Examples of the the word, harvest , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harvest ), is the 3854 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If it's farming you want, Hesiod knows it all, when to plant, when to, harvest , How godlike: :Homer got to be famous,I'll tell if you ask: he taught us what
  2. Of Boaz's kindness, and she gleans in his field through the remainder of the, harvest ,season. Boat is a close relative of Naomi's husband's family. He is therefore
  3. Its roots as a full-moon harvest festival of" tabernacles" ( huts wherein the, harvest ,was processed and which later gained religious significance). There are also
  4. Pāua can be granted legally under Māori customary rights. When such permits to, harvest ,are abused, it is frequently difficult to police. The legal recreational daily
  5. States and Canada, and the Jewish Sukkot holiday with its roots as a full-moon, harvest ,festival of" tabernacles" ( huts wherein the harvest was processed and which
  6. For survival in an agrarian environment. Thousands starved before the first, harvest , Hunger and malnutrition—bordering on starvation—were constant during those
  7. Australia Tasmania supplies approximately 25 % of the yearly world abalone, harvest , Around 12,500 Tasmanian's recreationally fish for black lip and green lip abalone
  8. Project in Louisiana and commandeers thousands of railcars to move the, harvest , As a result, the year's wheat crop from Minnesota never reaches the rest of
  9. Of purification and transition, heralding in the season in the hope of a good, harvest ,later in the year, and were accompanied by ritual acts to protect the people
  10. Vegetables and grains that ripen at this time. Many cultures feature autumnal, harvest ,festivals, often the most important on their calendars. Still extant echoes of
  11. From elsewhere. He spent so much on security and protection for them that his, harvest ,cost him a fortune and also nobody in the area would serve him in shops, or
  12. The celebration of the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat, harvest , Ruth figures as one of four females named in the genealogy of Jesus at the
  13. Conducted by Punjabi farmers in 11th century to celebrate the coming of the, harvest ,season. The specific moves of bhangra reflect the manner in which villagers
  14. Mature root planted at the start of the rainy season. Name "/IN"> EB"/> Growers, harvest ,aback fields every three to eight months after an initial growth period of
  15. Barley harvest , and that Shavuot is the celebration of the end of the barley, harvest ,and the beginning of the wheat harvest . Ruth figures as one of four females
  16. 182) is the number of days of the corn's cycle, from its sowing to its, harvest , three Nepohualtzintzin (273) is the number of days of a baby's gestation
  17. Malaysian government announced the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy plan to, harvest ,the virgin hinterlands of Northern Borneo. Further deforestation and
  18. In a grain bin, which Cellar suggests might have been a means of ensuring the, harvest ,or protecting the food supply. Whereas Cellar excavated nearly two hundred
  19. Is called, from a Spanish origin * In Finnish, the month is called, meaning ", harvest ,month" * In French, the month is called (pronounced" NOT" or just" OO" )
  20. On the Nile to water their crops. From March to May, farmers used sickles to, harvest ,their crops, which were then threshed with a flail to separate the straw from
  21. Standards are very strict, in 2004 an estimated 45 percent of Bulgaria’s timber, harvest ,was logged illegally because of corruption in the forest service. Some 7.5
  22. Significance). There are also the many North American Indian festivals tied to, harvest ,of autumnally ripe foods gathered in the wild, the Chinese Mid-Autumn or Moon
  23. And railroad rolling stock across the Volga and out of harm's way. This ", harvest ,victory" left the city short of food even before the German attack began.
  24. Historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter, harvest , " It offered an apology to all African-Americans for" condoning and/or
  25. Europeans began around the mid-18th century, as fur traders entered the area to, harvest ,sea otters. While it is thought that Sir Francis Drake may have explored the
  26. Industry The city is also famous for its production of salt and for its seaweed, harvest , which is used for fertilizer in the area. Famous people The famous explorer
  27. Increased yield, improved disease resistance and drought tolerance, eased, harvest , and improved the taste and nutritional value of crop plants. Careful selection
  28. Unlike other civilizations, whose armies had to disband during the planting and, harvest ,seasons, the Spartan serfs or helots, did the manual labor. This allowed the
  29. Is most likely due to the fact that the story takes place during the barley, harvest , and that Shavuot is the celebration of the end of the barley harvest and the
  30. Read and write, the only people whose use of language we now know),the word, harvest ,lost its reference to the time of year and came to refer only to the actual
  31. Then, to ensure a continued supply of honeydew. Ants also tend mealybugs to, harvest ,their honeydew. Mealybugs can become a serious pest of pineapples if ants are
  32. From warm to cold weather, and its related status as the season of the primary, harvest , has dominated its themes and popular images. In Western cultures
  33. Of Ukraine from the Soviet Union in 1991. *One of the three Funds patent,a, harvest ,feast involving the dead. (Roman Empire) External links
  34. With their legs, occasionally popping open the buds to allow the bees to, harvest ,the nectar and pollen, and therefore aid in the pollination of the mistletoe
  35. 1:16–17 NKJV) The two women return to Bethlehem. It is the time of the barley, harvest , and in order to support her mother-in-law and herself, Ruth goes to the fields
  36. Māori language),this can be a particularly awkward problem where the right to, harvest ,Paul can be granted legally under Māori customary rights. When such permits to
  37. Usually following tradition of sun-drying). In Costa Rica, more modern, harvest ,and drying techniques are being developed to accommodate the very high yields
  38. More food and thereby the local tribes were forced to give up part of their, harvest , which had not been good that year. Understandably the starving Euronews were
  39. And the Armenia ants of Australia. In South Africa, ants are used to help, harvest ,rewinds (Apparatus linear is),which are small seeds used to make a herbal
  40. And the three-field system were not as effective in clearing new fields for, harvest ,as they were in the Mediterranean because the north had poor, clay-like soil.
  41. Academic: had the battle taken place in the true month of August, when the, harvest ,was becoming ripe,Pompey's strategy of starving Caesar would have been
  42. Had sent to destroy Caledon because King Census had forgotten her at the, harvest ,sacrifices. In the hunt, Atalanta drew the first blood, and was awarded the
  43. Wins over most animals and gains their trust by leading a very successful first, harvest , but is driven out of the farm by Napoleon. Snowball genuinely works for the
  44. Camels, llamas,alpacas, and dogs, are often used to help cultivate fields, harvest ,crops, wrangle other animals, and transport farm products to buyers. Animal
  45. The state than outside it. Many Alaskans take advantage of salmon seasons to, harvest ,portions of their household diet while fishing for subsistence, as well as
  46. Basavanna (the ceremonial ox decorated for door-to-door exhibition during the, harvest ,festival Sankranthi) have long defined Telugu culture. The village of Drug is
  47. Trees, such as the Too almond tree, have been around for a while, but their, harvest ,is not as desirable as the insect-pollinated California Nonpareil almond tree.
  48. Infighting. Foreign investment and tourism fell off. Also, in 1998 the main, harvest ,was hit by drought. But in 1999,the first full year of peace in 30 years
  49. Husbandry not only refers to the breeding and raising of animals for meat or to, harvest ,animal products (like milk, eggs,or wool) on a continual basis, but also to
  50. Century, but it became common by the 16th century. Before the 16th century, harvest ,was the term usually used to refer to the season, as it is common in other West

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