To have shorter, thicker blades with a primary grind, and are more effective on, woody ,vegetation. The Nepalese Kurt is a curved blade which is often used for
  28. Poplar, the bark spreading up her legs from the earth, but just before the, woody ,stiffness finally reached her throat and as her arms began sprouting twigs her
  29. In the hands of a lesser player, the Heckle bassoon can sound flat and, woody , but good players succeed in producing a vibrant, singing tone. Conversely, a
  30. With a downy exterior),called the hull. Inside the hull is a reticulated hard, woody ,shell (like the outside of a peach pit) called the endear. Inside the shell
  31. The untapped genetic potential of Sinharaja flora is enormous. Out of the 211, woody , trees and Liana so far identified within the reserve,139 (66 %) are endemic
  32. And yeast help break down materials that bacteria cannot, especially lignin in, woody ,material. * Protozoa-Help consume bacteria, fungi and micro organic
  33. Fruit, specifically a berry, that grows on the perennial and deciduous, woody ,vines of the genus Vitus. Grapes can be eaten raw, or they can be used for
  34. Has been introduced, most notably South Australia, the olive has become a major, woody ,weed that displaces native vegetation. In South Australia, its seeds are spread
  35. Ground in the root systems and as partially decomposed plant detritus. The, woody ,component of a forest contains lignin, which is relatively slow to decompose
  36. For this coffee because of its heavy body and sweet chocolate, floral and, woody ,notes. Gallery Image: SundaIslands. A2003242.0225.500 m. JPG|The Lesser Sunday
  37. But the hard wood persists and forms the bulk of the stem and branches of the, woody ,perennial. Owing to differences in the character of the elements produced at
  38. Small seeds. Stem and roots All orchids are perennial herbs, lack any permanent, woody ,structure, and can grow according to two patterns: * may start its growth again
  39. Beta, the other genus in the family) in that the female catkins are, woody ,and do not disintegrate at maturity, opening to release the seeds in a similar
  40. The artichoke belongs to the genus Canada. Description P. Canaries is a, woody ,shrub with thick stems and large dark green, glossy leaves. Most plants are one
  41. Down trees to eat leaves, breaking branches, and pulling out roots, they reduce, woody ,cover, creating clearings in forests, converting forests to savannas, and
  42. Logging. Because the Amazon forest is highly heterogeneous, with hundreds of, woody ,species per hectare, there is considerable distance between individual trees of
  43. At the base of the plant or, in the tree-forming species, at the end of a, woody ,stem. Only in a few cases are leaves produced along the length of the stem. The
  44. Open chaparral of the desert). These plants are highly flammable. They grow as, woody ,shrubs with hard and small leaves; are non-leaf dropping (non-deciduous); and
  45. Fungal spores rose gradually and declined similarly along with a prevalence of, woody ,debris. Each phenomenon would hint at widespread vegetative death. Whatever the
  46. Sequence. There are normally both ecological and economic interactions between, woody ,and non- woody components in agroforestry. Many farmers in tropical & temperate
  47. Kiwi in many parts of the world, is the edible berry of a cultivar group of the, woody ,vine Actinide delicious and hybrids between this and other species in the
  48. Predicated on the use of Sigmund Freud's concept of the ego Rosemary () is a, woody , perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen,needle-like leaves. It is native to
  49. Maryland. Fauna The state harbors a great number of deer, especially in the, woody ,and mountainous west of the state, and overpopulation can become a problem from
  50. Point out that the island had a low grassy or suffrutescent (partially, woody ,) flora during those periods (Sachet,1962). Coconut palms were introduced in

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