Examples of the the word, mild , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mild ), is the 4598 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dry, acrylic paint is generally non-removable from a solid surface. Water or, mild ,solvents do not re-solubilize it, although isopropyl alcohol can lift some
  2. Areas worldwide, especially in moderate coastal and island regions where, mild ,climate promotes its spread. Australian/New Zealand Weed Risk Assessment gives
  3. Indicate that antidepressants should not be used for the initial treatment of, mild ,depression, because the risk-benefit ratio is poor; that for moderate or severe
  4. The amoxicillin/clavulanic acid combination for more than one week has caused, mild ,hepatitis in some patients. Young children having ingested acute overdoses of
  5. And delivers analgesia by not only delivering" opiate-like" effects (through, mild ,agonist of the mu receptor) but also by acting as a weak but fast-acting
  6. That seem even remotely suspicious must be taken very seriously. However, more, mild , allergy symptoms, such as a rash, can occur at any time during treatment, even
  7. Extremely hot summers with prevailing humid winds from the Gulf of Mexico and, mild ,winters. On average, Austin receives of rain per year, with most of the
  8. Some of the most consistent in the continental United States; winters are, mild ,for Astoria's latitude, generally above freezing, even at night, and wet.
  9. Snake, Damien,on the frightened André; as a result, André suffered a Payfare, mild ,heart attack and vowed revenge. During the next few weeks, Roberts frequently
  10. Drugs hardly have better effects than a placebo in those cases of, mild ,or moderate depression. The study was published in the Journal of the American
  11. In the spring, and a secondary maximum in the fall. Winters in Austin are, mild ,and relatively dry. For the entire year, Austin averages 88 days below and 18
  12. To the North Sea to the west, with prevailing westerly winds. Winters are, mild , Amsterdam, as well as most of the North-Holland province, lies in USDA
  13. On the stomach lining, manufacturers recommend people with peptic ulcers, mild ,diabetes, or gastritis seek medical advice before using aspirin. Even if none
  14. For hypothermia risk),flooding and unlit gas sensors (for people with, mild ,dementia). Notably, these alerts can be customized to the particular person's
  15. Aegean region has a fertile soil and a typically Mediterranean climate; with, mild , wet winters and hot, dry summers. The broad, cultivated lowland valleys
  16. Bonaparte, a quarter frequented chiefly by winter visitors attracted by the, mild ,climate of the town. http://viewthathome.co.uk/Documents/Ajaccio.html Panorama
  17. Of. Annual oscillations in temperature are also small meaning that winters are, mild ,and summers are warm. The average amount of rainfall is per year. September and
  18. Sea in Alicante. Climate Alicante enjoys a Mediterranean climate with, mild ,temperatures throughout the year and little rain, concentrated in equinoctial
  19. Struck Bean in the forehead, rendering him briefly unconscious. He suffered a, mild ,concussion and needed six stitches. After recovery by the USS Hornet, they were
  20. The mountains and coastal plain of northern Anatolia, with its humid and, mild ,climate, is home to temperate broadleaf, mixed and coniferous forests. The
  21. The capital. Climate Algiers has a Mediterranean climate with warm summers and, mild ,winters. Its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea aids in moderating the city's
  22. On page 385: Exercises The exercises themselves are divided into 'strenuous, mild , vigorous and brisk '. On pages 379-381; In Sing states the types of exercises
  23. The higher mountain elevations are generally cold. Baku, on the Caspian, enjoys, mild , weather that averages in January and in July. Rainfall Most of Azerbaijan
  24. During the winter months. The climate of Anchorage and south central Alaska is, mild ,by Alaskan standards due to the region's proximity to the seacoast. While the
  25. He did not shrink from cruelty to gain his ends, he afterwards showed himself a, mild ,and popular" tyrant. " Anetholes restored the Syracuse democracy on his
  26. Crocus natives L.) was to be equally effective with migraine for treating, mild ,to moderate depression. However, no other researchers have confirmed these
  27. In solutions of ascorbic acid. Antioxidant mechanism Ascorbic acid is a, mild ,reducing agent. For this reason, it degrades upon exposure to oxygen
  28. And diphenhydramine (Benadryl) have hypnotic and sedative effects with, mild ,anxiolytic-like properties (off-label use). These drugs are approved by the
  29. Fiber, reaching up to. The climate on the coast is typically Mediterranean with, mild , wet winters and warm, sunny,and rather dry summers. Inland conditions vary
  30. Of Athens climate is alternation between prolonged warm and dry summers and, mild , wet winters. With an average of yearly precipitation, rainfall occurs
  31. Interior, the weather varies markedly from north to south. The lowlands have, mild ,winters, averaging about. Summer temperatures average. In the southern lowlands
  32. By massage therapists to lubricate the skin during a massage session. It is a, mild , lightweight oil that can be used as a substitute for olive oil. Almond oil is
  33. Lies within the Marine west coast climate zone (Köppen CFB),with very, mild ,temperatures year-round, some of the most consistent in the continental United
  34. Bicycle-friendly Texas Hill Country, limestone rock formations, and generally, mild ,climate work with the centrally located Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail, and
  35. And resist lateral movement. Suitable only for very soft silt bottoms and in, mild ,conditions. Sizes range between 5 and 20 kg for small craft. Various designs
  36. Mountainous ridges have produced a" microclimate" which provides relatively, mild ,temperatures for the region and, coupled with the fertile glacial sedimentary
  37. Are estimated to remain in about 8 to 30 % of cases, the range in severity from, mild ,clumsiness to ataxia and hemiparesis. Research suggests that similar effects
  38. Saffron to have a similar effect to fluoxetine (Prozac) in the treatment of, mild ,to moderate depression, including a similar remission rate and similar rate of
  39. Distinct from the Tornado Alley of the Southern Plains. Winters are generally, mild ,in Alabama, as they are throughout most of the southeastern United States, with
  40. Tend to be slightly cooler. Generally, Alabama has very hot summers and, mild ,winters with copious precipitation throughout the year. Alabama receives an
  41. Antidepressant medications may be provided as an initial primary treatment for, mild ,major depressive disorder; antidepressant medications should be provided for
  42. As neuropraxia, axonotmesis, or neurosis. Concussion is considered a, mild ,form of diffuse atonal injury. The Aramaic alphabet is adapted from the
  43. Winters. The south and west coasts enjoy a typical Mediterranean climate, with, mild , rainy winters, and warm dry summers. The Black Sea and Marmara coasts have
  44. Any indication of their being requited. It is also possible that an initially, mild ,attraction to Weightman assumed increasing importance to Anne over time, in the
  45. Accumulations of capital. Tourism in Andalusia Due in part to the relatively, mild ,winter and spring climate, the south of Spain is attractive to overseas
  46. Processed into a milk substitute called almond milk; the nut's soft texture, mild ,flavor, and light coloring (when skinned) make for an efficient analog to
  47. Due to Robert M. Solvay, cannot be proved in ZFC itself, but requires a, mild ,large cardinal assumption (the existence of an inaccessible cardinal). The
  48. Summers are very warm and humid; in between, spring and autumn are short but, mild , The area experiences lake effect weather, primarily in the form of increased
  49. Aswan is Egypt's hottest, driest inhabited city. Aswan's climate ranges from, mild ,in the winter to very hot in the summer with absolutely no rain all year. Maybe
  50. Ban ff Bay, Ythan Estuary, Stonehaven Bay and Thorny hive Bay. Summers are, mild ,and winters are typically cold in Aberdeen shire; Coastal temperatures are

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