Examples of the the word, flooding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flooding ), is the 8731 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This low elevation, much of this region is exceptionally vulnerable to seasonal, flooding ,due to monsoons. The highest point in Bangladesh is in Mordor range at 1,052
  2. Project. When the City Council wanted to remove the beavers because of fears of, flooding , local residents organized to protect them, forming an organization called "
  3. Therefore the vegetation that defines the region. Extreme conditions, such as, flooding ,in a swamp, can create different kinds of communities within the same biome.
  4. In the 24 hours to 9 am on 14 January 2011,ending a four-day period of, flooding ,rains across much of Victoria and Tasmania, and contributing to the wettest
  5. Even though the artesian well was designed by the city engineers to prevent, flooding ,and develop a water system, this was not how things happened; during the
  6. Surfaces, such as non-porous concrete, can cause heavy soil erosion and, flooding , Urban runoff tends to pick up gasoline, motor oil, heavy metals, trash and
  7. By high water levels in the rivers, due to melting snow with occasional, flooding , The warmest month of the year is July, followed by August and June. On average
  8. Have resulted in the erosion, accretion and reshaping of coasts as well as, flooding ,and creation of continental shelves and drowned river valleys (bias).
  9. Land: 10 km² (2003) Natural hazards: typhoons, earthquakes,and severe, flooding ,are quite rare. Brunei is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire with Earthquakes
  10. Cataracts mucus, an arboreal species that lives in plant hollows, respond to, flooding ,by drinking water inside the nest, and excreting it outside. Camp Nou
  11. Drop, which can reach over 200 mm in a single 24-hour period causing severe, flooding , Because of this irregularity, only 37 rainy days are observed on average per
  12. Which occurs in unpredictable cycles, at times causing especially severe, flooding , Human induced deforestation has started to creep into the rainforests of
  13. Recorded previously. Even so, the flat country and weather uncertainties made, flooding ,much more unpredictable than in the case of the Nile; serious deluges seem to
  14. Senior people such as fall detectors, thermometers (for hypothermia risk), flooding , and unlit gas sensors (for people with mild dementia). Notably, these alerts
  15. Devious way to flood Britain with immigrants" and comparing the catastrophe to, flooding ,in Cambria at the beginning of 2005,which claimed three lives. The Guardians
  16. Amazon's tributaries flood at the same time of the year. Many branches begin, flooding ,in November, and may continue to rise until June. The rise of the Rio Negro
  17. The record minimum temperature of was registered on 12 February 1956. The worst, flooding ,in modern history occurred on 30 September 1997 when of rainfall fell within
  18. April 1918,and were never used in action. Luzon sustained 24 hits and her, flooding ,could not be contained. She was eventually sunk by her escorts' torpedoes
  19. Egypt by Al-Hakim bigamy Allah, ruler of the Fatimid Caliphate, to regulate the, flooding ,of the Nile, a task requiring an early attempt at building a dam at the present
  20. Arkansas Delta is a flat landscape of rich alluvial soils formed by repeated, flooding ,of the adjacent Mississippi. Farther away from the river, in the southeast
  21. Previously rendered the countryside north of Bern a swampland through frequent, flooding , was diverted by the Hag neck Canal into Lake of Bienne. From the upper end of
  22. Heavy-calibre hits at this time (two by the battleship Paragraph). Luzon, flooding ,forward and unable to communicate by radio, was now out of action and began to
  23. Game Brink is set on a futuristic arcology to preserve humanity after a natural, flooding ,disaster. Role-playing and table-top games *In the table-top strategy game
  24. Such habitats may be promoted by heavy browsing by elephants, fires, flooding , tree-felling (natural or by logging) and fallowing. Mass bamboo die-off
  25. Water, in particular certain civil engineering projects such as dikes and the, flooding ,of coastal marshland to produce brackish water pools for freshwater prawn
  26. On the cycle of the Nile River. The Egyptians recognized three seasons: Asset (, flooding ,), Peret (planting),and Sh emu (harvesting). The flooding season lasted
  27. An artesian well in 1884 to combat the heavy rains and keep the basements from, flooding , Even though the artesian well was designed by the city engineers to prevent
  28. 117 killed despite receiving more than thirty hits, though she had sufficient, flooding ,that she was scuttled. The other German battlecruisers, Moltke, Von her Tank
  29. Of their living nest mates. Nests may be protected from physical threats such as, flooding ,and over-heating by elaborate nest architecture. Workers of Cataracts mucus
  30. Internally. Sailing was saved from near-certain destruction only by emergency, flooding ,of her after magazines. This near-disaster was due to the way that ammunition
  31. Bombers were instructed to aim for only one side to prevent effective counter, flooding ,by the battleship's crew, and hitting preferably the bow or stern, where armor
  32. Summoned to Egypt by the Fatimid Caliph, Al-Hakim bigamy Allah, to regulate the, flooding ,of the Nile River. He carried out a detailed scientific study of the annual
  33. A combination of heavy monsoon rain and clogged sewers led to massive, flooding ,which resulted in unhygienic conditions and a number of uncleared animal
  34. Ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River Valley. The predictable, flooding ,and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which
  35. When Hurricane Wilma barreled through the Florida Keys on October 24,causing, flooding ,and economic mayhem. In January 2006,the Florida Keys had recovered enough to
  36. Where crops are infested, shades of red indicating crop health, black where, flooding ,occurs, and brown where unwanted pesticides land on chemical-free crops. After
  37. Then not, it would have rained again in this time period and caused even more, flooding , even in the basements that had already been emptied of the water. And then
  38. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. *1955 – In the Northeast United States, severe, flooding , caused by Hurricane Diane, claims 200 lives. *1960 – Cold War: in Moscow
  39. Seasons: Asset ( flooding ),Part (planting),and Sh emu (harvesting). The, flooding ,season lasted from June to September, depositing on the river's banks a layer
  40. Killed some 140,000 people. In September 1998,Bangladesh saw the most severe, flooding ,in modern world history. As the Brahmaputra, the Ganges and Meghan spilled over
  41. The country was underwater. There were several reasons for the severity of the, flooding , Firstly, there were unusually high monsoon rains. Secondly, the Himalayas shed
  42. Precipitation to filter through the ground to recharge aquifers. They can cause, flooding ,and damage in neighborhoods, as the water flows over the surface towards a low
  43. To maintain natural environmental services, such as protecting towns from, flooding , cleaning ecosystems and supporting fish stocks. In the book Out of Water: From
  44. Short break in 1861 when legislative sessions were held in San Francisco due to, flooding ,in Sacramento. Travel between California and the central and eastern parts of
  45. Which endure to the present include the experiences of war, of droughts and, flooding ,rains, of Aboriginality and of the railways and trucking routes which link
  46. Point being on Mount Hera, at 2,684 m. Natural hazards are posed in Burundi by, flooding ,and landslides. Natural resources Burundi possesses reserves of: nickel
  47. Glands used as medicine and perfume, and because their harvesting of trees and, flooding ,of waterways may interfere with other land uses. General Beavers are known for
  48. Southern Ontario spawning several tornadoes as well as creating extreme flash, flooding ,within the city of Toronto and its surrounding communities. In Toronto, it is
  49. To November. The island suffered damage in 1995 from Hurricane Luis and severe, flooding ,5-20 feet from Hurricane Lenny. Economy Anguilla's thin arid soil is largely
  50. Street, causing many business owners and homeowners much turmoil. When this, flooding ,happened, the city had only one little steam pump that had to be used to dry

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