Examples of the the word, altogether , in a Sentence Context

The word ( altogether ), is the 4591 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Achieved operational status. The B-25Cs and DS were designated Mitchell II, altogether , 167 B-25Cs and 371 B-25Ds were delivered to the RAF. A total of 93 Mitchell Is
  2. Is, to reproduce a single plane in another plane; but even this has not been, altogether ,satisfactorily accomplished, aberrations always occur, and it is improbable
  3. To raid the Seljuk camps, but these victories were unable to stop the Turks, altogether , As early as 1090,Alexios had taken reconciliatory measures towards the Papacy
  4. Protestant or Catholic Church, or perhaps as a distinct branch of Christianity, altogether , The distinction between Reformed and Catholic, and the coherence of the two
  5. Bob Kane noted that, as a result, DC was" planning to kill Batman off, altogether , " In response to this, editor Julius Schwartz was assigned to the Batman
  6. Leaves. A few species (such as Acacia glaucoptera) lack leaves or followed, altogether , but possess instead stems functioning as leaves. The small flowers have five
  7. From observing their own holy days. There were four landmark Sunday-law cases, altogether ,in 1961. The other three were Gallagher v. Crown Kosher Super Market of Mass.
  8. Military habits, and habitual disregard of laws and constitutional provisions, altogether ,unfit for the office. " Besides Jackson and Crawford, the Secretary of State
  9. Off from the aisles, or,as at Bolton, Kirkham, etc., is destitute of aisles, altogether , The nave in the northern houses, not infrequently, had only a north aisle, as
  10. The capos and sonderkommandos were supervised by members of the SS;, altogether ,6,000 SS members worked at Auschwitz. Command of the women's camp, which was
  11. And, in the 6th century, the practice of exempting religious houses partly or, altogether ,from episcopal control, and making them responsible to the pope alone, received
  12. A 1947 poll of newspaper readers who claimed they ignored the comics page, altogether ,revealed that many confessed to making a single exception: Li'l Abner. " When
  13. Loss as to how to deal with them, although in many episodes they do skip school, altogether , They have little remorse for their actions, as in one episode, when Butt-head
  14. Patterns, and arabesques. Human or animal depiction is generally forbidden, altogether ,in Islamic cultures because it is said to lead to sculptural pieces which then
  15. The greater part of the public professors have, for these many years, given up, altogether ,even the pretence of teaching. " Smith is also reported to have complained to
  16. And volume are found to accompany modifications of affection—and so on. Apart, altogether ,from the facts that this investigation is still in its infancy and that the
  17. In other cases it can lead to a fear of interacting with unfamiliar people, altogether , There can be a tendency among those suffering from this condition to restrict
  18. Band marked a change in Black Sabbath's sound. " They were totally different, altogether ,", Iommi explains. " Not only voice-wise, but attitude-wise. Ozzy was a great
  19. Well as the registration of prostitutes. In the 3rd century AD it disappeared, altogether , Under the empire, Roman colonies and cities often had officials with powers
  20. Anderson's way. When I came back from Tull, I came back with a new attitude, altogether , They taught me that to get on, you got to work for it. " While playing shows
  21. Early in the Second Temple era. Herschel demonstrated that this view is not, altogether ,accurate. Belief in the possibility of continued prophetic inspiration, and in
  22. Installments of serials that could stop, restart from earlier, be abandoned, altogether ,or change direction abruptly without warning. * parodies of poetry or drama
  23. In March when Gladstone moved resolutions to disestablish the Irish Church, altogether , The proposal divided the Conservative Party while reuniting the Liberals under
  24. As many councillors ceased to offer advice and some stopped attending meetings, altogether , ) * Judges' commissions are valid quasi see been dessert (during good
  25. EU members. The tourism sector has been recovering and helping the economy, altogether ,in the process, with popular winter skiing destinations as well as summer
  26. Called endomysia, which attacks and breaks down the cell wall peptidoglycan. An, altogether ,different phage type, the filamentous phages, make the host cell continually
  27. And side effects. Therefore, it might be better in some cases to avoid treatment, altogether ,and simply accept a small risk of coming to harm from the AVM itself. This
  28. No Americans were killed because the soldiers were staying in a different hotel, altogether , and they went on to Somalia as scheduled. However, little noticed, the attack
  29. Korean, Thai,and Ancient Greek, etc. etc. are different phonemes, altogether , Alemannic German dialects have aspirated as well as aspirated; the latter
  30. In 1933,after Hitler assumed full power in Germany," he renounced pacifism, altogether ,... In fact, he urged the Western powers to prepare themselves against another
  31. From office, and upon a second violation of the law, shall be deprived of it, altogether , and if the delinquent be an abbreviated, he shall be excommunicated. Should a
  32. Stones were often placed in distinctive patterns. The Chapman structures, altogether ,required the wood of 200,000 coniferous trees, mostly hauled—on foot—from
  33. Engraving techniques in a single plate, and produced about 122 intaglio prints, altogether , Public life As the superintendent of the municipal buildings Adorer had
  34. Zaragoza, Ejea de Los Caballeros, and Terkel. According to recent polls, altogether ,they only make up around 10,000 active speakers and about 30,000 passive
  35. Was to inflict physical cruelties as she directed. The kind of relation was, altogether ,new to me; and it was because of this, intensified as it was by the environment
  36. Which" Alpha" is not the brightest star, and four of those lack an alpha star, altogether , (Constellations with no alpha include Vela and Puppies, both formerly part of
  37. To maximum carrier amplitude, and vice versa. The carrier is never shut off, altogether ,; this is to ensure that intercarrier sound demodulation can still occur. Each
  38. Parts of the region throughout Horseshoe Canyon times before finally receding, altogether ,in the years after. Due to the changing sea levels,many environments
  39. His career in slave trading lasted a few years more until he quit going to sea, altogether ,and began studying theology. Ordained in the Church of England in 1764,Newton
  40. Causes an application to abort its current operation or to exit (terminate), altogether , The inherent ambiguity of many control characters, combined with their
  41. Hum cancellation decreasing when the pickups are used at unequal volume and, altogether ,absent when each pickup is used individually. 'J' Style pickups tend to have a
  42. Character: Yahweh (lit. " I will be what I will be" ). God's character is, altogether ,active. While Jonah flees, God pursues. While Jonah falls, God lifts. The
  43. Are closed, as is the port. In summer, the inhabitants lose touch with the sea, altogether ,:" for all its nearness, the sea was out of bounds; young limbs had no longer
  44. Of the day. Bruce A. Martin further proposed that the prefixes be abandoned, altogether , and the letter B be used as a binary exponent, similar to E notation, too
  45. To two or more distinct pitches. The tuning screw may also shut off the drone, altogether , In most type of pipes, where there is one drone it is pitched two octaves
  46. Who used in 1550 and 1552 forms which as he (the Pope) says are null, were, altogether , unable to reform them in 1662,(Roman) Fathers come under the self-same law.
  47. Likely be lower in the scheme of things),or (3) abandon these hierarchies, altogether ,and join/form a non-hierarchical association such as a cooperative, commune
  48. Of the atoms in the condensate seemed to have disappeared from the experiment, altogether , not being seen either in the cold remnant or the expanding gas cloud. The
  49. In silk, and adopting sumptuous attire. Some even laid aside the monastic habit, altogether , and assumed a secular dress. With the increase of wealth and power, abbots had
  50. Announcement caused Sapolsky to drop the Dardanelles Straits question, altogether , in an effort to obtain a European conference over the Bosnian Annexation. This

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