Examples of the the word, competent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( competent ), is the 4599 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The random assignment of responsibility to individuals who may or may not be, competent ,has obvious risks, but the system included features meant to obviate possible
  2. SBS TTA). The SBS TTA is a committee composed of experts from member governments, competent ,in relevant fields. It plays a key role in making recommendations to the COP on
  3. Russian. He was the first phonetician to produce, in his" Sichuan Reader ",a, competent ,description of an African tone language, including the concept of down step.
  4. Judicial system culminates in the Supreme Court. The High Court of Justice is, competent ,to try government officials for major offenses. The Supreme Court or Four
  5. A form of communication; and even primitive creatures such as corals are, competent ,to communicate. Nonhuman communication also include cell signaling, cellular
  6. Three months, with the singles Mono and" Hold on to Me ", both of which earned, competent ,spots on album charts. Love has publicly expressed her regret over the record
  7. Frozen Daemon, which would cause it to reset and lose all memory, or await a, competent ,robotics technician who would be able to resurrect the cat-robot one day.
  8. Of the gentry background. Expertise in the Confucian classics did not guarantee, competent ,bureaucrats who could manage public works or prepare a budget. The early
  9. Which he called delaying defense ". This is a crude caricature of a highly, competent ,general who authored Army Regulation 300 (Troop Leadership) in 1933,the
  10. Considerably the individual remuneration, and,as a consequence, able and, competent ,men no longer sought the office, and hence the old style of writing and
  11. Also had never truly mastered the German language, and he now felt no longer, competent ,to continue as assistant opera director. A further blow to his career was
  12. And didn’t leave his side until the 1970s,shortly before Poirot’s death. A, competent , matter-of-fact man with an extensive knowledge of the English aristocracy and
  13. Age of consent is the minimum age at which a person is considered to be legally, competent ,to consent to sexual acts. The European Union calls it the legal age for sexual
  14. Received mixed reviews from critics, who noted the song as a classic hit and, competent ,single, despite considering it as an unremarkable song that only refers to
  15. Were also produced. Berkeley was very keen to race his cars and he was a very, competent ,driver. One of the very few motor manufacturers to actually sit in and race the
  16. Missile Systems Group and corresponding spares and upgrades, even a technically, competent ,operator would have extreme difficulty fielding operational weapons. Most
  17. Origin, such as immune cells also move to where they need to be. Besides immune, competent ,cells (granulocyte, monocyte,lymphocyte) a large group of cells - considered
  18. Of the Voice Universities Brussels). The Common Community Commission is, competent ,for policies aiming directly at private persons or at bilingual institutions (
  19. It, could provide a significant advantage to a warrior when combined with, competent ,fighting techniques. However, a good sword blow arriving in exactly
  20. Monsignor ". As prelates, and therefore possessing the legal dignity, they were, competent ,to receive and execute papal commands. Benedict XIV (Coast. 3," Maximo" )
  21. In Southern Europe, the Cretaceous is usually a marine system consisting of, competent ,limestone beds or in competent marks. Because the Alpine mountain chains did not
  22. Faith in themselves. The men knew what they could do under an extremely, competent ,general; one of lesser ability and courage could well have lost the battle. "
  23. That the result of the trial would have been different had the lawyer given, competent ,representation, he is entitled to a new trial. In the United States, a lawyer
  24. Law" meaning treatise or textbook, often relied upon as authoritative, competent , and generally accepted in the field of Canadian law. In lawyer lingo, hornbook
  25. He damaged his eyesight correcting proofs and editing the manuscripts of less, competent ,contributors. He spent his days at workshops, mastering manufacturing processes
  26. According to former Wisconsin state historian William F. Thompson," ... a very, competent ,regional historian who based his historical writing upon research in the
  27. Knowledge of the disease and its effects; a positive relationship with a, competent ,medical doctor and therapist; and good physical health, which includes exercise
  28. Contracting Parties including: *Establishing national focal points (NPS) and, competent ,national authorities (CNAs) to serve as contact points for information, grant
  29. Phillip was a guest-hostage in Thebes. Thessaly was widely known for producing, competent ,cavalrymen, and later experiences in wars both with and against the Persians
  30. Wellesley,1st Duke of Wellington - quite conservative and yet exceedingly, competent , Wellington is better-known to posterity, because he led one of the two Allied
  31. An" attender" or" snowman ". Scoring an attender against a relatively, competent ,team is very difficult; in curling, it is considered the equivalent of pitching
  32. There is also the risk that the target could be replaced by an even more, competent ,leader or such a killing (or a failed attempt) will" martyr" a leader and
  33. This by noting that knowledge of innate intelligence was not essential to the, competent ,practice of chiropractic. This concept was later expanded upon by his son, B.
  34. Being judged by ecclesiastical tribunals of ordinary rank): only the pope is, competent ,to judge them in matters subject to ecclesiastical jurisdiction (cases that
  35. Of which the first may be divided again into subcategories if so desired by the, competent ,regulatory authority: *Category 1: known or presumed to have carcinogenic
  36. Stressed the importance of training novice pilots properly. Nevertheless, competent ,pilots who used the P-40's strengths were effective against the best of the
  37. Requirement that every member of every team in mission control be" tough and, competent ,", requiring nothing less than perfection throughout NASA's programs. It was
  38. Naval, aeronautical,and astronautical—has always been the place where the most, competent ,thinking is conducted regarding living, as opposed to weaponry. " As well as
  39. Rarely showed emotion in public, and often appeared condescending to those less, competent ,or less well-born than himself (which was nearly everyone). However, Álava
  40. Begin. Its report on Croatia described it as a modern democratic society with a, competent ,economy and the ability to take on further obligations, provided it continued
  41. As to choice of officers to serve under him. The new command came with a, competent ,Flag Lieutenant, Charles Dix, but Beatty was not happy with him, and anyway the
  42. Is the designated Incident Commander (IC) until the arrival of someone more, competent , This person makes the IC initial assessment of the scene and determines the
  43. Of a God shall hold any office in the civil departments of this State, nor be, competent ,to testify as a witness in any Court. " However, in 1961,the United States
  44. Him to Arthur Wellesley,1st Duke of Wellington, conservative,cautious, and, competent , Charles was a study in contrasts. As a practitioner, he was flawless in
  45. Opposed. As William says," he was a man of wisdom and discretion, fully, competent , to hold the reins of government in the kingdom. " He is considered the last of
  46. States because the country lacked a" powerful, centralized government of, competent ,men, remaining continuously in office" and because" only a small percentage
  47. Haggard Terminal in New York. He catches Deign Taggart's eye as one of the few, competent ,men on staff. After seeing the sorry state of the Ohio Division, she decides to
  48. At a fixed parity between the euro and the CFA and Comoran francs * The, competent ,French authorities shall keep the European Commission, the European Central
  49. That for the plea to be accepted, the defendant must have been advised by a, competent ,lawyer who was able to inform the individual that his best decision in the case
  50. To be his tepid pursuit of Lee after the battle. A number of Meade's most, competent ,subordinates—Winfield S. Hancock, John Gibbon, Gouverneur K. Warren, and Henry

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