Examples of the the word, gangue , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Dig a trench (known as the" the" ) as deep as possible to allow the finer, gangue , to be washed away. From there they would start working up the valley, using the
  2. Retrieve the minerals they still contain. Minerals that were once thought of as, gangue , and were dumped as tailing, may later find a commercial use. When this
  3. Often necessary to use flux, such as limestone, to remove the accompanying rock, gangue , as slag. Plants for the electrolytic reduction of aluminum are also generally
  4. The process of separating the valuable fraction from the uneconomic fraction (, gangue , ) of an ore. Failings are distinct from overburden or waste rock, which are the
  5. Recrystallization of iron-rich sedimentary rocks. It is often found as a, gangue , mineral associated with gold and a variety of sulfide minerals in ore deposits.
  6. Unwanted, minerals such as quartz, mica and feldspar, collectively known an ", gangue ,". It was relatively easy to separate these minerals on the basis of their very
  7. And to separate valuable materials from materials of no value, referred to as, gangue , Usually, particle size reduction, also referred to as combination, is required
  8. Water-deficient areas, like china, where sand is used to separate coal from the, gangue , minerals. The dense medium separation is also classified as absolute gravity
  9. Falling on to the ore under gravity. The simplest method of separating ore from, gangue , consists of the picking out the individual crystals of each. This is a very
  10. Unweathered),froth flotation is used to physically separate ore from, gangue , For special native copper bearing orebodies or sections of orebodies rich in
  11. Is required to permit efficient separation of the valuable materials from, gangue , Separation processes take advantage of physical properties of the materials in
  12. Particular point in time, the concentration of the wanted mineral (s) in the, gangue , material will determine whether it is commercially viable to mine that deposit.
  13. Often of high purity it was usually still necessary to remove the unwanted ", gangue ," material before the ore could be smelted. The need for this process, which
  14. Deposit, the particles desired must show a marked density contrast with the, gangue , material,which is able to be transported away from the trap site. Only if the
  15. Ore for subsequent processing and break the rocks into the desired mineral and, gangue , in a process known as liberation, which then has to be separated from the
  16. Mixed with, a wanted mineral in an ore deposit. The separation of mineral from, gangue , is known as mineral processing, mineral dressing or ore dressing, and it is a
  17. If beneficial at all, by laborers hand-picking out the pieces of, gangue , ( rock) and hand-screening the product. The great majority of world flake
  18. On the relative physical and surface chemical properties of the mineral and the, gangue , Gravity concentration Historically the earliest method used, particles can be
  19. Industries Mining Froth flotation is a process for separating minerals from, gangue , by taking advantage of differences in their hydrophobicity. Hydrophobicity
  20. Big difficulty: graphite is very soft and" marks" ( coats) the particles of, gangue , This makes the" marked" range particles float off with the graphite to
  21. Of individual mineral phases. These particles are then separated to remove, gangue , thereafter followed by a process of physical liberation of the ore minerals
  22. Is an old Swedish mining term originally used to describe a type of silicate, gangue , or waste rock, associated with iron-ore bearing sulfide deposits apparently
  23. Deposit, especially with metallic minerals, where it often forms a part of the, gangue , ( the surrounding" host-rock" in which valuable minerals occur) and may be
  24. In grinding circuits and to differentiate between the economic mineral and, gangue , Labrador tea is a name commonly applied to three closely related species: *
  25. Of liberation has occurred between the copper sulfide ore minerals and the, gangue , minerals. The ore is then wet, suspended in a slurry, and mixed with mandates
  26. On the large difference in specific gravity between the wanted tin ore and the, gangue , Many mechanical methods were used, including rectangular and
  27. Hydrophobicity. Hydrophobicity differences between valuable minerals and waste, gangue , are increased through the use of surfactants and wetting agents. The selective
  28. Rock itself (range). The Bullock is mined and piled in waste dumps, and the, gangue , is separated during the beneficiaries process and is removed as tailing.
  29. The metallurgical treatment of any ore is the separation of ore minerals from, gangue , minerals within the rock. The first stage of any process within a metallurgical
  30. Soft and" marks" ( coats) the particles of range. This makes the" marked ", gangue , particles float off with the graphite to yield a very impure concentrate. There
  31. The basis of their very different specific gravities – cassiterite about 7 and, gangue ,3 or less. Once a tin-bearing valley had been identified, the stream-workers
  32. Would have been mined by hand and crushed on site, the ore separated from the, gangue , by hand. Often, these shows were short-lived, exhausted and abandoned quite
  33. To liberate it from the lighter silicate minerals. Often, the nature of the, gangue , is important, as clay-rich native copper ores prove difficult to liberate.
  34. History William Haynes in 1869 patented a process for separating sulfide and, gangue , minerals using oil and called it bulk-oil flotation. The first successful
  35. Density than the other material, settle to the bottom of the pan. The lighter, gangue , material such as sand, mud and gravel are then washed over the side of the pan
  36. Water-sediment interface. Sulfates also occur in hydrothermal vein systems as, gangue , minerals along with sulfide ore minerals. Another occurrence is as secondary
  37. Presence of extracted sulfide minerals, some forms of toxic minerals in the, gangue , and often cyanide which is used to treat gold ore via the cyanide leach
  38. Legacy According to the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia: In mining, gangue , is the commercially worthless material that surrounds, or is closely mixed with
  39. Grinding the ore, froth flotation, which selectively separates minerals from, gangue , by taking advantage of differences in their hydrophobicity, is used to get an
  40. À son occupant Dix hours plus hard, le Noumea siege de la SNCF est sort de la, gangue , du grand ensemble de lag are Montparnasse, dans LE 14e arrondissement de Paris
  41. To obtain a purer and purer concentrate, or by leaching (dissolving) the, gangue , with hydrofluoric acid (for a silicate range) or hydrochloric acid (for a
  42. In the Goldfish dissolution series. Quartz occurs in hydrothermal veins as, gangue , along with ore minerals. Large crystals of quartz are found in pegmatites.
  43. For example, they are found within cementing minerals of sedimentary rocks, in,range, minerals such as quartz or calcite in hydrothermal vein deposits, in fossil
  44. Ore, and unwanted minerals which are an intrinsic part of the ore rock itself (, gangue , ). The Bullock is mined and piled in waste dumps, and the range is separated
  45. Acid (for a silicate range) or hydrochloric acid (for a carbonate, gangue , ). In the milling process, the incoming graphite products and concentrates can
  46. The materials left over after the removal of the uneconomic fraction (, gangue , ) of the ore) also provide some archaeological evidence from Stage gold
  47. Separation (extractive metallurgy) of valuable metals or minerals from their, gangue , ( waste material). Since most metals are present in ores as oxides or sulfides
  48. Valuable ore minerals, with the remainder of the ore being unwanted rock or, gangue , minerals,typically silicate minerals or oxide minerals for which there is
  49. By leaching (dissolving) the range with hydrofluoric acid (for a silicate, gangue , ) or hydrochloric acid (for a carbonate range). In the milling process, the
  50. Iron and sulfur in the chalcopyrite, and unwanted impurities such as silicate, gangue , minerals or other sulfide minerals, typically minor amounts of pyrite

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