Examples of the the word, renew , in a Sentence Context

The word ( renew ), is the 4600 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Platform. Lincoln provided Grant with more troops and mobilized his party to, renew ,its support of Grant in the war effort. Sherman's capture of Atlanta in
  2. Years and expired in 1811 under President Madison, because Congress refused to, renew ,it. In 1816,however, Madison revived it in the form of the Second Bank of the
  3. 2005 after failing to attract more than 5,000 subscribers and after failing to, renew ,its license, in accordance to the new Belize government. * Located is the
  4. Will reach all available DHCP servers. If some other DHCP server is able to, renew ,the lease, it will do so at this time. In order for rebinding to work, when the
  5. To the northeast of Gettysburg. Third day of battle General Lee wished to, renew ,the attack on Friday,July 3,using the same basic plan as the previous day:
  6. Became less likely. In April the Soviet Union issued notice that it would not, renew ,its neutrality agreement. Japan's ally Germany surrendered in early May 1945.
  7. After filming Young at Heart (1954) with Frank Sinatra, Day chose not to, renew ,her contract with Warner Brothers. She elected to work under the advice and
  8. Orkney and de la Quiche faced each other across the Petite Greece ready to, renew ,hostilities. The arrival of the transferring squadrons now began to tip the
  9. Kingdom. He ends this prophecy with the declaration that God will one day, renew ,the covenant, and will take Israel back in love. In Chapter three, at God's
  10. Publication was the marker (1932 through 1963),and any new owners failed to, renew ,them to maintain the copyrights, the exact copyright status of all of Howard's
  11. For the use of the Portuguese term 'negro' to encompass non-whites to, renew ,a black consciousness and identity, in effect an African descent rule. In Asia
  12. And quotes from Isaiah 40,verse 31:" But they that wait upon the Lord shall, renew ,their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and
  13. Of glycerol. Crystal ceased operations in 1999 when they were unable to, renew ,their service contract with Preservation. Crystal’s two patients stored at
  14. Of 75 %. Rommel's retreat On 3 November Montgomery found it impossible to, renew ,his attack, and he had to wait for more reinforcements to be brought up. This
  15. The arts,Steiner's new art of earthly gained early renown. Earthly seeks to, renew ,the spiritual foundations of dance, revealing speech and music in visible
  16. 1912) and edited an anthology of futurist poets. But his attempts to, renew ,the style of poetry did not satisfy him. So much so that in his foreword to the
  17. The horizon, then carried it through the other world after sunset, only to, renew ,it, again,the next day. Some New Kingdom royal tombs exhibit a threefold image
  18. For that reason, Fiji was persisting in its efforts to persuade Australia to, renew ,the South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation – Textile Clothing
  19. The public domain because Orion Television, successor to Film ways, neglected to, renew ,their copyrights. As a result, these episodes have been unofficially released
  20. Of Martin Luther. In July 1520 Durer made his fourth and last major journey, to, renew , the Imperial pension Maximilian had given him and to secure the patronage of
  21. As the first treaty, it was the only one with a limit). No attempt was made to, renew ,its mandate; instead, the Treaty of Nice transferred certain of its elements to
  22. Seeking God’s transformation of 1,000 existing Congregations in ways that will, renew ,their witness. * Working to nurture leadership for newly formed and transformed
  23. Depending on the location, continuing education may be required to, renew ,these licenses. Specialty training is available through part-time postgraduate
  24. Nevertheless,Boston's management decided a change was in order and did not, renew ,Little's contract. He was replaced by former Philadelphia Phillies manager
  25. Worker. He decided to return to Paris, but the State Department refused to, renew ,his passport. Laurent's spent three months trying to clear his name, and after
  26. Allocated leases that last for some period of time. Clients begin to attempt to, renew ,their leases once half the lease interval has expired. They do this by sending
  27. The Lord’s Supper. In the communion meal, the members of the Mennonite churches, renew ,their covenant with God and with each other. Plymouth Brethren Among both open
  28. Championship season as a minor league. After the season, the AL declined to, renew ,its membership in the National Agreement and declared itself a major league.
  29. Stopped the sponsorship for several months. In late 2006,Cadbury did not, renew ,their contract, but agreed to sponsor the show until Coronation Street found a
  30. The face of increasing control by the warrior class. The clergy was forced to, renew ,and define itself. There was a battle against simony. The roadmap to celibacy
  31. States came to an end under President Madison because Congress refused to, renew ,its charter. The Second Bank of the United States was established in 1816,and
  32. Are baptisms at this point or not, it is traditional for the congregation to, renew ,the vows of their baptismal faith. This act is often sealed by the sprinkling
  33. It as a fortuitous event in allowing the Pope to excite popular opinion and to, renew ,his pleas for intervention in the south. The entirely biased chronicler of the
  34. Dropped out of politics altogether out of disillusionment when the time came to, renew ,their membership subscriptions. After a series of highly publicized expulsions
  35. United States, responded by contracting the money supply to pressure Jackson to, renew ,the bank's charter forcing the country into a recession, which the bank blamed
  36. Activity along its Colombian border. Although the U. S. have been refused to, renew ,their lease on the Manta military airbase, deliveries included trucks, patrol
  37. Lopez, singing The Troops hit" Wild Thing ". In 2009 Pepsi decided not to, renew ,his contract. In 2010, he was the star of" Hay at" bottled water campaign.
  38. In coalition with ERC and ICE. After the May 2007 election, the ERC did not, renew ,the coalition agreement and the PSC governed in a minority coalition with ICE
  39. Organised a rally in Parliament Square to coincide with the Commons motion to, renew ,the weapons system. The rally was attended by over 1,000 people. It was
  40. The units he fought were from the Serbian front, tried to convince the Serbs to, renew ,their attack, as the front ahead them was now thinner, but the Serbs rejected
  41. Charlie Waters. The Cowboys, who retain rights to all announcers, chose not to, renew ,Laufenberg's contract in 2006 and brought in Waters. However, Laufenberg did
  42. As large a leap in realism and interactivity as the original Doom, and helped, renew ,interest in the Doom franchise when it was released. Doom has appeared in
  43. Choose between alignment with the United States or Japan, Britain opted not to, renew ,its Japanese alliance and instead signed the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty
  44. Fifth Monarchists like Favor Powell were annoyed at the Rump's failure to, renew ,certain pieces of legislation, such as the Propagation of the Gospel in Wales
  45. Identity. However, in 2002 the Treaty of Paris expired, and with no desire to, renew ,the treaty, all the CSC activities and resources were absorbed by the European
  46. Or becomes reachable again, the DHCP client will succeed in contacting it, and, renew , its lease. If the DHCP server is unreachable for an extended period of time
  47. Lenovo, HP and Toshiba. *In November 2009,Intel agreed to pay AMD $1.25bn and, renew ,a five-year patent cross-licensing agreement as part of a deal to settle all
  48. The arrangement expired in 2009; current president Rafael Cornea vowed not to, renew ,it, and since then the Ecuador has not had any foreign military facilities in
  49. That he tried to lead the Dutch Carabiners, under Major-General Trip, to, renew , the attack and that they refused to follow him. Other members of the British
  50. On 27 July the AFA announced that its board had unanimously decided not to, renew ,his contract. Afterwards on 29 July 2010,Maradona claimed that AFA president

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