Examples of the the word, continually , in a Sentence Context

The word ( continually ), is the 4590 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The" many world" theory would naturally involve many worlds, in fact a, continually ,exploding array of universes. In quantum theory, new worlds would proliferate
  2. To land that was not in use, arguing that an individual would have to use land, continually ,in order to retain exclusive right to it. If this practice is not followed, he
  3. Into two groups whose outcome in food foraging was controlled. One group was, continually ,rewarded with prey, while it was made certain that the other failed. As a
  4. Show. Vonda Shepard, a virtually unknown artist at the time, was featured, continually ,on the show. Her song" Searching' My Soul" became the show's theme song.
  5. When the universe was extremely hot and dense, matter and antimatter were, continually ,produced and annihilated. The presence of remaining matter, and absence of
  6. Herself. Korzybski's remedy was to deny identity; in this example, to be aware, continually ,that" Elizabeth" is not what you would call her. We find Elizabeth not in the verbal
  7. When the key was not in use, that switch was kept closed, so that a signal was, continually ,sent. If that steady-state signal was interrupted, it indicated one of two
  8. An altogether different phage type, the filamentous phages, make the host cell, continually ,secrete new virus particles. Released virions are described as free, and
  9. The Universe, the Universe was in full thermal equilibrium, with photons being, continually ,emitted and absorbed, giving the radiation a blackbody spectrum. As the
  10. The Braves began playing in 1871 as the Boston Red Stockings, and is the oldest, continually ,operating professional sports franchise in America. The Braves won the World
  11. As follows: It then occurred to me that these causes or their equivalents are, continually ,acting in the case of animals also; and as animals usually breed much more
  12. He reveled in mimicry and" voice tricks" akin to ventriloquism that, continually ,entertained family guests during their occasional visits. He also developed a
  13. Average of ca. 50 warriors. Conflicts with the Roman Empire The Alemannic were, continually ,engaged in conflicts with the Roman Empire in the third and fourth centuries.
  14. General during a triumph, with the individual holding the crown charged to, continually ,repeat" memento mori ", or," Remember, you are mortal ", to the triumphant
  15. Self-assertion and foresaw unions of egoists, non-systematic associations, continually ,renewed by all parties' support through an act of will, which Sterner proposed
  16. The Arab music world, especially Egypt and the Middle East, since the mid '80s, continually , breaking sales records ". Musical career In 1983,Dial released his first
  17. Soldiers marched eastward to Portsmouth in continuing bad weather, being, continually , robbed and threatened by local people. About 1,000 died of exposure and hunger
  18. All the teeth had saw-like edges. They were shed easily, and were replaced, continually , making them common fossils. (although they were fragile). Within the
  19. Artifacts from the museum's collection. In the gallery foyer is a TV that, continually ,plays baseball bloopers and the popular Abbott and Costello routine" Who's on
  20. Instead. Alex also accommodates the Park Inn Berlin and the World Time Clock,a, continually ,rotating installation that shows the time throughout the globe, and Hermann
  21. Work permits for foreigners are issued only for short periods and must be, continually ,renewed. Despite these restrictions, foreigners make up a significant portion
  22. To take the ball in the air and hit a swinging volley for the winner. Agassi, continually ,put pressure on opponents with a preference to taking the ball early and was
  23. Near the Royal Mews. Unlike the palace and the castle, the gallery is open, continually ,and displays a changing selection of items from the collection. The rooms
  24. It can continue to grow by absorbing additional matter. Any black hole will, continually ,absorb gas and interstellar dust from its direct surroundings and omnipresent
  25. Cambridge, England,Franklin and fellow scientist John Hadley experimented by, continually ,wetting the ball of a mercury thermometer with ether and using bellows to
  26. After the Reconquista, due to their allegiance with Barbary pirates who, continually ,attacked coastal cities and caused much harm to trade. This act cost the region
  27. In Philadelphia, he wrote in his autobiography," new Places of worship were, continually ,wanted, and generally erected by voluntary Contribution, my Mite for such
  28. Besetting his reign. Italy was lost, raiders from Moravia and Hungary were, continually ,raiding his lands, and Thuringia was in revolt against Twentyfold. He was
  29. Number of entrances and exits, entrance ramps without merge lanes, and, continually , escalating vehicular loads. Local businesses again wanted relief, historians
  30. Sequins, their neighbors on the other side of the Arab, with whom they were, continually ,warring with, invaded their country and subjugated them with the assistance of
  31. Then with a cancer cell line. The fused cells are called hybrids, and will, continually ,grow and secrete antibody in culture. Single hybrid cells are isolated by
  32. Of subjectively perceived beauty. Here the premise is that any observer, continually ,tries to improve the predictability and compressibility of the observations by
  33. Of comics was being undermined, and that the space they occupied in newspapers, continually ,decreased, subject to arbitrary whims of shortsighted publishers. Furthermore
  34. Religious imagery destroyed. As a consequence,Egypt's pagan culture was, continually ,in decline. While the native population continued to speak their language, the
  35. hard-pressed to organize any sort of counter-attack. The French forces were, continually ,ordered to form new lines along rivers, often arriving to find the German
  36. Farmers. The term depicts the push for innovation, stewardship and advancements, continually ,made by growers to sustainably produce higher-quality products with a reduced
  37. It back to rooms. Whenever the air conditioner is running, this cycle repeats, continually , * Because the condenser unit (with its fan and the compressor) is located
  38. Most American individualists of the nineteenth-century believed it must, continually ,be in use to retain title. Lysander Spooner was an exception from those who
  39. S was settled in 1612 and made Bermuda's first capital. It is the oldest, continually ,inhabited English town in the New World. In 1649,the English Civil War raged
  40. The ability to monitor the RIO's display) and, importantly,the AWG-9 could, continually ,search and track multiple targets after Phoenix missiles were launched, thereby
  41. Be appeased with offerings and prayers. The structure of this pantheon changed, continually ,as new deities were promoted in the hierarchy, but priests made no effort to
  42. Sell stocks as if" betting" on an outcome. Since profits are so great, they, continually , press for stalemate to keep the conflict in an ongoing cycle of minor advances
  43. Is the result of social and political consensus; its traditions cannot be, continually ,challenged—the result would be anarchy. One of the key arguments of
  44. Most jobs per capita of any Swiss city. The small scale of Aarav causes it to, continually ,expand the borders of its growth. The urban center lies in the middle of the "
  45. Care of Desiree's daughter Fredrika. Fredrika misses her mother, but Desiree, continually ,puts off going to see her, preferring,somewhat ironically," The Glamorous
  46. Since early manuscripts reveal that he often wrote with extreme care, continually ,revising. Grigorovich's advice nevertheless inspired a more serious, artistic
  47. And Gotta Go Home In the 2008 Kazakh film Julian, the tractor driver Bond, continually ,plays a cassette of Rivers of Babylon, an example of his fascination for all
  48. Latin, and he is also writing a book, but he is such a perfectionist that he, continually ,rewrites the first sentence and can get no further. One of his problems in life
  49. Optic, Leipzig and Berlin,1902). The radii, thicknesses and distances are, continually ,altered until the errors of the image become sufficiently small. By this method
  50. To his friend," This is the man I was looking for. " From that day he stayed, continually ,with Ammonium and acquired so complete a training in philosophy that he became

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